Cell culture
Centrifuge for slides Cytospin 3 (Thermo Shandon)
Shaking incubator MaxQT 4000 (Thermo Fisher)
Microscope Evos (Thermo Fisher)
Microscope Observer 2.1 (Zeiss)
Electroporation/nucleofection system 4D- Nucleofector (Lonza)
Automated cell counter Moxi Z (Orflo)
Other (safety cabinets, incubators, stereomicroscope)
Clinical assessment
BImmunity markers level assessment Phadia 250 (Thermo Fisher)
Spirometers MiniSpir (MIR)
Others (Blood drawing chairs, gurney)
Conservation and preservation
Cryoconservators Locator Plus (Thermo Fisher)
Freezers (-20°C)
Ice machine
Refrigerators (4°C)
Ultra-low temperature freezers (-80°C) (Thermo Fisher)
Pyrosequencer PyroMarkQ24 and Pyromark Q48 (Qiagen)
Automated electrophoresis system Qiaxcel Advanced System (Qiagen)
Functional genetics
LFluorimeter Qubit 4 (Invitrogen)
Digital PCR QX100 ddPCR System (Bio-Rad)
Plate sceller PX1 PCR (Bio-Rad)
Spectrophotometer NanoDrop 2000 (Thermo Fisher)
Automatic eletrophoresis system Bioanalyzer 2100 (Agilent)
Automated pipetting robot TECAN Freedom EVO (Tecan)
Bench centrifuges and microcentrifuges (Beckman Coulter, Thermo Fisher)
Centrifuge Allegra 25R (Beckman Coulter)
Centrifuge Avanti J-E (Beckman Coulter)
Ultra centrifuge Optima max (Beckman Coulter)
Water baths (Thermo Fisher)
Thermal cyclers (applied biosystems, Biometra)
Real-time PCR CFX 384 and CFX 96 (Bio-Rad)
Sequencer 3500 Genetic analyzer (Life Technologies)
Sequencer MiniSeq (Illumina)
Molecular biology
Tools for Western blot
Fluorescence detection system ChemiDoc it MP (Bio-Rad)
Transfert system Transblot turbo (Bio-Rad)