Crysta profile

Crysta Rhainds

Crysta Rhainds, B.Sc
Lacustre biology
LASA – Laboratoire des sciences aquatiques
Département des sciences fondamentales
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
555, boulevard de l’Université, Local P3-1070
Chicoutimi (Québec) G7H 2B1
Tel: 1-418- 545-5011 ext 2336
Research (Français)

The St-Lawrence River is an important freshwater source for all the population living in Quebec. It is essential to study its environment to list its state of health. The St-Lawrence River ecosystem is unique and serves as a habitat for many animal and plant species. My master’s project focuses on the study of fatty acids and isotopes of several fish species, but also on the behavior of a zooplankton species, Daphnia (Daphnia magna), when in contact with the water of the river to different degree of pollution. My goal is to verify and record the degree of pollution of the St-Lawrence River by using aquatic environment tracers such as fatty acids and isotopes.

Université du Québec à Chicoutimi