

Markey, C. H., E. Strodl, A. Aimé, M. McCabe, R. Rodgers, A. Sicilia, G. Lo Coco, J. Dion, D. Mellor, G. Pietrabissa, S. Gullo, A. Granero-Gallegos, M. Probst, C. Maïano, C. Bégin, M. Alcaraz- Ibánez, M.-È. Blackburn, M. L. Caltabiano, G. M. Manzoni, G. Castelnuovo, N. Hayami-Chisuwa, Q. He, M. Fuller‐Tyszkiewicz (2023). A survey of eating styles in eight countries: Examining restrained, emotional, intuitive eating and their correlates. British Journal of Health Psychology, 28(1), 136-155.

 McCabe, M., M. Alcaraz- Ibánez, C. Markey, A. Sicilia, R.F. Rodgers, A.  Aimé, J. Dion, G. Pietrabissa, G. Lo Coco, M. Caltabiano, E. Strodl, C. Bégin, M.-È. Blackburn, G.  Castelnuovo, A. Granero-Gallegos, S. Gullo, N. Hayami-Chisuwa, Q. He, C. Maïano, G.M. Manzoni, D. Mellor, M. Probst, M. Fuller-Tyszkiewicz (2023). A longitudinal evaluation of a biopsychosocial model predicting BMI and disordered eating among young adults. Australian Psychologist, 1-23.



Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, M., R. F. Rodgers, C. Maïano, D. Mellor, A. Sicilia, C. H. Markey, A. Aimé, J. Dion, G. Pietrabissa, G. Lo Coco, M. L. Caltabiano, E. Strodl, M. Alcaraz-Ibánez, C. Bégin, M.-È. Blackburn, G. Castelnuovo, A. Granero-Gallegos, S. Gullo, N. Hayami-Chisuwa, Q. He, G. M. Manzoni, M. Probst, M. McCabe (2022). Testing of a model for risk factors for eating disorders and higher weight among emerging adults: Baseline evaluation. Body Image, 40, 322-339.



Aimé, A., M. Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, J. Dion, C.-H. Markey, E. Strodl, M. McCabe, D. Mellor, A. G. Gallegos, G. Pietrabissa, M. Alcaraz-Ibánez, C. Bégin, M.-È. Blackburn, M. Caltabiano, G. Castelnuovo, S. Gullo, N. Hayami-Chisuwa, Q. He, G. Lo Coco, G.M. Manzonie, M. Probst, C. Maïano (2020). Assessing positive body image, body satisfaction, weight bias, and appearance comparison in emerging adults: A cross-validation study across eight countries. Body Image, 35, 320-332.

McCabe, M., Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, M., Mellor, D., & Maïano, C., (2020). Body image, disordered eating, higher weight, and their associated factors: Can we use the same scales to measure constructs across different countries? Body Image, 35, 316-319.

Pietrabissa, G., S. Gullo, A. Aimé, D. Mellor, M. McCabe, M. Alcaraz-Ibánez, C. Begin, M.-È. Blackburn, M. Caltabiano, A. Sicilia, G. Castelnuovo, J. Dion, A. Granero-Gallegos, N. Hayami-Chisuwa, Q. He, G. Lo Coco, C. Maïano, C. Markey, M. Probst, R.F. Rodgers, E. Strodl, G.M. Manzoni, M. Fuller-Tyszkiewicz (2020). Measuring perfectionism, impulsivity, self-esteem and social anxiety: Cross-national study in emerging adults from eight countries. Body Image, 35, 265-278.

Rodgers, R. F., M. Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, C. Markey, A. Granero-Gallegos, A. Sicilia, M. Caltabiano, M.-È. Blackburn, N. Hayami-Chisuwa, E. Strodl, A. Aimé, J. Dion, G. Lo Coco, S. Gullo, M. McCabe, D. Mellor, G. Castelnuovo, M. Probst, G. Manzoni, C. Bégin, G. Pietrabissa, C. Maïano (2020). Psychometric properties of measures of sociocultural influence and internalization of appearance ideals across eight countries. Body Image, 35, 300-315.

Sicilia, A., M. Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, R. F Rodgers, A. Granero-Gallegos, G. Lo Coco, J. Dion, M. McCabe, E. Strodl, C.H. Markey, A. Aimé, S. Gullo, D. Mellor, G. Castelnuovo, M. Probst, C. Maïano, G.M. Manzoni, C. Bégin, M.-È. Blackburn, G. Pietrabissa, N. Hayami-Chisuwa, M. Alcaraz-Ibánez (2020). Cross-Country Measurement Invariance and Effects of Sociodemographic Factors on Body Weight and Shape Concern-Related Constructs in Eight Countries. Body Image, 35, 288-299.

Strodl, E., C. Markey, A. Aimé, R. F Rodgers, J. Dion, G. Lo Coco, S. Gullo, M. McCabe, D. Mellor, A. Granero-Gallegos, A. Sicillia, G. Castelnuovo, M. Probst, C. Maïano, G. Mauro Manzoni, C. Bégin, M.-È. Blackburn, G. Pietrabissa, M. Alcaraz-Ibánez, N. Hayami-Chisuwa, M. Fuller-Tyszkiewicz (2020). A cross-country examination of emotional eating, restrained eating and intuitive eating: Measurement Invariance across eight countries. Body Image, 35, 245-254.



McCabe, M., G. Tatangelo, B. Watson, M. Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, R.F. Rodgers, A. Aime, D. Mellor, A. Granero-Gallegos, E. Strodl, M. Caltabiano, A. Sicilia Camacho, G. Castelnuovo, G. Lo Coco, S. Grogan, M. Probst, J. Dion, C. Maïano, G. Manzoni, C. Begin, M.-E. Blackburn, G. Pietrabissa, C. Markey, S. Gullo, M.-J. Lirola, M. Alcaraz-Ibáñez, N. Hayami-Chisuwa, Q. He, L. Ricciardelli. (2019). Development and testing of a model for risk and protective factors for eating disorders and higher weight among emerging adults: A study protocol. Body Image, 31, 139-149.