Amira Aoussim
Amira Aoussim
Master degree student
Candidate to a master degree in biomedical and clinical sciences (Director of research: Elise Duchesne, co-director: Catherine Laprise, UQAC, Saguenay, Canada, 2019) on the proteomic study of muscular cells in individuals with type 1 myotonic dystrophy (DM1);
B.Sc. in Sciences, technologies, health with chemistry mention (Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne, Saint-Étienne, France, 2016-2019).
Laboratory training on the classification of proteins whose expression is modulate by physical exercices in patients with DM1 (UQAC, Saguenay, Canada, 2019);
Laboratory training on the antiproliferative and antifungal potential of epilobium angustifolium, a component with potential anticancer properties and on the resistance of a cancer strain against an anticancer drug (LASEVE laboratory, UQAC, Saguenay, Canada, 2018-2019).
Émile Bélanger
Émile Bélanger
Master degree student
Candidate to master degree in biomedical and clinical sciences (Director of research: Catherine Laprise, UQAC, Saguenay, Canada, 2019-) on the analysis of miRNAs expression profile in CD4+ T lymphocytes and eosinophils in asthma and associated traits;
B.Sc. in computer sciences engineering (UQAC, Saguenay, Canada, 2016-2019).
Teaching experiences
Part-time lecturer Dossier professionnel (6GEN480), UQAC 2019;
Part-time lecturer Méthode de gestion de projet informatique (6GEI505), UQAC, 2019;
Part-time lecturer Applications réseaux et sécurité informatique (6GEI466), UQAC, 2020.
Volunteering experiences
Treasurer of the student committee of the Centre intersectoriel en santé durable (CISD), UQAC, 2019
William Bourumeau
William Bourumeau
Master degree student
Candidate to master degree in biomedical and clinical sciences (co-direction : Catherine Laprise et Catherine Girard, UQAC, Saguenay, Canada, 2020-);
B.Sc in biology and Diplôme Universitaire d’Études Technologies International (DUETI) (Université Paris-Créteil (UPEC), Créteil, France, 2019-2020);
Diplôme Universitaire Technologique (DUT) option biochemistry and biological analysis (ABB) (UPEC, Créteil, France, 2016-2019).
Study of phosphorylation status of LLTPL K5 pattern in individuals with epidermolysis bullosa simplex (Director of research: Prof. Catherine Laprise, UQAC, Saguenay, Canada, 2019-);
Laboratory training in infection of corn culture with the fungi Fusarium verticilloides and evaluation of toxic proteins concentration and their toxicity (Institute of Biomedical and Microbial Biotechnology (IBMB), Cape Town, South Africa, 2019).
Pierre-Alexandre Gagnon
Pierre-Alexandre Gagnon
Master degree student
Candidate to master degree in biomedical and clinical sciences biomédicales (Co-direction : Catherine Laprise, UQAC, Saguenay, Canada, 2020-) on the evaluation of structural changes and biological pathways modified by bronchial thermoplasty;
B.Sc. in Biology (UQAC, 2017-2020)
Laboratory training on methylation of certain loci in asthma and quantification of proteins using the ELISA technique (Director of research: Prof. Catherine Laprise, UQAC, Saguenay, Canada, 2018-);
Creation of a genetic catalog of Brettanomyces bruxellensis, a yeast species involved in the deterioration of wine (GMGM, University of Strasbourg, summer 2019)
Marie-Ève Lavoie
Marie-Ève Lavoie
Candidate to master degree in biomedical and clinical sciences biomédicales (Direction : Catherine Laprise, UQAC, Saguenay, Canada, 2020-);
B.Sc. in biology (UQAC, Saguenay, Canada, 2017-2020);
Inhalotherapy technology course (Cégep de Chicoutimi, Saguenay, Canada, 1998-2002).
Training on the evolution of the respiratory status of a group of individuals from the asthma familial cohort of Saguenay─Lac-Saint-Jean 20 years after initial recruitment (Director of research: Prof. Catherine Laprise, UQAC, Saguenay, Canada, 2018-)
Teaching experiences
Laboratory part-time lecturer advanced histophysiology (1HSA305), UQAC, 2021
Mathieu Simard
Mathieu Simard
Candidate to doctoral degree;
Master degree in biomedical and clinical sciences (Directors of research: Catherine Laprise and Simon Girard, UQAC, Saguenay, Canada, 2018-2020) on the Bioinformatic study of asthma genetics and epigenetics;
B.Sc. in chemistry of natural products (UQAC, Saguenay, Canada, 2015-2018).
Laboratory training on synthesis and activation of furanoses by coupling with antibacterial agents (LASEVE laboratory UQAC, Saguenay, Canada, 2018);
Laboratory training on the analysis of nitrites and nitrates in soils (UQAC, Saguenay, Canada, 2017).
Teaching experiences
Laboratory part-time lecturer Génétique générale (1GNT102), UQAC, 2019-2020-2021;
Laboratory part-time lecturer Pharmacognosie (1CPM106), UQAC, 2020;
Laboratory part-time lecturer Chimie générale (1CHM141), UQAC, 2019.