Archives par mot-clé : Consommation collaborative


Publications – Revues arbitrées (FI)

Sélection de publications réalisées au cours des 5 dernières années.

Kashav, S., Centobelli, P., Cerchione, R., Ertz, M. (sous presse). Food Cold Chain Management: A research-based agenda. Supply Chain management: An International Journal.

Sun, S., Ertz, M., (2021). Contribution of bike-sharing to urban resources conservation: The case of free-floating bike-sharing. Journal of Cleaner Production, 280(2), 124416.

Ertz, M., Sarigöllü, E., Karakas, F., Chehab, O. (2020). From TV to destination brand equity: The impact of Turkish TV dramas on visit and purchase intentions. Journal of Consumer Behaviour.

Sakshi, Tandon, U., Ertz, M., Bansal, H. (2020). Social vacation: Proposition of a model to understand tourists’ usage of social media for travel planning. Technology in Society, 63, 101438.

Sarigöllü, E., Hou, C., Ertz, M. (2020). Sustainable product disposal: Consumer redistributing behaviors versus hoarding and throwing away. Business Strategy & the Environment.

Kashav, S., Centobelli, P, Cerchione, R., Ertz, M. (2020). Agile supply chain management: Where did it come from and where will it go in the era of digital transformation? Industrial Marketing Management, 90, 324-345.

De Ferran, F., Robinot, E., Ertz, M. (2020). Which determining factors foster disposition behaviors other than throwing goods away? Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 156, 104682.

Kashav, S., Centobelli, P., Cerchione, R., Ertz, M. (2020). Managing supply chain resilience to pursue business and environmental strategies. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(3), 1215-1246.

Ertz, M., Patrick, K. (2020). The future of sustainable healthcare: Extending product lifecycles. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 153, 104589.

Menvielle, L., Audrain-Pontevia, A.-F., Ertz, M., (2019). Effects of three antecedents of patient compliance for users of peer-to-peer online health communities. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(11), e14006.

Ertz, M., Sarigöllü, E. (2019). The behavior-attitude relationship and satisfaction in pro-environmental behavior. Environment & Behavior, 51(9-10), 1106-1132.

Ertz, M., Leblanc-Proulx, S., Sarigöllü, E., Morin, V. (2019). Advancing quantitative rigor in the circular economy literature: New methodology for product lifetime extension business models. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 150, 104437.

Ertz, M., Leblanc-Proulx, S., Sarigöllü, E., Morin, V. (2019). Proposition of a taxonomy of product lifetime extension business models. Journal of Cleaner Production, 234, 867-880.

Ertz, M., Sarigöllü, E. (2019). Assessment of the potential for sustainable value chains in the collaborative economy. Sustainability, 11(2), 1-12.

Hallegatte, D., Ertz, M., Marticotte, F. (2018). Blending the past and the present in a retromarketing music concert offering: The impact of nostalgia proneness. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 27(5), 484-497.

Ertz, M., Lecompte, A., Durif, F. (2018). “It’s not my fault, I am in the right!” Exploration of neutralization in the justification of the use of a controversial technological collaborative consumption service. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 134, 254-264.

Ertz, M., Leblanc-Proulx, S. (2018). Sustainability in the collaborative economy: A bibliometric analysis reveals emerging interest. Journal of Cleaner Production, 196, 1073-1085.

Jiao, Y., Ertz, M., Jo, M.-S., Sarigöllü, E. (2018). Social value, content value, and brand equity in social media brand communities: A comparison of Chinese and U.S. consumers. International Marketing Review, 35(1), 18-41.

Ertz, M., Lecompte, A. Durif, F. (2017). Dual roles of consumers: Towards an insight in collaborative consumption motives. International Journal of Market Research, 59(6), 725-748.

Robinot, E., Ertz, M., Durif, F. (2017). Jingle bells or ‘green’ bells? The impact of socially responsible consumption principles upon consumer behavior at Christmas time. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 41(6), 605-617.

Rodier, F., Durif, F., Ertz, M. (2017). Food deserts: Is it only about a limited access? British Food Journal, 119(7), 1495-1510.

Ertz, M., Huang, R., Jo, M.-Y., Karakas, F., Sarigöllü, E. (2017). From single-use to multi-use: Study of consumers’ behavior toward consumption of reusable containers. Journal of Environmental Management, 193, 334-344.

Ertz, M., Karakas, F., Sarigöllü, E. (2016). Exploring pro-environmental behaviors of consumers: An analysis of contextual factors, attitude and behaviors. Journal of Business Research, 69(10), 3971-3980.

Publications – Revues arbitrées

Hallegatte, D., Ertz, M. (2020). Should deception be used in marketing experiments? Proposal of a cost-benefit approach. Journal of Marketing Trends, 5(3), 58-66.

Ertz, M. (2020). El consumo colaborativo: de palabra de moda a término conceptual. Las tres caras de la economía compartida. Oikonomics, 14(octobre), 1-14.

Ertz, M. (2020). Collaborative consumption, a buzzword that has gone conceptual: Three shades of the sharing economy. Oikonomics, 14(octobre), 1-14.

Sun, S., Ertz, M. (2020). Life cycle assessment and Monte Carlo simulation to evaluate the environmental impact of promoting LNG vehicles. MethodsX, 7, 101046.

Ertz, M., Boily, E. (2019). The rise of the digital economy: Thoughts on blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies for the collaborative economy. International Journal of Innovation Studies, 3(4), 84-93. Article invité, libre de frais d’OA.

Ertz, M., Karakas, F., Stapenhurst, F., Draman, R., Sarigöllü, E., Jo, M.-S. (2019). Misconduct in business: An integrated review. Critical Perspectives on International Business, 16(3), 209-231.

Ertz, M., Bousquet, J., Hallegatte, D. (2019). Retour vers le futur de l’échange marchand. Organisations & Territoires, 28(2), 99-113.

Boily, E., Ertz, M. (2019). La technologie de la chaîne de blocs (Blockchain) : catalyseur ou inhibiteur de l’économie collaborative? Organisations & Territoires, 28(2), 115-127.

Ertz, M., Arsenault, J. (2019). Towards a technocratic governance system? International Journal of Innovation Studies, 3(3), 71-72. Article invité, libre de frais d’OA.

Ertz, M., Durif, F., Arcand, M. (2019). A conceptual perspective on collaborative consumption. Academy of Marketing Science Review, 9(1-2), 27-41.

Ertz, M., Leblanc-Proulx, S. (2019). Review of a proposed methodology for bibliometric and visualization analyses for organizations: application to the collaboration economy. Journal of Marketing Analytics, 7(2), 84-93.

Arsenault, J., Ertz, M. (2018). Bitcoin et chaîne de blocs : état des lieux et implications pour la gouvernance mondiale.  Organisations & Territoires, 27(2), 117-127.

Ertz, M., Durif, F., Arcand, M. (2018). Towards a multilife marketing: How goods multiple lives practices create value for consumers. Journal of Promotion Management, 24(6), 863-894.  

Ertz, M., Durif, F., Lecompte, A., Boivin, C. (2018). Does ‘sharing’ mean ‘socially responsible consuming’? Exploration of the relationship between collaborative consumption and socially responsible consumption. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 35(4), 392-402.

Ertz, M. (2017). Consommation collaborative ou la rencontre improbable entre organisations, communautés et individus. Organisations & Territoires, 26(1-2), 151-164.

Ertz, M., Durif, F., Arcand, M., (2017). Business at the fingertips of consumers: A scale for measuring motivations to resell products online. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 28(1), 92-114.

Zeng, T., Ertz, M., Durif, F. (2017). Examination of a specific form of eco-packaging design: The case of eco-packaging. International Journal of Management and Business, 8(1), 50-74.

Ertz, M., Durif, F., Arcand, M. (2017). An analysis of the origins of collaborative consumption and its implications for marketing. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 21(1), 1-17.

Ertz, M., Durif, F., Arcand, M. (2017). A tale of browsers and hunters: Exploration of diverging consumer profiles and their characteristics in the secondhand marketplace. International Journal of Business, 22(1), 70-84.

Ertz, M., Durif, F., Arcand, M. (2017). Life after death? Study of goods multiple lives practices. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 34(2), 108-118.

Ertz, M., François, J., Durif, F. (2017). How consumers react to environmental information: An experimental study. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 29(3), 162-178.

Ertz, M., Durif, F., Arcand, M. (2016). Collaborative consumption: Conceptual snapshot at a buzzword. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 19(2), 1-23.

Ertz, M. (2016). Proposition of an integrative theory of socially-responsible consumption behavior. Electronic Green Journal, 39(1), 1-18.

Ertz, M., Durif, F., Arcand, M. (2015). Online product disposition on the rise: The specific case of online resale. Marketing Review St. Gallen, 32(5), 66-76.

Ertz, M., Graf, R. (2015). Spotting the elusive prospect customer: Exploratory study of a web-powered customer relationship management framework. Journal of Applied Business Research, 31(5), 1835-1850.

Ertz, M. (2015). Women trust others, men trust numbers: A conceptual analysis of the impact of online feedback mechanisms on men and women. International Journal of Business and Information, 10(3), 387-412.

Ertz, M., Graf, R. (2015). How do they behave on the web? An exploratory study of web-mining for analytical customer relationship management. International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies, 6(2), 289-304.

Autres publications (plateformes non-arbitrées)

Trespeuch, L., Corne, A., Parguel, B., Kréziak, D., Robinot, É., Durif, F., De Ferran, F., Michel, H., Giannelloni, J.-L., Fontant, J.-M., Botti, L., Lajante, M., Lalancette, M., Ertz, M., Peypoch, N. (2020). La pandémie va-t-elle (vraiment) changer nos habitudes? The Conversation, 11 mai 2020.

Ertz, M., Rouziès, D., Sarigollu, E. (2017). Comment le bien-être des salariés génère de la rentabilité. Harvard Business Review France, 18 juillet 2017.

Ouvrages édités

Ertz, M., Bousquet, J., Hallegatte, D. (Dir.) (2019). Les reconfigurations de l’échange marchand: Tour d’horizon, enjeux et perspectives. Québec : Presses Universitaires du Québec.

Chapitres de livres

Ertz, M., Sun, S. (accepté). Environmental impact of free-floating bike sharing: From life cycle perspective. In C. Baskar (Ed.) Handbook of solid waste management. Springer Nature.

Ertz, M. (accepté). Cascades: What is it and how did it reach sustainability in a highly competitive sector? Dans J. Bhattacharyya (Dir.) Social and Sustainability Marketing: A Casebook for Reaching Your Socially Responsible Consumers through Marketing Science. Taylor & Francis. SSM2020-02066.

Ertz, M., Sun, S., Boily, E., Yao Quenum, G.G., Patrick, K., Laghrib, Y., Hallegatte, D., Bousquet, J., Latrous, I. (accepté). Nouveau marketing de produit pour la durabilité: Comment l’industrie 4.0 contribue-t-elle à la consommation durable par des produits augmentés. Dans S. Dekhili (Dir.) Comment le marketing peut-il relancer un développement durable à bout de souffle? (pp. X). Iste-Wiley.

Corne, L., Parguel, B., Kréziak, D., Robinot, É., Durif, F., De Ferran, F., Michel, H., Giannelloni, J.-L., Fontant, J.-M., Botti, L., Lajante, M., Lalancette, M., Ertz, M., Peypoch, N. (2020). 9. La pandémie de Covid-19 et ses impacts-9.1. Réflexions et analyses-102. La pandémie va-t-elle (vraiment) changer nos habitudes? Dans P. Provost et T. Lefèvre (Dir.) Collection Des Universitaires – Numéro inaugural, Tome 1, 2019-2020 : Des Universitaires descendent de leur tour d’ivoire (pp. 116-118). Regroupement Des Universitaires.

Boily, E., Ertz, M., (2020). When giants meet: Collaborative economy, blockchain technology, and social media. Dans R. Leon (Ed.) Strategies for Business Sustainability in a collaborative economy (pp. 81-101). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Leblanc-Proulx, S., Ertz, M., Sarigöllü, E. (2019). Taxonomie des modèles d’affaires liés à l’extension de la durée de vie des produits. Dans M. Ertz, J. Bousquet et D. Hallegatte (Dir.) Les reconfigurations de l’échange marchand : Tour d’horizon, enjeux et perspectives (pp. 155-186). Québec : Presses Universitaires du Québec.

Ertz, M., et Leblanc-Proulx, S. (2019). “Bibliometric analysis of the collaborative economy research field,” SAGE Research Methods Cases Part 2. London: SAGE Publications.

Ertz, M. et Durif, F. (2017). « Définition de la consommation collaborative et des concepts associés, » dans A. Decrop (Éd.) La consommation collaborative : Enjeux et défis de la nouvelle société du partage (pp. 33-54). Brussels: De Boeck.

Ertz, M. et Graf, R. (2017). « Web-mining and prospective e-customer knowledge acquisition, » dans S. Kadry (Éd.) Innovations in E-Systems for Business and CommerceWaretown, New Jersey: Apple Academic Press.

Durif, F., Ertz, M., et Bigot, A. (2016). « Économie collaborative : vers un nouveau modèle socio-économique, » Clé Vie Numérique. Dans A. Poitras (Ed.) L’État du Québec 2016 (pp. 95-101), Montréal, Québec: Éditions du Boréal.

Études de cas

Ertz, M., Sarigöllü, E. (2020). The fast fashion and the furious marketing: Reforming an industry and a discipline toward sustainability. The Case Centre.

Ertz, M., Sarigöllü, E. (2020). From financial responsibility to broadened responsibility in the clothing industry. The Case Centre.

Contribution encyclopédiques

Ertz, M. (accepté). The Platform Economy, Encyclopedia.

Ertz, M. (2019). Collaborative consumption, Encyclopedia, 2019, v1.