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1. Repports etc./ Reports

Pagé P., Barnes S.-J., Méric J. and Houlé M.G., 2015. Geochemical composition of chromite from Alexo komatiite in the western Abitibi greenstone belt: Implications for mineral exploration. Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4: Canadian Nickel-Copper-Platinum Group Elements-Chromium Ore Systems – Fertility, Pathfinders, New and Revised Models, (ed.) D.E. Ames and M.G. Houlé; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File Report 7856,  p. 187-195.

Dare S.A.S., Ames D.E., Lightfoot P.C., Barnes S.-J. and Beaudoin, G., 2015. Trace elements in Fe-oxides from fertile and barren igneous complexes: Investigating their use as a vectoring tool in the intrusions that host Ni-Cu-PGE deposits. Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4: Canadian Nickel-Copper-Platinum Group Elements-Chromium Ore Systems – Fertility, Pathfinders, New and Revised Models, (ed.) D.E. Ames and M.G. Houlé; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File Report 7856,  175-185.

Dare S.A.S., Ames D.E., Lightfoot P.C., Barnes S.-J. and Beaudoin, G., 2014. Mineral chemistry and supporting databases for TGI4 project on “Trace elements in Fe-oxides from fertile and barren igneous complexes: Investigating their use as a vectoring tool in the intrusions that host Ni-Cu-PGE depositsGeological Survey Canada Open File Report 7538, 45p.

Maier W.D., Howard H.M., Smithies R.H., Yang S., Barnes S.-J., O’Brien H., Huhma H. and Gardoll S., 2014. Mafic-ultramafic intrusions of the Giles event, Western Australia: petrogenesis and prospectively for magmatic ore deposits. Geological Survey Western Australia Report 134, 82p.

Barnes S.-J. and Brenan, J., 2012. Introduction to a Special Issue on Geochemistry of Chalcophile and Siderophile Elements. Chemical Geology, 302, 1-2.

Dare S.A.S., Barnes S.-J. and Beaudoin G., 2012. Trace elements infer-oxides from fertile and barren intrusions: Investigating their use as a vectoring tool in Ni-Cu-PGE deposits. Geological Survey of Canada 58, TGI 4 report.

Méric J., Pagé P., Barnes S.-J. and Houlé, M.G., 2012. Geochemistry of chromite from the Alexo komatiite, Dundonald Township: preliminary results from electron microprobe and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometric analyses. In: Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2012; Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 6280, 46-1 to 46-12.

Dare S.A.S., Barnes S.-J. and Beaudoin G., 2012. Trace elements infer-oxides from fertile and barren intrusions: Investigating their use as a vectoring tool in Ni-Cu-PGE deposits. Geological Survey of Canada, 54 TGI4.

Dare S.A.S., Barnes S.-J., and Beaudoin G., 2011. Trace elements infer-oxides from fertile and barren intrusions: Investigating their use as a vectoring tool in Ni-Cu-PGE deposits. Geological Survey of Canada, 25 TGI4.

Rabayrol F. and Barnes S.-J., 2009. Méthode de calibration des éléments mineurset traces dans les magnétites par LA-ICP-MS.  DIVEX, Rapport Annuel Projet SC29, 33p.

Cox R.A., Bédard L.P., Barnes S.-J. and Constantin M., 2007. Selenium distribution in magmatic sulfide mineralsDIVEX, Rapport Annuel, Projet SC26.

Nabil H., Barnes S.-J. and Clark T., 2003. Distribution du nickel, du cuivre et des EPG dans des sulfures del’indice du Lac Volant, région de Sept-Iles, Québec. In: Géologie resources minéales de la partie est de la Province de Grenville. Géologie Québec, DV 2002-0, 327-349.

Barnes S.-J and Crocket J.H., 2001.  Ore forming processes in dynamic magmatic systems: Preface. Canadian Mineralogist 39.

Mueller W.U., Champagne C., Barnes S.-J. and Pilote P. 1999. Physical volcanology of komatiite flows at Spinifex Ridge, La Motte Vassan Formation, Malartic, Quebec Portion, Abitibi Greenstone Belt. In: Classic komatiite localities and magmatic Fe-Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulphide deposits in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Ontario-Quebec: Guidebook Series v1. Mineral Exploration Research Centre, Laurentian University, 45-53.

Lesher M., Gilles S. and Ripley E.M., 1999. Ni-Cu-(PGE) Sulphides in the Raglan Block. Komatiitic peridotite-hosted Ni-Cu-PGE deposits of Raglan Area, Cape Smith, New Quebec. Guidebook Series Mineral Exploration Research Centre, Laurentian University 177-185.

Barnes S.-J. et Therrien M.C. 1996. Potentiel de la Province du Grenville du Québec pour des gîtes du groupe du platine. Ministère des Ressources Naturelles du Québec, MB-96-03, 61 pages.

Makovicky, E., Makovicky, M., Rose-Hansen, J. and Barnes, S.-J 1995. Skaergaard intrusion in a test tube – New results. In: Open file series, Greenland, 54-57.

Makovicky E., Makovicky M., Rose-Hansen J. and Barnes, S.-J., 1995. Skaergaard intrusion in a test tube – Current results. In: Mineral Deposits: From their origin to their environmental impacts. Czech Geological Survey, 145-147.

Barnes S.-J., Couture J.-F., Poitras A. and Tremblay C., 1993. Les éléments du groupe du platine dans la partie québécoise de la ceinture de roches vertes de l’Abitibi. Ministère de l’Energie et des Ressources du Québec, ET 91-04, 108 pages.

Barnes S.-J., Sawyer E.W. and Mainville M., 1993. The Belleterre-Angliersbelt – A rifted island-arc? Lithoprobe report.

Barnes S.-J., Sawyer E.W., Mainville M. and Bouchaib C., 1992. Reconnaissance results from the Belleterre-Angliers Belt. Lithoprobe, Report 25, 135-138.

Barnes S.-J., Couture J.-F., Poitras A. and Tremblay C., 1990. Platinum-group elements in the Quebec portion of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt. CERM report for the Ministère de l’Energie et des Ressources.

Tremblay C., Couture J.-F. et Barnes S.-J., 1988. Évaluation du potentiel enéléments du groupe du platine (EGP) de la région de Rouyn-Noranda. Ministère de l’Energie et des Ressources. Rapport d’activité 1988.

Barnes S.-J., 1988. The use of metal ratios in prospecting for a platinum-group element deposit. EXPLORE Newsletter.

Barnes S.-J., Boyd R., Korneliussen A., Nilsson, L.-P., Often M., Pedersen R.B. and Robins B., 1987. Geochemistry of platinum metals in rocks and ores in Norway: Pilot Project. Norges geoliske Undersokelse. Open File Report, 87-021, 50 pages.

Barnes S.-J. and Often M., 1987. Geochemistry of Proterozoic komatiites from northern Norway. Report for EEC Raw Materials Program.

Barnes S-J. 1986.  Investigation of the potential of the Tverrfjell portion of the Rana intrusion for a platinum-group element mineralization.  Norges geoliske Undersokelse. Open File Report, 86-201, 169 pages

Hugo P.J., Schalk K.E.L. and Barnes S.-J., 1983. Bibliography of South West African/Nambian Earth Science. Geological Survey of Southwest Africa, Namibia 1, 142.

Barnes S.-J., 1983. A review of Komatiites. (ed) by N.T.Arndt, and E.G. Nisbet. George Allen and Unwin, London.  Economic Geology 78, 1279.

Barnes S.-J., 1982. Serpentinites in central South West Africa/Namibia: A reconnaissance study. Geological Survey of South West Africa, Namibia, Memoir 8, 90.

Barnes S.-J., Naldrett A.J. and Gorton M.P., 1981. Platinum group elements in Abitibi komatiites, associated with nickel sulphide deposits. Ontario Geological Survey, Miscellanneous Paper 98, 1-12.

Barnes S.-J., 1980. Classification of ultramafic rocks and the economic potential of the Damaran serpentinites. Annual Geological Survey of South Africa 14/2, 57-68.


Cours intensifs/Workshops
Savard D. and Barnes S-J. 2019 Laser ablation applied to ore deposits.  Post symposium workshop GAC-MAC, Quebec City, May

Barnes S.-J., 2018. Exploration for platinum-group element deposits. Advanced Workshop for Magmatic Ore Deposits, Mineral Exploration Research Centre, Laurentian University, Sudbury, April.

Barnes, S.-J. and Duran, C.J. 2017. Recent advances in micro-analytical techniques (LA-ICP-MS, CT …) applied to ore deposits.SGA 14th biennial meeting, Québec City, August 24-25.

Barnes S.-J., 2016. Exploration for platinum-group element deposits. Advanced Workshop for Magmatic Ore Deposits, Mineral Exploration Research Centre, Laurentian University, Sudbury, April.

Barnes, S.-J., 2015. Highly siderophile and strongly chalcophile elements in magmatic ore deposits.  Short course Highly siderophile and strongly chalcophile elements. Scripps Oceanographic Institute, San Diego, Dec 11-12.

Barnes S.-J., 2014. Exploration for platinum-group element deposits. Advanced Workshop for Magmatic Ore Deposits, Mineral Exploration Research Centre, Laurentian University, Sudbury, April.

Pagé P., 2014. Chromite geochemistry and its use. Advanced Workshop for Magmatic Ore Deposits, Mineral Exploration Research Centre, Laurentian University, Sudbury, April.

Pagé P., 2014. Chromite deposits in ophiolitic complexes: Podiform and other types. Advanced Workshop for Magmatic Ore Deposits, Mineral Exploration Research Centre, Laurentian University, Sudbury, April.

Barnes S.-J., 2013. Ore deposits associated with mafic and ultramafic rocks. Congrès Québec Mines, Québec, Canada, 11-14 Novembre.

Barnes S.-J., 2013. Textures and mineralogy of magmatic sulfides. Workshop for Copper, nickel, and platinum group element deposits of the Lake Superior region. Precambrian Research Center, University of Minnesota, USA, October.

Barnes S.-J., 2013. Platinum-group element deposits. PDAC, short course on Ni-Cu-PGE deposits, March.

Barnes S.-J., 2012. Crystallization of sulfide liquids. 12th International Ni-Cu-(PGE) Symposium, Short Course, Guiyang, China.

Barnes S.-J., 2012. Platinum-group element deposits. Advanced Workshop for Magmatic Ore Deposits, Mineral Exploration Research Centre, Laurentian University, Sudbury.

Boutroy E., Dare S.A.S., Beaudoin G. and Barnes, S.-J., 2012. Minor and trace element composition of magnetite forming-Cu-PGE deposits worldwide and its application to mineral exploration. 22rd V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Poster at Workshop for Processes that control the trace elements of Fe-oxides in ore deposits, Montréal, Canada, 30 June.

Dare S.A.S., Barnes S.-J., Beaudoin G.and Méric J., 2012. Magnetite and Ilmenite from igneous deposits: Ni-Cu sulfide deposits Andre-Ti-V-P deposits, associated with layered intrusions and anorthosite complexes. Invited talk at the 22rd V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Processes that control the trace elements of Fe-oxides in ore deposits, Montréal, Canada, 30 June.

Méric J., Dare S.A.S., Barnes S.-J. and Beaudoin G., 2012. The use of trace elements in Fe-oxides in deducing the fractionation history of a silicate magma: A LA-ICP-MS study. 22rd V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Poster at Workshop for Processes that control the trace elements of Fe-oxides in ore deposits, Montréal, Canada, 30 June.

Pagé P. and Barnes S.-J., 2012. Trace elements in chromite from various settings: Their use in provenance studies and as an exploration tool. 22rd V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Poster at Workshop for Processes that control the trace elements of Fe-oxides in ore deposits, Montréal, Canada, 30 June.

Savard D., Barnes S.-J., Dare S.A.S. and Beaudoin G., 2012. Improved calibration technique for magnetite analysis by LA-ICP-MS. 22rd V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Workshop for Processes that control the trace elements of Fe-oxides in ore deposits, Montréal, Canada,30 June.

Barnes S.-J., 2011. An overview of platinum-group element deposits. GSA annual meeting, Minneapolis, SEG short course, October.

Barnes S.-J., 2010. Analytical methods applied to platinum-group element analysis and exploration. 11th International Platinum Symposium, June.

Barnes S.-J., 2010. Platinum-group element deposits. Advanced Workshop for Magmatic Ore Deposits, Mineral Exploration Research Centre, Laurentian University, Sudbury.

Pagé P., 2010. The Chromitites from ophiolitic complexes and their PGE mineralization: The Thetford Mines Ophiolite, Québec, Canada, The association between chromite and PGE. Workshop notes, 11th International Platinum Symposium, Sudbury (Canada).

Maier W.D. and Barnes S.-J., 2009. Platinum-group element deposits. Xi’an Ni-Cu (Pt) Symposium, Xi’an, China Short Course Notes, 18-20 June.

Barnes S.-J., 2009. The Lac-des-Iles Pd deposits. Xi’an Ni-Cu (Pt) Symposium, Xi’an, China, 18-20 June.

Barnes S.-J., 2008. Exploration for platinum-group element deposits. SEG workshop, student chapter, Laval University in association with Québec Exploration.

Barnes S.-J., 2008. Stratiform PGE deposits in layered intrusions. Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada, Toronto, 2-5 March. CD-ROM Exploration for platinum-group elements.

Barnes S.-J., 2008. Lithogeochemistry of PGE reef type deposits. Prospectors and Developers Association Canada, Toronto, 2-5 March. CD-ROM Exploration for platinum-group elements.

Barnes S.-J., 2008. Platinum-group element deposits. Advanced Workshop for Magmatic Ore Deposits, Mineral Exploration Research Centre, Laurentian University, Sudbury.

Barnes S.-J., 2006. An overview of platinum-group element deposits. Advanced Workshop for Magmatic Ore Deposits, Mineral Exploration Research Centre, Laurentian University, Sudbury.

Maier W.D. and Barnes S.-J., 2005. Application of lithogeochemistry to exploration for PGE deposits. 10th Platinum Symposium, Oulu, Finland.

Barnes S.-J., 2005. Guidelines for finding a Ni-deposits. Carrefour des Sciences de la Terre, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Chicoutimi, March.

Barnes S.-J., 2004. Partition coefficients of PGE, Ni and Cu and their implications for the formation of ore deposits Advanced Workshop for Magmatic Ore Deposits, Mineral Exploration Research Centre, Laurentian University, Sudbury.

Barnes S.-J., 2003. Exploration techniques for Ni and PGE deposits. University of Pretoria, South Africa.

Barnes S.-J., 2001. Platinum is where you find it! An exploration guide for platinum-group element deposits. CIM meeting short course, Québec, pp. 40.

Barnes S.-J., 2001. Geochemistry of the Platinum-group elements. Geological Society of South Africa, Rustenburg, pp. 1-8.

Barnes S.-J., 1996. Factors effecting the composition of nickel-copper sulphide deposits. Cours intensif, 9e Congrès APGGQ.

Barnes S.-J., 1992. Exploration guidelines for the platinum group elements. Short Course CIDA project given at the University of Bahia, Brazil.

Barnes S.-J., 1990. Platinum is where you find it! Exploration Guidelines for platinum-group elements. Short Course Notes for the CIM Symposium, Rouyn-Noranda.


Autres publications téléchargeables /  Downloadable Files
Ratio plots Ni/Cu-Pd/Ir etc. – source Barnes 1990. The use of metal ratios in prospecting for a platinum-groupelement deposit. In: Geochemistry of Platinum-Group Elements.  Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 37, 91-99.

Rouyn-99 – Résumés de IGCP 427 à Rouyn-Noranda / Abstracts from the 1999 field conference in Rouyn-Noranda on Ore Forming Processes in Dynamic Magmatic Systems- IGCP Project 427.

Industrie des éléments du Groupe du Platine

Titre à l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi