Veille scientifique sur la collaboration recherche-pratique (janvier 2023)

En collaboration avec le Consortium régional de recherche en éducation, l’équipe poursuit la publication d’une veille informationnelle sur la collaboration entre la recherche et la pratique en éducation. La responsabilité de cette veille est assurée par Émilie St-Pierre, agente de liaison.

*Allaire, S. (2022). Le codesign d’un guide pédagogique sur la mise en réseau des classes : une expérience de développement professionnel collectif de longue haleine. Revue internationale du CRIRES / CRI_SAS international Journal, 6(3), 100–109.

*Allaire, S., Forest, M.-P., Granger, N., Tremblay, M., Monney, N., Charland, P. & Giroux, P. (2022). Un enseignement en ligne presque invisible : une réponse à Christian Boyer et Steve Bissonnette. Revue internationale du CRIRES / CRI_SAS international Journal, 6(2), 1–20.

Arefian, M. H. (2022). Collaborative action research as a reflective tool for pre-service EFL teachers’ inclusion.  Reflective Practice23(6), 651–662.

*Barry, S., Boivin, M., St-Pierre, C., & Houle-Minier, E. (2022). Je me prépare aux examens du ministère en mathématique : Es-tu prêt à passer le test? JFD Éditions.

Carpenter, N., Lee, F., & Male, D. (2023). A role for educational psychologists: using Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope (PATH) and participatory action research (PAR) to develop a Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) support group with staff in a special school.  Educational Psychology in Practice, 1–19.

Cheng, D. S. (2022). Problem Solving for Teachers — Action Research in a Cross-Listed Undergraduate and Graduate Course.  Mathematics Enthusiast19(3), 833–859.

Colombari, R., & Neirotti, P. (2022). Closing the middle-skills gap widened by digitalization: how technical universities can contribute through Challenge-Based Learning.  Studies in Higher Education47(8), 1585–1600.

Cook, S. A. (2022). Toward equitable and inclusive school practices: Expanding approaches to “research with” young people.  Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy66(3), 146–148.

Costello, G. R., Davis, K. R., & Crocco, O. S. (2022). Learning by Doing: Student & Faculty Reflections on a Collaborative Model for Conducting and Publishing Mixed Methods Research in a Graduate Course.  Innovative Higher Education47(6), 1067–1084.

Davison, J., Maguire, S., McLaughlin, M., & Simms, V. (2022). Involving adolescents with intellectual disability in the adaptation of self‐reported subjective well‐being measures: participatory research and methodological considerations.  Journal of Intellectual Disability Research66(7), 628–641.

De Neve, D., Leroy, A., Struyven, K., & Smits, T. (2022). Supporting formative assessment in the second language classroom: an action research study in secondary education.  Educational Action Research30(5), 828–849.

Domínguez, A. D., & Cammarota, J. (2022). The arc of transformation in youth participatory action research: creative expression to creative resistance.  International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (QSE)35(8), 805–823.

Edwards, P., & Bunn, H. (2022). “We have to carry on”. A participatory research project with young people enrolled on a supported internship programme during the Covid-19 pandemic.  Educational & Child Psychology39(3), 56–69.

Gessiou, G. (2022). A Follow-Up Review on the Impact of a Participatory Action Research Regarding Outdoor Play and Learning.  Education Sciences12(10), 679–N.PAG.

Gilbert, C. (2022). Walking the popular education spiral – an account and analysis of participatory action research with teacher activists.  Educational Action Research30(5), 881–901.

Greenwood, M., Gercama, I., Lynch, P., Moore, K., Mankhwazi, M., Mbukwa, J., & Bedford, J. (2022). “Let’s Grow Together”: Understanding the Current Provision of Early Childhood Development and Education for Children with Disabilities in Rural Malawi through Community-based Participatory Research.  International Journal of Disability, Development & Education69(4), 1200–1215.

Irgens, G. A., Adisa, I., Bailey, C., & Quesada, H. V. (2022). Designing with and for Youth: A Participatory Design Research Approach for Critical Machine Learning Education.  Journal of Educational Technology & Society25(4), 126–141.

Johnston-Goodstar, K., Boucher, L., & Shirt-Shaw, M. R. (2022). “You Take the Punches”: Native Youth Experiences of School Pushout.  Equity & Excellence in Education55(3), 270–282.

*Kamga, R., Allaire, S., Baron, M.-P., Cody, N., Coulombe, S., Dumoulin, C., Pulido, L., & Thériault, P. (2023). L’émergence des partenariats recherche-pratique en éducation: une recension des écrits. (French).  Revue Phronesis12(1), 127–143.

Kang, H., & González, H. M. (2022). Beginning school–university partnerships for transformative social change in science education: Narratives from the field.  Science Education106(5), 1178–1197.

Kastner, M., & Motschilnig, R. (2022). Interconnectedness of Adult Basic Education, Community-Based Participatory Research, and Transformative Learning.  Adult Education Quarterly72(3), 223–241.

Kenefick, D., & Kirrane, M. (2022). A Little Less Conversation, a Little More Action: Participatory Insider Action Research in an Executive Team.  Systemic Practice & Action Research35(4), 453–469.

Lee, W.-I., Jin, Y., & Yi, K. J. (2022). Working at the Margin: Lessons Learned from School-Based Participatory Research.  Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (Springer Science & Business Media B.V.)31(5), 519–528.

Martin, A. E., & Fisher-Ari, T. R. (2022). Participatory Research to Improve PDS Initiatives: Trying-On Problem-Based Pedagogies with High-School Students.  PDS Partners: Bridging Research to Practice17(3), 26–29.

Modiba, M., & Stewart, S. (2022). Democratising knowledge through action research: theoretical reflections and challenges in the field.  Educational Action Research30(5), 865–880.

Mong, H. H., & Standal, Ø. F. (2022). Teaching Health in Physical Education: An Action Research Project.  European Physical Education Review28(3), 739–756.

Moore, S., & Donaldson, L. P. (2022). Incorporating Community Based Participatory Action Research in Social Work Graduate Education.  Journal of Teaching in Social Work42(4), 409–422.

*Nadeau-Tremblay, S. & Allaire, S. (2022). Lire et écrire en réseau : exemple d’une séquence didactique en français au primaire en appui au développement des compétences globales et numériques. Revue hybride de l’éducation, 6(1), 190–204.

O, N. P., Kteily-Hawa, R., & Le Ber, M. J. (2022). Social Portraiture: Decolonizing Ways Ofknowingin Education through Arts-Based Participatory Action Research.  Canadian Journal of Action Research22(3), 32–44.

*Racine, M. & Allaire, S. (2022). Contribution à la compréhension du concept de la participation : une analyse lexicométrique. Revue internationale du CRIRES / CRI_SAS international Journal, 6(1), 1–30.

Randewijk, E., Toit D., P. H. du, & Harding, A. F. (2022). Informing practice in mathematics through the use of Herrmann’s Whole Brain® theory.  South African Journal of Education42(3), 1–16.

Sáez Bondía, M. J., & Cortés Gracia, A. L. (2022). Action research in education: a set of case studies?  Educational Action Research30(5), 850–864.

Sel, B. (2022). Action research on interdisciplinary teaching of financial literacy in elementary schools.  Turkish Journal of Education11(4), 222–241.

Stuart, K. (2022). Problematic participation: reflections on the process and outcomes of participatory action research into educational inequalities.  Educational Action Research30(3), 342–356.

Teixeira, S., & Kennedy, H. (2022). Social Work and Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR): Past, Present, and Future.  Social Work67(3), 286–295.

Yap, K. H., Koh, A., Kumar, A., Lahpai, M., Cheng, K. H., Ravindaran, T., Vasu, P., & Verghis, S. (2022). Protocol for a feasibility evaluation of a Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) programme to improve resilience and academic achievement in refugee children from a community learning centre in Malaysia: PARSEL (Participatory Action Research on SEL).  PLoS ONE17(8), 1–15.