

Mariash HL, Cazzanelli M, Rautio M, Hamerlik L, Wooller MJ, Christoffersen KS (2018) Changes in food web dynamics of low arctic ponds with varying content of dissolved organic carbon. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 50:1, DOI: 10.1080/1523043 0.2017.1414472

Nevalainen L, Rantala MV, Rautio M, Luoto T (2018) Spatio-temporal cladoceran (Branchiopoda) responses to climate change and UV radiation in subarctic ecotonal lakes. Journal of Biogeography 10.1111/jbi.13371

Reynold PL, Stachowicz JJ, Hovel K, Boström C, Boyer K, Cusson M, (…), Rossi F, Ruesnik JL Sotka EE, Unsworth RKF, Whalen MA, Duffy JE. (2018) Latitude, temperature and habitat complexity predict predation pressure in eelgrass across the Northern Hemisphere. Ecology DOI:10.1002/ecy.2064

Tran P, Ramachandran A, Beisner B, Rautio M, Huot Y, Walsh DA (2018) Microbial life under ice: metagenome diversity and in situ activity of Verrucomicrobia in seasonally ice-covered lakes. Environmental Microbiology. Accepted.

Wauthy MRautio M, Christoffersen KS, Forsström L, Laurion I, Mariash H, Peura S, Vincent WF (2018) Increasing dominance of terrigenous organic matter in circumpolar freshwaters due to permafrost thaw. Limnology & Oceanography Letters. 10.1002/lol 2.10063


Cusson M, Archambault P, Lemarchand K, Verreault J, Pelletier É (2017) Déversement d’hydrocarbures : toxicité et impact sur les organismes et leur environnement marin. Chapitre livre. Livre Blanc – Exploitation des hydrocarbures dans le Saint-Laurent. Sous presse

Foubert A, Lecomte F, Legendre P, Cusson M. (2017) Spatial organization of fish communities in the St. Lawrence River: a test for the River Continuum and Serial Discontinuity Concepts in a large river system. Hydrobiologia sous presse

Grosbois G, del Giorgio P, Rautio M (2017) Zooplankton allochthony is spatially heterogeneous in a small boreal lake. Freshwater Biology 62: 474-490. doi:10.1111/fwb.12879

Grosbois G, Mariash H, Schneider T, Rautio M (2017) Under-ice availability of phytoplankton lipids is key to freshwater zooplankton winter survival. Scientific Reports 7: 11543 doi:10.1038/s41598-01 7-10956-0

Grosbois GRautio M (2017) Active and colorful life under lake ice. Ecology. 10.1002/ecy.2074

Hampton SE, Galloway AEW, Powers SM, Ozersky, Woo1 KH, Batt RD, (…), Rautio M, Read JS, Roberts SL, Rücker J, Sadro S, Silow EA, Smith DE, Sterner D, Swann GEA, Timofeyev MA, Toro M, Twiss MR, Vogt RJ, Watson SB, Whiteford EJ, Xenopoulos MA. (2017) Ecology Under Lake Ice. Ecology Letters. 20: 98-111

Kollars NM, Henry AK, Whalen, MW, Boyer K, Cusson M, Eklof J, Hereu C, Jorgensen P, Kiriakopolos S, Reynolds P, Tomas-Nash F, Turner MS, Ruesink JL. (2017) Reciprocal linkages between temperate seagrasses and waterfowl can guide joint conservation. Frontiers of Plant Sciences sous presse

Mariash HL, Cusson MRautio M (2017) Storage lipids are key to winter life history strategies of Daphnia sp. Lipids 52 (1) 83-91

Ruesnik JL, Stachowicz JJ, Reynold PL, Boström C, Cusson M, Douglass J, (…), O’Connor MI, Olsen JL, Sotka EE, Whalen MA, Duffy JE. (2017) Form-function relationships in a marine foundation species depend on scale: a shoot to global perspective from a distributed ecological experiment. Oikos 10.1111/oik.04270

Schneider T, Grosbois G, Vincent WF, Rautio M (2017) Saving for the future: Pre-winter uptake of algal lipids supports copepod egg production in spring. Freshwater Biology 62: 1063-1072

Schloss IR, Archambault P, Beauchesne D, Cusson M, Ferreyra G, Levasseur M, Pelletier E, St.-Louis R, Tremblay R. (2017) Impacts potentiels cumulées des perturbations liées aux activités humaines sur l’écosystème du Saint-Laurent. Chapitre livre. Livre Blanc – Exploitation des hydrocarbures dans le Saint-Laurent Sous presse

Wurzbacher C, Nilsson H, Rautio M, Peura S (2017) Poorly known microbial taxa dominate the microbiome of permafrost thaw ponds. ISME Journal. doi:10.1038/ismejismej.2017.54


Andrady A, Aucamp PJ, Austin AT, Bais AF, Ballaré CL, Barnes PW, (…), Rautio M, Redhwi HH, Robinson SA, Rose KC, Solomon KC, Sulzberger B, Wängberg SÅ, Williamson CE, Wilson SR, Worrest RC, Young AR, Zepp, RG (2016) United Nations Environment Programme, Environmental Effects Assessment Panel. Environmental effects of ozone depletion and its interactions with climate change: Progress report, 2016. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences. 16(2), 107-145. DOI: 10.1039/c7pp90001e

Archambault A, Grant C, Audet R, Bader B, Bourgault D, Cusson M, (…), St-Onge G, Therriault G, Tremblay H, Tremblay J-É, Tremblay R, Plante S (2016) Notre Golfe : l’émergence d’un réseau intersectoriel pour l’étude de l’environnement socioécologique du golfe du Saint-Laurent. Le Naturaliste Canadien 140(2) : 41-44

Luoto TP, Rantala MV, Galkin A, Rautio M, Nevalainen L (2016) Environmental determinants of chironomid communities in remote northern lakes across the treeline – Implications for climate change assessments. Ecological Indicators 61: 991–999

Mariash HL, Cusson M and Rautio M (2016) Fall composition of storage lipids is associated to the overwintering strategy of Daphnia. Lipids. DOI 10.1007/s11745-016-4219-9

Nevalainen, L., Rantala, M.V., Luoto, T.P., Ojala, A.E.K. & Rautio M (2016) Long-term changes in melanisation of arctic Daphnia provide potential for reconstructing aquatic UV exposure. Quaternary Science Reviews 144: 44-50

Rantala MV, Luoto TP, Weckström J, Perga M-E, Rautio M, Nevalainen L. (2016) Organic carbon variability and aquatic community dynamics in relation to Holocene paleoclimate in a subarctic lake in Northern Lapland. Quaternary Science Reviews. 126: 175-185

Rantala, M.V., Nevalainen, L., Rautio M., Galkin, A. & Luoto, T.P. (2016) Sources and controls of organic carbon in lakes across the subarctic treeline. Biogeochemistry, DOI: 10.1007/s10533-016-022 9-1

Roiha T, Peura S, Cusson MRautio M (2016) Allochthonous carbon is a major regulator to bacterial growth and community composition in subarctic freshwaters. Scientific Reports 6: 34456

Schneider T, Grosbois G, Vincent WF, Rautio M (2016) Carotenoid accumulation in copepods is related to lipid metabolism and reproduction rather than to UV-protection. Limnology & Oceanography. 61: 1201-1213. doi: 10.1002/lno.10283


Duffy JE, Reynolds PL, Bostrom C, James A. Coyer JA, Cusson M, (…), Richardson P, Ruesink JL, Sotka EE, Thormar J, Whalen MA, Stachowicz JJ. (2015) Biodiversity and top-down control in eelgrass ecosystems: A global comparative experiment. Ecology Letters doi: 10.1111/ele.12448.

Forsström L, Rautio MCusson M, Sorvari S, Albert R-L, Kumagai M, Korhola A (2015) DOM concentration, optical parameters and attenuation of solar radiation in high latitude lakes. Ecoscience DOI: 10.1080/11956860.2015.1047137

Häder D, Williamson C, Gao K, Helbling EW, Wängberg S-A, Rautio M, Rose KC, Worrest R, Sinha RP (2015) Effects of UV radiation on aquatic ecosystems and interactions with other environmental factors. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences 14: 108-126

Jeppesen E, Christoffersen K, Rautio M & Lauridsen TL. Ecology of Arctic Lakes (2015) In: Thomas D.N. (ed.) Arctic Lakes. Wiley-Blackwell

Joseph LCusson M. (2015) Resistance of benthic intertidal communities to multiple stresses. MEPS 534: 49–64

Luoto TP, Rantala MV, Galkin A, Rautio M, Nevalainen L (2015). Environmental determinants of chironomid communities in remote northern lakes across the treeline – Implications for climate change assessments. Ecological Indicators.

Nevalainen L, Luoto TP, Rantala MV, Galkin A, Rautio M. (2015). Role of terrestrial carbon in aquatic UV exposure and photoprotective pigmentation of meiofauna in subarctic lakes. Freshwater Biology Early view doi: 10.1111/fwb.12670.

Przytulska A, Bartosiewicz M, Rautio M, Dufresne F, Vincent WF 2015. Climate effects on arctic Daphnia via food quality and thresholds. PLoSOne 10(5): e0126231. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.01 26231.

Rantala MV, Luoto TP, Weckström J, Perga M-E, Rautio M, Nevalainen L (2015) Organic carbon variability and aquatic community dynamics in relation to Holocene paleoclimate in a subarctic lake in Northern Lapland. Quaternary Science Reviews.

Roiha T, Laurion I, Rautio M 2015. Carbon dynamics in highly net heterotrophic subarctic thaw ponds. Biogeosciences doi:10.5194/bgd -12-11707-2015.

Vonk JE, Tank SE, Bowden WB, Laurion I, Vincent WF, Alekseychik P, (…), Rautio M, Walter Anthony KM, Wickland KP 2015. Effects of permafrost thaw on arctic aquatic ecosystems. Biogeosciences. doi:1 0.5194/bgd-12-10719-2015.


Casper A, Rautio M, Martineau C, Vincent WF 2014. Variation and assimilation of riverine seston in the pelagic food web of the Mackenzie River Delta and Beaufort Sea transition zone. Estuaries and Coasts doi 10.1007/s12237-014-9917-z.

Cusson M, Crowe TP, AraújoR, Arenas F, Aspden R, Bulleri F, Davoult D, (…), Saunders J, Somerfield PJ, Sousa Pinto I, Spilmont N, Terlizzi A, Benedetti-Cecchi L. (2014) Relationships between biodiversity and the stability of marine ecosystems: comparisons at a European scale using meta-analysis. J Sea Research DOI: 10.1016/j.seares.2014.08. 004

Häder D, Williamson C, Gao K, Helbling EW, Wängberg S-A, Rautio M, Rose KC, Worrest R, Sinha RP. (2014) Effects of UV radiation on aquatic ecosystems and interactions with other environmental factors. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences 14: 108-126.

Lemieux JCusson M. (2014) Effects of habitat-forming species richness, evenness, identity, and abundance on benthic intertidal community establishment and productivity. PLoS ONE DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0109261

Mariash H, Devlin SP, Forsström L, Jones RI, Rautio M 2014. Benthic mats subsidize pelagic consumers in tundra pond food webs. Limnology and Oceanography 59: 733–744.

Nevalainen L, Rantala MV, Luoto TP, Rautio M, Ojala AEK 2014. Holocene carbon fluctuations and paleo-optics in a high arctic lake in Nordaustlandet, Svalbard (80°N). Boreas doi 10.1111/bor.12108.

Nevalainen L, Rautio M 2014. Cladoceran carapace absorbance as a new method for inferring past UV radiation exposure of aquatic biota. Quaternary Science Reviews 84: 109-11.


Crowe TP, Cusson M, Bulleri F, Davoult D, Arenas F, Aspden R, (…), Nicol SK, Noël LM-LJ, Sousa Pinto I, Valdivia N, Vaselli S, Jenkins SR. (2013) Large-scale variation in combined impacts of canopy loss and disturbance on community structure and ecosystem functioning. PLoS ONE 8(6): e66238ss

Eloranta A, Mariash HRautio M, Power M 2013. Lipid rich zooplankton as a subsidy to the benthivorous winter diet of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in a Finnish subarctic lake. Freshwater Biology 58: 2541–2554.

Forsström L, Roiha T, Rautio M 2013. Microbial food web responses to increased allochthonous DOM in an oligotrophic subarctic lake. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 68: 171–184.

Rautio M, Nevalainen L 2013. Cladocera. Encyclopedia of Quaternary Sciences, vol. 3, pp. 271-280.

Wrona FJ, Reist JD, Amundsen PA, Chambers PA, Christoffersen K, Culp JM, (…), Power M, Rautio M, Swanson H, Thompson M, Toivonen H, Vasiliev V, Virkkala R and Zavalko S 2013. Arctic Biodiversity Assessment. Freshwater Ecosystems Arctic Council Publications pp. 325–367.


Bulleri F, Benedetti-Cecchi L, Cusson M, Arenas F, Aspden R, Bertocci I, (…), Maggi E, Molis M, Sousa-Pinto I, Terlizzi A, Valdivia N, Paterson DM. (2012) Compensatory dynamics, human perturbations and the stability of European rocky shore assemblages. Oikos doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2011.19967.x

Cazzanelli M, Forsström L, Rautio M, Michelsen A, Christoffersen KS 2012. Benthic resources are the key to Daphnia middendorffiana survival in a high arctic pond. Freshwater Biol. 57: 541–551.

Culp J, Lento J, Goedkoop W, Power M, Rautio M, Christofferson K, Frenzel S, Guðbergsson G, Liljaniemi P, Sandøy S, Svoboda M 2012. Developing a circumpolar monitoring plan for Arctic freshwater biodiversity. Climate Change Impacts on Arctic and Antarctic Biodiversity 13: 215–227.

Dolbeth M, Cusson M, Sousa R, Pardal MA. (2012) Secondary invertebrate production as a tool to better understand the aquatic ecosystem. Can J Fish Aqua Sci 69: 1230–1253

J.M. Culp, W. Goedkoop, J. Lento, K.S. Christoffersen, S. Frenzel, G. Gudbergsson, (…) M. Rautio, A. Ritcey, R. Striegl, M. Svenning, J. Sweetman, M. Whitman. (2012) The Arctic Freshwater Biodiversity Monitoring Plan. CAFF International Secretariat, CAFF Monitoring Series Report Nr. 7. CAFF International Secretariat. Akureyri, Iceland. ISBN 978-9935-431-19-6

Roiha T, Tiirola M, Cazzanelli M, Rautio M 2012. Carbon quantity defines productivity while its quality defines community composition of bacterioplankton in subarctic ponds. Aquatic Sciences 74.


Mariash H, Cazzanelli M, Kainz M, Rautio M 2011. Food sources and lipid retention of zooplankton in subarctic ponds. Freshwater Biology 56: 1850–1865.

Rautio M, Dufresne F, Laurion I, Bonilla S, Vincent WF, Christoffersen KS 2011. Shallow freshwater ecosystems of the circumpolar Arctic. Ecoscience 18: 204–222.

Rautio MMariash H, Forsström L 2011. Seasonal shifts between autochthonous and allochthonous carbon contributions to zooplankton diets in a subarctic lake. Limnol. Oceanogr. 56: 1513–15 24.

Piepenburg D, Archambault P, Ambrose Jr WG, Blanchard A, Bluhm BA, Carroll ML, Conlan KE, Cusson M, Feder HM, Grebmeier JM, Jewett SC, Lévesque M, Petryashev VV, Sejr MK, Sirenko BI, Włodarska-Kowalczuk M. (2011) Towards a pan-Arctic inventory of the species diversity of the macro- and megabenthic fauna of the Arctic shelf seas. Marine Biodiversity DOI 10.1007/s12526-010-00 59-7.


Rautio M & Tartarotti B (2010) UV radiation and freshwater zooplankton: damage, protection and recovery. Freshwater reviews 3: 105-131

Syväranta J, Rautio M 2010. Zooplankton, lipids and stable isotopes: importance of seasonal, spatial and taxonomical differences. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67: 1721–1729.

Université du Québec à Chicoutimi