La communauté de l’UQAC en publication (avril 2012)

La bibliothèque Paul-Émile-Boulet est heureuse de présenter les parutions scientifiques du mois d’avril publiées par les membres de la communauté universitaire de l’UQAC. Ces publications sont recensées dans les banques de données Web of Science et Scopus.

Bahoura, M., & Ezzaidi, H. (2012). FPGA-implementation of discrete wavelet transform with application to signal denoising. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 31(3), 987-1015.

Balima, O., Boulanger, J., Charette, A., & Marceau, D. (2010). Optical tomography with a least square finite element formulation of the collimated irradiation in frequency domain. Compte-rendu.

Balima, O., Favennec, Y., Boulanger, J., & Charette, A. (2012). Optical tomography with the discontinuous Galerkin formulation of the radiative transfer equation in frequency domain. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 113(10), 805-814.

Basbous, T., Younes, R., Ilinca, A., & Perron, J. (2012). A new hybrid pneumatic combustion engine to improve fuel consumption of wind-Diesel power system for non-interconnected areas. Applied Energy.

Bchetnia, M., Tremblay, M. L., Leclerc, G., Dupérée, A., Powell, J., McCuaig, C., . . . Laprise, C. (2012). Expression signature of epidermolysis bullosa simplex. Human genetics, 131(3), 393-406.

Bellehumeur, C. R., Deschênes, G., & Malette, J. (2012). Imagination in the middle of psycho-spiritual development of youth: An interdisciplinary reflection on the spirituality of childhood and early adolescence. L’imaginaire au cœur du développement psycho-spirituel des jeunes: une réflexion interdisciplinaire sur la spiritualité de l’enfance et de la pré-adolescence, 41(1), 68-92.

Boulanger, J., Balima, O., & Charette, A. (2010). A reconstruction scheme based on the radiative transfer equation for graded index semi-transparent media. Compte-rendu.

Huang, X., Kocaefe, D., Kocaefe, Y., Boluk, Y., & Pichette, A. (2012). Study of the degradation behavior of heat-treated jack pine (Pinus banksiana) under artificial sunlight irradiation. Polymer Degradation and Stability.

Ibrahim, H., Dimitrova, M., Ilinca, A., & Perron, J. (2009). A hybrid wind-diesel-compressed air system for remote telecom infrastructures. Système hybride éolien-diesel avec stockage d’air comprimé pour l’électrification d’une station de télécommunications isolée, 12(5-6), 701-731.

Rossi, S., Morin, H., Laprise, D., & Gionest, F. (2012). Testing masting mechanisms of boreal forest species at different stand densities. Oikos, 121(5), 665-674.

Simard, S., Morin, H., Krause, C., Buhay, W. M., & Treydte, K. (2012). Tree-ring widths and isotopes of artificially defoliated balsam firs: A simulation of spruce budworm outbreaks in Eastern Canada. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 81, 44-54.

Verlaan, D. J., Ouimet, M., Adoue, V., Sirois-Gagnon, D., Larivière, M., Ge, B., . . . Sinnett, D. (2012). Promoter polymorphisms in CHI3L1 are associated with asthma. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.

Wells, J. R., Boucher, J. F., Laurent, A. B., & Villeneuve, C. (2012). Carbon footprint assessment of a paperback book: Can planned integration of deinked market pulp be detrimental to climate? Journal of Industrial Ecology, 16(2), 212-222.