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Dillon L, Chernenko A, Dribe M, Engelhardt S, Gagnon A, Hanson HA, Meeks H, Quaranta L, Smith KR, Vézina H (2019). Did grandmothers enhance reproductive success in historic populations?: Testing evolutionary theories on historical demographic data in Scandinavia and North America dans O Burger, R Lee, R Sear (Eds.), Human Evolutionary Demography, Open Book Publishers
Vézina H (2019). BALSAC et la démogénétique : une interface en sciences biologiques et sociales. Explorer le social. Mélanges en l’honneur de Gérard Bouchard. Presses de l’Université Laval. P.47-63
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Nelson D, Moreau C, de Vriendt M, Preuss C, Vézina H, Milot E, Andelfinger G, Labuda D, Gravel S (2018) Inferring transmission histories of rare alleles in population-scale genealogies. American Journal of Human Genetics 103,6: 893-906
Vézina H, St-Hilaire M, Bournival JS, Bellavance C (2018) The linkage of microcensus data and vital records : an assessment of results on Quebec historical population data (1852-1911). Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, 51, 4: 230-245.
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Vézina H, Tremblay M, Lavoie EM, Labuda D (2014) Concordance entre identité ethnoculturelle déclarée et origines ancestrales au sein de la population gaspésienne. Population, vol. 69, p. 7-28
Vézina H, Gauvreau D, Gagnon A (2014) Socioeconomic Fertility Differentials in a Late Transition Setting: A Micro-level Analysis of the Saguenay Region in Quebec. Demographic Research, vol.30, p. 1097-1128. Published 8 April.
Gauvin H, Moreau C, Lefebvre JF, Laprise C, Vézina H, Labuda D, Roy-Gagnon MH (2014) Genome-wide patterns of identity-by-descent sharing in the French Canadian founder population. European Journal of Human Genetics 22: 814-821 (Published online 16 October 2013)
Moreau C, Lefebvre JF, Jomphe M, Bhérer C, Ruiz-Linares A, Vézina H, Roy-Gagnon MH, Labuda D (2013) Native American admixture in the Quebec founder population. PLoS ONE 8(6): e65507. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065507
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Gagnon A, Tremblay M, Vézina H, Seabrook A (2011) Once were Farmers: Occupation, Social mobility, and Mortality during Industrialization in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec 1840-1971. Explorations in Economic History 48: 429-440
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Tremblay M, Vézina H (2010) Tracing back maternal and paternal lineages in the Quebec (Canada) population Human Biology 82: 179-198.