Marie-Ève Blackburn, Ph.D.

With a background in sociology and demography, Dr. Blackburn has been a researcher since 2003 at ÉCOBES-Recherche et transfert, a technology transfer center in innovative social practices at the Cégep de Jonquière. In 2013, she received a PhD in Applied Humanities from the Université de Montréal. Applying an interdisciplinary approach, Dr. Blackburn’s research interests include a variety of subjects relating to young people involving both quantitative as well as qualitative methods. Her research interests focus on the development of psychological and social well-being among youths, such as their self-esteem and body satisfaction. She is also interested in the educational and vocational aspirations of youths, as well as questions related to their professional integration and educational background. Dr. Blackburn’s experience with multisector and multidisciplinary collaborations have led her to develop a specific expertise in knowledge transfer and popularization of research results. She is also an Associate Professor at the Department of Health Sciences at the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi since 2014.

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