Veille scientifique sur la collaboration recherche-pratique (janvier 2024)

En collaboration avec le Consortium régional de recherche en éducation, l’équipe poursuit la publication d’une veille scientifique sur la collaboration entre la recherche et la pratique en éducation. La responsabilité de cette veille est assurée par Émilie St-Pierre, agente de liaison.

Amboulé-Abath, A., Boily, É., Aubé, K., Hauchecorne, C., Desrosiers, G., Gobeil, P.-L., Gagnon, J. & L’Italien, C. (2023). Création d’un centre de ressources sociocommunautaires pour soutenir le Partenariat-École-Famille-Communauté (P-E-F-C) au Bas-Saguenay : une recherche-action. Revue hybride de l’éducation, 7(2), 86–110.

Albright, T., & Brion-Meisels, G. (2023). From Democratic Participation to Cariño: Exploring the Core Commitments of Foundational Scholars in the Field of Youth Participatory Action Research. Harvard Educational Review, 93(4), 459–485.

Argañaraz Gomez, M., & Aufseeser, D. (2023). Research, Power, and Care: Limitations to Collaborative Research with Children and Youth. Professional Geographer, 1–8.

Ayaya, G., Makoelle, T. M., & Van Der Merwe, M. (2023). Developing a framework for inclusion: a case of a full-service school in South Africa. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (QSE), 36(10), 1996–2014.

Bilgic, K., & Dogusoy, B. (2023). Exploring Secondary School Students’ Computational Thinking Experiences Enriched with Block-Based Programming Activities: An Action Research. Education and Information Technologies, 28(8), 10359–10384.

Brand, R. (2023). Hope Through Action and Reflection: Participatory Action Research in Jesuit Higher Education. Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal, 12(2), 78–85.

Chew, K. A. B., Child, S., Dormer, J., Little, A., Sammons, O., & Souter, H. (2023). Creating Online Indigenous Language Courses as Decolonizing Praxis. Canadian Modern Language Review, 79(3), 181–203.

Chikkatur, A. (2023). Being in “Their House”: Impact of Youth Participatory Action Research on Adult Learning at a Rural High School. Thresholds in Education, 46(3), 387–398.

Dahal, N. (2023). Implementing Transformative Education with Participatory Action Research: A Review. Qualitative Report, 28(11), 3115–3119.

Desmarais, M.-É. & Forest, M.-P. (2023). Communautés d’apprentissage professionnelles auprès du personnel enseignant au primaire en contexte francominoritaire : moyen prometteur pour faciliter la mise en oeuvre de la pédagogie universelle. Éducation et francophonie, 51(1).

Esau, O. (2023). Reducing Violence through Chess: Involving Pre-Service Teachers in Participatory Action in Schools. Canadian Journal of Action Research, 23(3), 97–111.

Finefter-Rosenbluh, I., Berry, A., & Ryan, T. (2023). Acting Upon Student Voice-Based Teaching Assessment Initiatives: An Account of Participatory Action Research for Teacher Professional Learning. Journal of Teacher Education, 74(5), 508–521.

Forshaw, E., Woods, K., & McCaldin, T. (2023). Developing teachers’ capacity to support students’ assessment experiences: An exploratory participatory action research project in collaboration with high school students. Educational Psychology in Practice, 39(3), 345–363.

Haines, S. J., Reyes, C. C., & McGann, G. T. (2023). Augmenting Relationships Among Families With Refugee Backgrounds and Their Children’s Teachers Using a Meeting Protocol: A Pilot Study. School Community Journal, 33(2), 35–62.

Harvey, S., Tardif, S. & Pouliot, E. (2023). La mise à l’essai du programme « T’ES prêt ! » au Cégep de Jonquière : ce qu’en pensent les enseignantes en éducation spécialisée. Revue hybride de l’éducation, 7(3), 1–21.

Huencho, A., & Chandía, E. (2023). Humanizing mathematics education: quantitative and arithmetic argumentation of indigenous cultural practices. ZDM – Mathematics Education, 55(6), 1085–1099.

Kantawala, A. (2023). Confluence of Pedagogical Frameworks: Crafting a Blueprint for Inspired Learning. Art Education, 76(5), 4–7.

Littman, D. M., Ortega-Williams, A., Beltrán, R., Wagaman, M. A., Bender, K., & Wernick, L. (2023). Navigating, subverting, and replacing conventional academic structures and expectations to co-create with participatory action research (PAR) teams: where to for PAR scholarship?. Journal of Community Practice31(3-4), 466-487.

Mathur Grunewald, N., & Foley-Nicpon, M. (2024). Exploring the Utility of Community-Based Participatory Research to Investigate Mindfulness-Based Interventions in Schools. Psychology in the Schools, 61(1), 398–412.

Makruf, I., & Barokah, A. (2023). Improving the Quality of ICT-Based Arabic Learning Assessment With Online Applications. Journal of Higher Education Theory & Practice, 23(11), 32–40.

Many, J. E., Tanguay, C. L., Bhatnagar, R., Belden, J., Griffin, T., Hagan, C., & Pettaway, C. (2023). Inspiring, Supporting, and Propelling Urban Educators: Understanding the Effectiveness of a University-Based Induction Support Program. Education Sciences, 13(8), 770.

Molekoa, M. T., Ubisi, L., Sefotho, M., & Ferreira, R. (2023). Full-Service Schoolteachers’ Views of Career Construction for Learners with Visual Impairment. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 23(2), 421–440.

Nagrotsky, K., & Mizell, J. (2024). “I’m going to be open with you” or “ideas are neutral”: Critical reflections on doing YPAR in middle school classrooms. Middle School Journal, 55(1), 36–49.

Onsrud, S. V., Fredriksen, B., Rinholm, H., & Lindgren, M. (2023). The Multiplicity of Preservice Music Teachers’ Positioning in a Participatory Action Research Project. Research Studies in Music Education, 45(2), 329–343.

O’Toole, J. (2023). Identifying creative and participatory approaches to respond to existing challenges for Irish language teaching and learning at English-medium primary school level. Irish Educational Studies, 42(4), 599–616.

Panhwar, A. H., & Bell, M. J. (2023). Enhancing student engagement in large ESL classes at a Pakistani university. Educational Action Research, 31(5), 964–980.

Potts, M., Le Hunte, B., & Ross, K. (2024). On Learning Interbeing. Journal of Transformative Education, 22(1), 42–63.

Ritonga, M., Gusvita, A., Saputra, R., & Budiarti, M. (2023). The effectiveness of Google chat as the platform for Islamic education learning activities. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2798(1), 1–6.

Römer, L., Supa, M., & Hodboď, V. (2023). Media literacy education nurturing civic participation of disadvantaged youth, or not? Learning, Media & Technology, 48(3), 372–386.

Serina-Karsky, F. (2023). Bien-être scolaire et communauté éducative inclusive : défis et enjeux d’une expérimentation pédagogique à l’Île Maurice pour penser le bonheur d’enseigner. Phronesis, 12(2-3), 209–221.

Tardif, S., Dumais, D., Beauparlant, S., Girard, A. & Émond-Tremblay, V. (2023). T’ES en stage : un module d’activités pour favoriser la réussite en stage des étudiantes et des étudiants en éducation spécialisée. Revue hybride de l’éducation, 7(2), 111–120.

Thériault, P., Allaire, S., Nadeau-Tremblay, S., Gaudreault, M. & Gagnon, V. (2023). Le forum de coélaboration de connaissances : source d’inspiration et de soutien à la rédaction d’un récit en cinq temps aux 2e et 3e cycles du primaire. Revue hybride de l’éducation, 7(2), 27–56.

Tomėnienė, L., & Vaičiūnienė, A. (2023). Teachers’ Experiences in Organizing the Process of Assessment and Self-Assessment of Students in Natural Sciences Lessons. Technium Social Sciences Journal, 46, 64–73.

Tremblay, K., Philion, R., Moreau, A., Ruel, J., Morales, E., Feliziani, M. & Garneau-Gaudreault, L.-A. (2023). Bilan des contributions et retombées perçues de l’implantation d’une communauté de pratique auprès d’une équipe-école. Revue hybride de l’éducation, 7(1), 184–217.

Récipiendaires – Bourses 2023-2024

L’équipe a récemment dévoilé les récipiendaires de son concours annuel de bourses en soutien aux étudiants-chercheurs de ses membres.

Audrey Pépin est la récipiendaire pour le doctorat.

Quant à la maitrise, il s’agit de Élodie Cardinal, Noémie Boulianne, Anne-Sophie Mailloux, Émilie Desjardins ainsi que Karolanne Vachon.

Le concours encourage les étudiants qui s’intéressent à la collaboration entre chercheurs et praticiens ou qui ont un intérêt marqué pour les retombées de leur travail pour le milieu scolaire.

Veille scientifique sur la collaboration recherche-pratique (septembre 2023)

En collaboration avec le Consortium régional de recherche en éducation, l’équipe poursuit la publication d’une veille informationnelle sur la collaboration entre la recherche et la pratique en éducation. La responsabilité de cette veille est assurée par Émilie St-Pierre, agente de liaison.

Aas, M., & Vennebo, K. F. (2023). Building leadership capacity in school leadership groups: an action research project.   Educational Action Research31(2), 348–365.
Avdukic, A., Khaleel, F., Abdullah, A., & Brawe, A. H. (2023). Religion as a barrier to the use of student loans for higher education: A community‐based participatory study with Somalis living in England.   British Educational Research Journal,   49(2), 370–404.
Baxter, G., & Toe, D. (2023). “Parents don’t need to come to school to be engaged:” teachers use of social media for family engagement.   Educational Action Research,   31(2), 306–328.
Brandau, N., & Alirezabeigi, S. (2023). Critical and participatory design in-between the tensions of daily schooling: working towards sustainable and reflective digital school development. Learning, Media & Technology,   48(2), 337–349.
Brann, K. L., Naser, S. C., & Clough, M. (2023). Organizational Consultation to Promote Equitable School Behavioral Data Practices Using the Participatory Culture-Specific Intervention Model.   Journal of Educational & Psychological Consultation,  33(3), 231–253.
Chikkatur, A., & Vall, S. (2023). Rethinking “Damage-Centered” Research and Individual Solutions: Cultural Humility as a Framework to Increase Student Diversity in Undergraduate STEM Departments.   International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning,   17(1), 1–11.
Davis, A., Tuckey, M., Gwilt, I., & Wallace, N. (2023). Understanding Co‐Design Practice as a Process of “Welldoing.”   International Journal of Art & Design Education,   42(2), 278–293.
de Castro, M. G., Palazuelos, A., Corona, A., Sánchez, Á., Alises, G., Sancho, M., Cauja, P., & Sanz, V. (2023). “Please send me the link for tomorrow, María” human‐rights based participatory research with people with learning disabilities via Zoom.   British Journal of Learning Disabilities51(2), 260–268.
de Jager, S. (2023). Exploring Student Teachers’ Experiences of Vulnerability in Higher Education Spaces.   South African Journal of Higher Education,   37(2), 60–76.
Domínguez, A. D. (2023). ¡Venceremos!: Challenging School Barriers with Latinx Youth Participatory Action Research.   Journal of Latinos & Education,   22(3), 1208–1222.
Fleming, H., Paton, A., & Rowley, J. (2023). Exploring young people’s experiences of the Tree Of Life narrative intervention through participatory research.   Educational Psychology in Practice39(2), 135–153.
Franquesa, S. M., Jorge Sales, L., & Silva, S. R. E. (2023). Participatory action research for primate conservation: A critical analysis of a nonformal education program in Southern Mexico. American Journal of Primatology,   85(5), 1–13.
Gripton, C. (2023). Developing mathematical patterning in ECE classrooms: participatory research with teachers of 3–5-year-olds.   European Early Childhood Education Research Journal,   31(3), 326–342.
Kieferle, S., & Markic, S. (2023). Development and Implementation of Innovative Concepts for Language-Sensitive Student Laboratories.   Chemistry Education Research and Practice,   24(2), 740–753.
López-Quiñones, A., Martinez-Lopez, M., Moreno Sandoval, C. D., Carroll-Miranda, J., Lindala, A. E., Chatman, M. C., Fleming, J., Shockley, E. T., Cadeau, D., & Flores-Reyes, E. (2023). Ancestral Computing for Sustainability: Centering Indigenous Epistemologies in Researching Computer Science Education.   TechTrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning67(3), 435–445.
MacMath, S., Salingré, B., & Sivia, A. (2023). Moving from EDID Words to Policy Action: A Case Study of a Teacher Education Program’s Admissions Policy Reform.   Canadian Journal of Education,   46(2), 359–385.
Malone, M. (2023). Re-Imagining the Research Article: Social-Semiotic Signposts and the Potential for Radical Co-presence in the Scholarly Literature.   International Journal of Social Inquiry,   16(1), 1–16.
Molekoa, M. T., Ubisi, L., Sefotho, M., & Ferreira, R. (2023). Full-Service Schoolteachers’ Views of Career Construction for Learners with Visual Impairment.   International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance,   23(2), 421–440.
*Moreau, A. & Tremblay, K. (2023). Grille d’observation des premières compétences en littératie d’élèves en situation de handicap : recherche-développement et première étape de validation. Revue hybride de l’éducation, 7(1), 31–62.
Osibodu, O., Byun, S., Hand, V., & LópezLeiva, C. (2023). A Participatory Turn in Mathematics Education Research: Possibilities and Tensions.   Journal for Research in Mathematics Education,   54(3), 225–232.
Palmer, K., Yu, G. S., & Aprill, A. (2023). Co-Constructing Sustainable Collaborations in Early Childhood Settings Through the Arts.   International Journal of Education & the Arts,   24(6), 1–23.
Parent, S., Clermont, C., Radziszewski, S., Vertommen, T., & Dion, J. (2023). Child Maltreatment and Links with Experiences of Interpersonal Violence in Sport in a Sample of Canadian Adolescents.   Social Sciences (2076-0760),   12(6), 336.
Phan, M. L., & Renshaw, T. L. (2023). Guidelines for Implementing and Adapting Evidence-Based Interventions With Marginalized Youth in Schools.   American Journal of Orthopsychiatry93(3), 256–268.
Salazar, C., Barahona, C., Romero Viruel, A., Velasco Zuñiga, J. D., Palma, B., Meza, K. J., & Moreno, R. (2023). Research Collectives With, For, and By Undocumented Scholars: Creating Counterspaces for Revelation, Validation, Resistance, Empowerment, and Liberation in Higher Education.   Journal of Hispanic Higher Education,   22(2), 161–174.
Szoko, N., Dwarakanath, N., Miller, E., Chugani, C. D., & Culyba, A. J. (2023). Psychological empowerment and future orientation among adolescents in a youth participatory action research program.   Journal of Community Psychology,   51(5), 1851–1859.
*Tremblay, K., Philion, R., Moreau, A., Ruel, J., Morales, E., Feliziani, M. & Garneau-Gaudreault, L.-A. (2023). Bilan des contributions et retombées perçues de l’implantation d’une communauté de pratique auprès d’une équipe-école. Revue hybride de l’éducation, 7(1), 184–217.
Tsevreni, I., Tigka, A., & Christidou, V. (2023). Exploring children’s participation in the framework of early childhood environmental education.   Children’s Geographies,   21(3), 394–409.
Ukowitz, M. (2023). Who defines innovation in education? Participatory action research and organisational learning.   Educational Action Research,   31(2), 366–383.
Upreti, Y. R., Devkota, B., Bastien, S., & Luitel, B. C. (2023). Developing a school-based nutrition education programme to transform the nutritional behaviours of basic-level schoolchildren: a case from participatory action research in Nepal.   Educational Action Research, 1–20.

Compte-rendu du colloque sur les processus en jeu entre chercheurs et intervenants des milieux scolaires

Dans le cadre du dernier congrès de l’Acfas, l’équipe a organisé un colloque sur les processus en jeu entre chercheurs et intervenants des milieux scolaires dans des projets de recherche participative.

Josquin Duchaine et Charlotte Fournier, deux étudiants en psychologie à l’UQAM, ont rédigé un compte-rendu de l’événement.

Veille scientifique sur la collaboration recherche-pratique (mai 2023)

En collaboration avec le Consortium régional de recherche en éducation, l’équipe poursuit la publication d’une veille informationnelle sur la collaboration entre la recherche et la pratique en éducation. La responsabilité de cette veille est assurée par Émilie St-Pierre, agente de liaison.

Albanesi, C., Prati, G., Guarino, A., & Cicognani, E. (2023). School Citizenship Education Through YPAR: What Works? A Mixed-Methods Study in Italy. Journal of Adolescent Research, 38(1), 143–177.

Albright, T. (2023). Youth participatory action research: schooling, learning, and entangled lines of flight. Educational Action Research, 1–17.

ALP, G., & BULUNUZ, N. (2023). Effect of Web-Based Collaborative Learning Method with Scratch on Critical Thinking Skills of 5th Grade Students. Participatory Educational Research, 10(2), 82–104.

Amezcua-Aguilar, T., & Espadas-Alcázar, M. Á. (2023). Epistemological Breaks for Social Work Training and Practice: Participatory Research Through Photovoice in Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods. Journal of Human Development & Capabilities, 24(1), 49–69.

Blain, S. (2023). Une recherche-développement dans le contexte pandémique : création de livres animés pour favoriser le développement de la compréhension en lecture chez les apprentis lecteurs francophones en milieu minoritaire. Language and Literacy / Langue et littératie, 25(1), 78–104.

Bergmark, U. (2023). Teachers’ professional learning when building a research-based education: context-specific, collaborative and teacher-driven professional development. Professional Development in Education, 49(2), 210–224.

Dahal, N. (2023). Is Doing Research for People or on People? A Book Review of Emancipatory and Participatory Research for Emerging Educational Researchers: Theory and Case Studies of Research in Disabled Communities. Qualitative Report, 28(1), 69–74.

Hewett, K. (2023). The Primary Literacy Research Collaborative Briefing: Experiences of Literacy in Lockdown — What can we learn? English 4–11, 77, 12–14.

Kozak, D. L., & Schnellert, L. M. (2023). Parents with Teachers Re-Authoring the Home-School Interface: A Critical Participatory Action Research Study. Canadian Journal of Action Research, 23(1), 68–92.

Levy, I. P., Edirmanasinghe, N., Ieva, K., & Hilliard, C. (2023). Youth Participatory Action Research as School Counseling Praxis: A Scoping Review. Professional School Counseling, 27(1a), 1–11.

Manouchehri, B., & Burns, E. A. (2023). A “Participatory School” in Iran: A Bottom-Up Learning Approach in a Top-Down Education System. Education and Urban Society, 55(3), 263–288.

Ordem, E. (2023). Participatory action research in a listening-speaking class in second language teaching: towards a critical syllabus. Educational Action Research, 31(1), 4–20.

Salazar, C., Barahona, C., Romero Viruel, A., Velasco Zuñiga, J. D., Palma, B., Meza, K. J., & Moreno, R. (2023). Research Collectives With, For, and By Undocumented Scholars: Creating Counterspaces for Revelation, Validation, Resistance, Empowerment, and Liberation in Higher Education. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 22(2), 161–174.

Shieh, E. (2023). How teachers see policy: school context, teacher inquiry, and policy visibility. Journal of Education Policy, 38(1), 166–188.

Smeplass, E., Cecilia Rapp, A., Sperling, K., & Akse, J. (2023). Potentials of Collaborative Educational Welfare Research – Theorizing Voice Plurality and Social Empowerment. Interchange (0826-4805), 54(1), 1–18.

Snyder, C., Oppenlander, J., Foley, N., & Goldberg, L. (2023). The Placement Dilemma: Leveraging Technology to Improve the Student Teacher Placement Process Through Participatory Action Research. Contemporary Issues in Technology & Teacher Education, 23(1), 11.

Tanhan, A., Boyle, C., Taş, B., Söğüt, Y., Cashwell, C. C., Genc, E., & Karatepe, H. T. (2023). Using online photovoice and community-based participatory research to understand facilitators and barriers to online distance education during COVID-19. Distance Education, 44(1), 40–65.

Toulia, A., Strogilos, V., & Avramidis, E. (2023). Peer tutoring as a means to inclusion: a collaborative action research project. Educational Action Research, 31(2), 213–229.

Ukowitz, M. (2023). Who defines innovation in education? Participatory action research and organisational learning. Educational Action Research, 31(2), 366–383.

Vanderlip Taylor, K. (2023). Developing a visual art community of practice: a participatory action research study of a museum-based partnership for art teachers in Los Angeles. Professional Development in Education, 49(1), 168–183. https://doi

van de Venter, R., Skelton, E., Matthew, J., Woznitza, N., Tarroni, G., Hirani, S. P., Kumar, A., Malik, R., & Malamateniou, C. (2023). Artificial intelligence education for radiographers, an evaluation of a UK postgraduate educational intervention using participatory action research: a pilot study. Insights into Imaging, 14(1), 1–13.

West, N. M. (2023). Defining the Contours of a Participatory Action Research Counterspace Developed by, for, and about Black Women in Higher Education. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (QSE), 1–24.

Wood, L., & Kahts-Kramer, S. (2023). “But How Will You Ensure the Objectivity of the Researcher?” Guidelines to Address Possible Misconceptions about the Ethical Imperatives of Community-Based Research. Research Ethics, 19(1), 1–17.

Mini-colloque 14

Nous accueillons aujourd’hui Mélanie Crausaz, chargée d’enseignement à la HEP Vaud. Voici un résumé de sa présentation.

Pile ou face ? ma place et ta place !

Analyse de la collaboration entre milieux scolaire et universitaire sous l’angle de l’analyse interactionnelle

La collaboration est un concept polysémique qui est aujourd’hui largement utilisé dans toutes les formations par alternance pour justifier un partenariat qui semble aller de soi. Mais sommes-nous capables d’affirmer que nos ingénieries de formation permettent de mettre en commun des ressources, des énergies et des compétences autour d’un même projet (Martin-Noureux, 2021) ?

A travers trois exemples de dispositifs pédagogiques déployés dans la formation des enseignant·e·s du canton de Vaud (Suisse), nous analyserons les rôles et les places en jeu dans l’interaction entre formateur·trice·s de terrain et formateur·trice·s institutionnel.

Pour comprendre les mécanismes en jeu dans un groupement focalisé (Goffman, 1988) nous utilisons une approche interactionnelle (Filliettaz 2014) et multimodale (Goodwin, 1995; Kress et al. 2001) que nous présenterons comme outil permettant une approche située.

Nous ouvrirons la discussion pour penser ensemble à des modalités de collaboration favorisant la construction d’une communauté de formateur·trice·s d’enseignant·e·s.

Séminaire sur le développement professionnel avec l’INSPÉ de Bretagne

Stéphane Allaire animera un séminaire intitulé « La recherche participative au service des développements professionnels: le cas de l’École en réseau au Québec ».

L’événement aura lieu mercredi, 3 mai, de 11h à 12h30 (heure du Québec) ici.

L’École en réseau est une vaste recherche qui a été menée en collaboration pendant 15 ans au début des années 2000 au Québec. Bien qu’elle se soit étendue à une diversité de milieux scolaires au fil du temps, initialement, elle visait à bonifier l’environnement d’apprentissage des petites écoles rurales. Le séminaire abordera des processus-produits de développements professionnels qui y ont eu lieu, autant pour des praticiens que des chercheurs. Pour y parvenir, nous ferons appel à des résultats de recherche ainsi qu’à l’autoréflexion.