
Articles de revue avec comité de lecture (RAC)

  • Daigneault, R, Perrault, G., Bédard, P. 1982. Géologie et géochimie du gisement d’or Lamaque, Val d’Or Québec, CIM Bulletin 75.839, 109-124.
  • Ludden, J. N., Daigneault, R., Robert, F., Taylor, R. P. Trace element mobility in alteration zones associated with Archean Au lode deposits. Economic Geology Vol. 79, pp. 1131-1141.
  • Daigneault, R., Allard, G. O. 1984. Evolution tectonique d’une portion du sillon de roches vertes de Chibougamau. Chibougamau – Stratigraphy and Mineralization. J. Guha and E. H. Chown, Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Special Volume no 34: p. 212-228.
  • Dimroth, E., Mueller, W., Daigneault, R., Brisson, H., Poitras, A., Rocheleau, M. 1986 – Diapirism during regional compression – The structural pattern in the Chibougamau region of the Archean Abitibi belt, Quebec. Geologische Rundschau, 75: 715-736
  • Daigneault, R., St-Julien, P., Allard, G.O.    Tectonic evolution of the northeast portion of the Archean Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Chibougamau area, Québec.  Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 27, 1714-1736.
  • Pilote, P., Guha, J., Daigneault, R., Robert, F., Golightly, J.P.   Contexte structural et minéralisations aurifères des gîtes Casa-Bérardi, Abitibi, Québec.  Journal canadien des Sciences de la Terre, vol. 27, no 12. 1672-1685.
  • Daigneault, R., Archambault, G.   Les grands couloirs de déformation de la sous-province de l’Abitibi.  Symposium de l’ICM 1990 Rouyn-Noranda.  Dans Les ceintures polymétalliques du NO québecois, symposium de l’ICM, Rouyn-Noranda.   Édité par Rive. M., Verpaelst, P., Riverin, G., Simard, A., Lulin, J.M. et Gagnon, Y.  Volume spécial no 43., 43-64.
  • Pilote, P., Guha, J., Daigneault, R., Robert, F., Cloutier, J.-Y., Golightly, J.P.   The structural evolution of the Casa-Berardi East gold deposits, Casa-Berardi township, Québec.  Dans Les ceintures polymétalliques du NO québecois, symposium de l’ICM, Rouyn-Noranda.   Édité par Rive. M., Verpaelst, P., Riverin, G., Simard, A., Lulin, J.M. et Gagnon, Y.  Volume spécial no 43., 337-349.
  • Archambault, G., Daigneault, R., Rouleau, A., Tavchandjian, O.    Mechanics of shear zones and fault belts development by anastomosing patterns of fractures at all scales.  Proceeding of the International conference on Mechanics of jointed and faulted rocks, Vienne, Autriche,  Avril 1990, H.P. Rossmanith, ed.
  • Piché, M., Guha, J., Sullivan, J., Bouchard, G., Daigneault, R.   Les gisements volcanogènes du camp minier de Matagami: structures, stratigraphie et implications métallogéniques.  Dans Les ceintures polymétalliques du NO québecois, symposium de l’ICM, Rouyn-Noranda.   Édité par Rive. M., Verpaelst, P., Riverain, Simard, A., Lulin, J.M. et Gagnon, Y..  Volume spécial no 43., 327-337.
  • Chown, E. H., Daigneault, R., Mueller, W., Mortensen, J.   Tectonic evolution of the Northern Volcanic Zone, Abitibi Belt, Québec. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 29: 2211-2225.
  • Labbé, J.Y., Daigneault, R., Cousineau, P. 1992. Analyse structurale de la discontinuité de Lyndhurst, Sous-province de l’Abitibi.  Journal canadien des Sciences de la Terre, 29, 783-792.
  • Archambault, G., Flamand, R., Rouleau, A., Daigneault, R.   Mechanics of fault zone and shear belt development in brittle dilatent analog geomaterial under constant normal stress and constant normal stiffness conditions.  Proceedings of the 33rd U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics, Sante Fe, N.M. (J.R. Tillerson & W.R. Wawersik, editors), Balkema, p. 101-110.
  • Lacroix, J., Daigneault, R., Chartrand, F., Guha, J., 1993. Structural evolution of the Grevet massive sulfide deposit, Lebel-sur-Quévillon area, Québec.  Economic Geology, 88, 1559-1577.
  • Piché, M., Guha, J., Daigneault, R. Stratigraphic and structural aspects of the volcanic rocks of the Matagami mining camp, Québec-Implications for the Norita ore deposit. Economic Geology, 88, 6.
  • Daigneault, R., Allard, G. O. Transformation of Archean structural inheritance at the Grenvillian Foreland Parautochthon Transition Zone, Chibougamau area, Québec. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 31: 470-488.
  • Lavallière, G., Guha, J.,  Daigneault, R., Bonenfant, A.    Cheminées de sulfures massifs atypiques du gisement d’Isle-Dieu, Matagami, Québec: Implications pour l’exploration. Exploration and mining Geology, 3: 109-129.
  • Archambault, G., Rouleau, A., Daigneault, R., Flamand, R. 1994. The mechanics of progressive shear failure at all scales in rocks masses. Rocks Mechanics Models and Measurements Challenges from Industry, The University of Texas at Austin, A.A. BALKEMA, ROTTERDAM, BROOKFIELD, 121-129.
  • Mueller, W., R. Daigneault, Mortensen, J., Chown, E.H. Archean terrane docking:  Upper Crust Collision.   Tectonics, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Quebec, Canada. 265: 127-150.
  • Gaboury, D., Daigneault, R.,  Tourigny, G., Gobeil, C.    An archean volcanic-related gold-sulfide-quartz vein orebody: the Géant Dormant mine, Abitibi Subprovince, Québec, Canada.  Exploration and Mining Geology. Exploration and Mining Geology, 5: 197-215.
  • Tavchandjian, O., Rouleau, A., Archambault, G., Daigneault, R., Marcotte, D., 1997, Geostatistical analysis of fractures in shear zones in the Chibougamau area; applications to structural geology: Tectonophysics269, 51-63.
  • Kirkam, R.V., Pilote, P., Robert, F., Sinclair, W.D., Daigneault, R. 1997 – Chibougamau mining district, Québec, Canada : vein Cu-Au and porphyry Cu (-Mo) deposits related to a composite Archean tonalitic batholith. In : Mineral deposits. Research and Exploration.  Éditeur : H. Papunen, Proceedings of the fourth biennal SGA meeting, Turku, Finland.  A. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp 647-649.
  • Gaboury, D., Daigneault. R. 1999. Evolution from seafloor-related to sulfide-rich quartz vein-type gold mineralization during deep submarine volcanic construction: The Geant Dormant gold mine, Archean Abitibi belt, Canada.  Economic Geology, 94: 1-19.
  • Gaboury, D., Daigneault, R., 2000. Flat vein formation in a transitional crustal setting by self-induced fluid equilibrium – an example from the Géant Dormant gold mine, Canada, 17, 55-178.
  • Gaboury, D., Daigneault, R., Beaudoin, G., 2000. Volcanogenic-related origin of sulfide-rich quartz veins: evidence from O and S isotopes at the Géant Dormant gold mine, Abitibi belt, Canada: 35, 21-36.
  • Lafrance, B., Mueller, W.U., Daigneault, R., Dupras, N., Chown, E.H., Thurston, P.C., 2000, Evolution of a submerged composite arc volcano; volcanology and geochemistry of the Normetal volcanic complex, Abitibi greenstone belt, Quebec, Canada: Precambrian Research, 101, 277-311.
  • Daigneault, R., Mueller, W. Chown, E.H., 2002. Oblique Archean subduction: accretion and exhumation of an oceanic arc during dextral transpression, Southern Volcanic Zone, Abitibi Subprovince Canada. Precambrian Research, 115: 261–290.
  • Daigneault, R., Mueller W.U., Chown, E.H., 2004. Abitibi greenstone belt plate tectonics: A history of diachronic arc development, accretion and collision. P. Eriksson, W. Altermann, D. Nelson, W. Mueller, O. Catuneanu, and K. Strand (Eds.), Tempos and events in Precambrian time. In: Developments in Precambrian Geology, Elsevier, pp 88-103:
  • Legault, M., Daigneault, R., 2006 – Synvolcanic gold mineralization within a deformation zone: The Chevrier deposit, Chibougamau, Abitibi Subprovince, Canada. Mineralium Deposita 41, no.3 203-228.
  • Mueller, W.U., Stix, J., White, J.D.L., Corcoran, P.L., Lafrance, B., Daigneault, R., 2008. Characterization of Archean subaqueous calderas in Canada: physical volcanology, carbonate-rich hydrothermal alteration and a new exploration model. In: J. Gottsmann and J. Martí (Editors), Caldera volcanoes: analysis, modeling and response. Developments in Volcanology 10, Chapter 5 Elsevier, pp 183-232
  • Pearson, V., Daigneault, R., 2009. An Archean megacaldera complex: the Blake River Group, Abitibi greenstone belt. Precambrian Research, 168, 66-82.
  • Mueller, W.U., Stix, J., Corcoran, P.L., Daigneault, R., 2009. Subaqueous calderas in the Archean Abitibi greenstone belt: An overview and new ideas. Ore Geology Reviews 35, 4-46.
  • Chesnaux Romain, Lambert Mélanie, Walter Julien, Fillastre Ugo, Hay Murray, Rouleau Alain, Daigneault Réal, Moisan Annie et Germaneau Denis. (2011). Building a geodatabase for mapping hydrogeological features and 3D modeling of groundwater systems: Application to the Saguenay–Lac-St.-Jean region, Canada. Computers & Geosciences, 37, (11), p. 1870-1882.
  • Mueller, W.U., Friedman, R., Daigneault, R., Moore, L., Mortensen, J., 2012 – Timing and characteristics of the Archean subaqueous Blake River Megacaldera Complex, Abitibi greenstone belt, Canada. Precambrian Research, Vol. 214–215, 1-25.
  • Moore, L., Mueller, W., Daigneault, R., 2012 – In situ hydroclastic fragmentation of subaqueous ponded lavas; New Senator caldera, Abitibi greenstone belt, Quebec, Canada. Precambrian Research. Vol. 214–215, 44-59
  • Côté-Mantha, ,  Daigneault, R.,  Gaboury, D. Chartrand, F. Pilote, P. 2012 – Geology, Alteration, and Origin of Archean Au-Ag-Cu Mineralization Associated with the Synvolcanic Chibougamau Pluton: The Brosman Prospect, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Canada Economic Geology, v. 107, pp. 909–934.
  • Corcoran, P.L., Daigneault, R., Thurston, P.C., 2012 – An in-depth look into the dynamics of Precambrian volcanic and sedimentary terranes. Precambrian Research, Vol. 214–215, vi-viii.
  • Mercier-Langevin, P., Daigneault, R., Goutier, J., Dion, C., and Archer, P., 2012 – Geology of the Archean Intrusion-Hosted La-Grande-Sud Au-Cu Prospect, La Grande Subprovince, James Bay Region, Québec.  Economic Geology, 107: 935-962
  • Simard, M., Gaboury, D., Daigneault, R., Mercier−Langevin, P., 2013 – Multistage gold mineralization at the Lapa mine, Abitibi Subprovince: insights into auriferous hydrothermal and metasomatic processes in the Cadillac−Larder Lake Fault Zone. Mineralium Deposita, 48, 883-905.
  • Gagné E., Rouleau A., Chesnaux, R, Roy, D.W., Cloutier, V., Daigneault, R., 2013. Underground mine site investigation for estimating hydrogeological properties of regional fractured rock aquifers. In Reliable Mine Water Technology, Proc. International Mine Water Association Congress, Brown A., Figueroa L. & Wolkersdorfer C.(eds), Vol I, p. 91–97; Denver CO, August 2013.
  • Moore, L.N., Daigneault, R., Genna, D., Hollings, P., and Mueller, W.U., 2014. Exogenous and endogenous construction of the subaqueous Glenwood felsic lava flow complex; Abitibi greenstone belt, Québec, Canada. Precambrian Research, 251: 118-140.
  • Simard P., Chesnaux R, Rouleau A., Daigneault R., Cousineau P.A., Roy D.W., Lambert M., Poirier B., Poignant-Molina L., 2015. Imaging Quaternary glacial deposits and basement topography using the transient electromagnetic method for modeling aquifer environments. Journal of Applied Geophysics 119 (2015) 36–50.
  • Trépanier Sylvain, Mathieu Lucie et Daigneault Réal. (2015). CONSONORM_LG: new normative minerals and alteration indexes for low-grade metamorphic rocks. Economic Geology, 110, (8), p. 2127-2138.
  • Mathieu Lucie, Trépanier Sylvain et Daigneault Réal. (2016). CONSONORM_HG: a new method of norm calculation for mid- to high-grade metamorphic rocks. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 34, (1), p. 1-15.
  • Trépanier Sylvain, Mathieu Lucie, Daigneault Réal et Faure Stéphane. (2016). Precursors predicted by artificial neural networks for mass balance calculations: quantifying hydrothermal alteration in volcanic rocks. Computers & Geosciences, 89, p. 32-43.
  • Mathieu Lucie, Bouchard Rose Anne, Pearson Vital et Daigneault Réal. (2016). The Coulon deposit: quantifying alteration in volcanogenic massive sulphide systems modified by amphibolite-facies metamorphism. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 53, (12), p. 1443-1457.