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Bruna Borges Carvalho

PhD student in Earth Sciences

at the University of Québec at Chicoutimi

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Project :
Processes Involved in the formation of migmatites derived from granitic protoliths

Director :
Pr. Edward Sawyer

get my CV here

Research activity :

Papers :
* Carvalho, B.B.; Janasi, V.A.; Henrique-Pinto, R. 2014. Geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope constraints on the petrogenesis of the K-rich Pedra Branca Syenite: implications for the Neoproterozoic post-collisional magmatism in SE Brazil. Lithos 205, 39-59. DOI:10.1016/j.lithos.2014.06.016

* Henrique-Pinto, R; Janasi, V. A; Carvalho, B. B.; Calado, B.O; Grohmann, C.H.; 2014. Integrated Geological Map of the São Roque Domain, North of São Paulo City – Brazil. Journal of Maps DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2014.883338

* Carvalho, B., Janasi V. (2012) Crystallization conditions and controls on trace element residence in the main minerals from the Pedra Branca Syenite, Brazil: An electron microprobe and LA-ICPMS study. Lithos 153, 208–223

under review:
Henrique-Pinto, R.; Janasi, V.A.; Tassinari, C.C.G.; Carvalho, B.B.; Cioffi, C.R.; Stríkis, N.M. Provenance and sedimentation environments of São Roque Group, Brazil: contributions from petrography and geochemistry of metasediments. Journal of South America Earth Sciences.

Abstracts :
2014 - European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU)
Carvalho, B.B; Sawyer, E.W.; Janasi, V.A.; 2014. Melting granites to make granites. Vienna, Austria (oral presentation).

2012 - 46 Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia
Carvalho, B. B.; Janasi, V. A.; Andrade, S.; 2012. Controles na partição de elementos traço entre minerais formadores de rocha a partir de microanálises por LA-ICPMS, e implicações para a petrogênese do Sienito Pedra Branca, SW de Minas Gerais. (Controls on the partition of trace-elements between rock-forming minerals from LA-ICPMS microanalysis, and implications to the petrogenesis of the Pedra Branca Syenite, SW Minas Gerais). In: 46 Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 2012, Santos-SP. Anais do 46 Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 2012.

2011 - 46° Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia
Carvalho, B.B.; Janasi, V.A.; 2011. Major and trace-element chemistry of minerals and the origin of chemical diversity in the Pedra Branca Syenite, Brazil. In: Seventh Hutton Symposium on Granites and Related Rocks, 2011, Ávila. Abstracts Book with Attendees Addresses, 2011. v. 1. p. 32.
2010 - Congresso de Geoquímica dos Países de Lingua Portuguesa. Porto, Portugal (oral presentation)
Carvalho, B.B.; Janasi, V.A.; 2010. Geology and Geochemistry of the Pedra Branca Syenite, SW Minas Gerais, Brazil: implications to its origin and magmatic evolution. In: X Congresso de Geoquímica dos Países de Lingua Portuguesa, 2010, Porto, Portugal.

Description of my PhD project

Processes Involved in the formation of migmatites derived from granitic protoliths.