
  1. Lecours V: Récents développements en méthodes de cartographie d’habitats côtiers semi-automatisées. Rencontre d’échanges sur la végétation aquatique du fleuve Saint-Laurent, Plan d’Action Saint-Laurent, Québec, QC, Canada, 13 avril 2023.
  2. Lecours V: Multiscale geomorphometry for the understanding of marine ecosystems and geosystems. Seminar Series in the School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, États-Unis, 31 mars 2023.
  3. Lecours V, Misiuk B, Montereale Gavazzi G, Lucieer V, McGonigle C & Blondel P: Identifying priority questions in acoustic backscatter research: preliminary results from community input. Multibeam Sonar Backscatter Workshop of the GeoHab Backscatter Working Group, Halifax, NS, Canada, 25-27 octobre 2022.
  4. Lecours V: Evaluating changes in deep-sea morphological mapping of the northern Gulf of Mexico across thematic and spatial resolutions. International Conference on Seafloor Landforms, Processes and Evolutions, La Vallette, Malte, 4-6 juillet 2022.
  5. Lecours V: Augmenter le potentiel des données hydrographiques pour caractériser les habitats benthiques avec la géomorphométrie multi-échelle. Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, Pêches et Océans Canada, Mont-Joli, QC, Canada, 2 juin 2022.
  6. Lecours V: Recent advances in geomorphometry: opportunities for submarine geomorphology. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2022, Vienne, Autriche, 23-27 mai 2022.
  7. Lecours V: Geomorphometry of the deep Gulf of Mexico. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2022, Vienne, Autriche, 23-27 mai 2022.
  8. Lecours V & Oxton A: Optimizing ensemble models to identify suitable habitat of cold-water corals species in the northern Gulf of Mexico. GeoHab International Symposium, Venise, Italie, 16-20 mai 2022.
  9. Lecours V & Oxton A: Evaluating tradeoffs in ensemble modeling of cold-water corals in the Gulf of Mexico to inform management and conservation. The Gulf of Mexico Conference 2022, Baton Rouge, LA, États-Unis, 25-28 avril 2022.
  10. Lecours V: Ocean and coastal mapping: considerations for data characteristics. Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland Graduate Society Seminar Series, St. John’s, NL, Canada, 20 avril 2022.
  11. Lecours V: Seascape ecology and mapping – lessons learned and opportunities. Seascape Ecology & Mapping Lab, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, 30 mars 2022.
  12. Lecours V: Habitat mapping from reefs to rift: selected projects from the University of Florida Marine Geomatics Lab. Oceanography Seminar Series, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, 15 mars 2022.
  13. Lecours V: Multiscale geomorphological mapping of the deep Gulf of Mexico. Florida Society of Geographers 2022 Annual Meeting, virtuel, 12 février 2022.
  14. Lecours V: La géomatique au service des sciences de la mer. Webinaire du Centre de Recherche en Données et Intelligence Géospatiales de l’Université Laval, Québec, Canada, 3 février 2022.
  15. Lecours V: Developing a standardized framework for data integration and distribution on the West Florida Shelf. Florida RESTORE Act Centers of Excellence Program Meeting, St. Petersburg, FL, États-Unis, 20-21 janvier 2022.
  16. Lecours V: Using geomatics to advance coastal and marine sciences. School of Forest, Fisheries, & Geomatics Sciences Advisory Board Meeting, Gainesville, FL, États-Unis, 10 décembre 2021.
  17. Lecours V: University of Florida benthic habitat mapping updates. Florida Coastal Mapping Program Summit, virtuel, 7 décembre 2021.
  18. Lecours V: Mapping the marine world from reef to rift. Department of Geography Colloquium Series, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, États-Unis, 28 octobre 2021.
  19. Lecours V & Espriella M: Evaluating geospatial data needs for accurate temporal monitoring of coastal habitats in Florida, USA. CoastGIS 2021 Conference, virtuel depuis Raseborg, Finlande, 16-17 septembre 2021.
  20. Lecours V & Espriella M: Can multiscale roughness help computer-assisted identification of coastal habitats in Florida? International Conference on Geomorphometry, virtuel depuis Perugia, Italie, 13-15 septembre 2021.
  21. Lecours V: Intégrer la télédétection optique et acoustique pour cartographier les écosystèmes côtiers. Congrès de l’Association Québécoise de Télédétection, virtuel, 2-3 juin 2021.
  22. Lecours V: Developing multiscale terrain signatures for seabed classification. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, virtuel, 19-30 avril 2021.
  23. Lecours V: Contributing to regional, national, and global marine habitat mapping efforts through student-led projects. Florida Academy of Sciences Conference, virtuel, 19-20 mars 2021.
  24. Lecours V: Évaluer le potentiel des signatures topographiques en remplacement des signatures spectrales pour la caractérisation des habitats côtiers. Colloque du Centre Interdisciplinaire de Développement en Cartographie des Océans, virtuel, 15-19 mars 2021.
  25. Lecours V & Espriella M: Multiscale analysis of digital surface models for the identification of oyster resources in Florida. 57th Annual Meeting of the Florida Society of Geographers, virtuel, 20 février 2021.
  26. Lecours V: Developing a standardized framework for data integration and distribution on the West Florida Shelf. Florida Coastal Mapping Program Summit, virtuel, 3 décembre 2020.
  27. Lecours V & Espriella M: Twenty thousand scales under the sea: exploring the potential of multiscale analyses for marine habitat characterization. American Fisheries Society Virtual Annual Meeting, virtuel, 14-25 septembre 2020.
  28. Lecours V & Espriella M: Can remote sensing and spatial analysis help monitor and manage Florida’s oyster resources? 2020 Florida Society of Geographers Conference, Gainesville, États-Unis, 7-9 février 2020.
  29. Lecours V & Espriella M: Improving oyster resources monitoring in the Gulf of Mexico using remotely-sensed data and object-based image analysis techniques. 2020 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, Tampa, États-Unis, 3-6 février 2020.
  30. Lecours V: Utiliser la géomorphométrie pour supporter la cartographie des habitats marines. Centre Interdisciplinaire de Développement en Cartographie des Océans, Rimouski, QC, Canada, 8 novembre 2019.
  31. Lecours V & Espriella M: Testing new approaches for multiscale oyster mapping and monitoring. Third Oyster Integrated Mapping and Monitoring Program (OIMMP) workshop, St. Petersburg, FL, États-Unis, 9-10 octobre 2019.
  32. Lecours V: Towards more informed methodological decisions when using geomorphometry in species distribution models. Faculty of Environmental Sciences Special Seminar, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague, République Tchèque, 18 septembre 2019.
  33. Lecours V: A marine perspective to cross-scale processes impacting biodiversity. Meeting of the National Sciences Foundation Research Coordination Network on Cross-Scale Processes Impacting Biodiversity, Gainesville, FL, États-Unis, 28-31  mai 2019.
  34. Lecours V, Gábor L, Edinger EN & Devillers R: To each its own: contrasting fine-scale environmental preferences of cold-water coral species in the Northwest Atlantic. 18th International Symposium GeoHab, Saint-Pétersbourg, Russie, 13-17 mai 2019.
  35. Lecours V: TASSE: Terrain Attribute Selection for Spatial Ecology toolbox for ArcGIS. Workshop of the 18th International Symposium GeoHab, Saint-Pétersbourg, Russie, 13 mai 2019.
  36. Lecours V: Morphometrics and quantitative applications within geomorphological mapping. Workshop of the 18th International Symposium GeoHab, Saint-Pétersbourg, Russie, 13 mai 2019.
  37. Lecours V, Edinger E & Deviller R: Fine-scale habitat mapping of three areas of the Northwest Atlantic. 48th Benthic Ecology Meeting, St. John’s, NL, Canada, 3-6 avril 2019.
  38. Lecours V:Scale: a matter of perception. 2019 Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences Graduate Students Symposium, Gainesville, FL, États-Unis, 22 février 2019.
  39. Lecours V: A call for a consistent and transparent framework for habitat mapping in the Gulf of Mexico. Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, Nouvelle-Orléans, LA, États-Unis, 4-7 février 2019.
  40. Lecours V: Marine habitat mapping: are we doing it right? College of Marine Science Seminar Series, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, FL, États-Unis, 16 novembre 2018.
  41. Lecours V: What lurks below, or how to better understand benthic habitats. Howard T. Odum Center for Wetlands « Water, Wetlands, and Watersheds » Seminar Series, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, États-Unis, 14 novembre 2018.
  42. Lecours V, Lucieer VL, Dolan MFJ & Micallef A: Recent and future trends in marine geomorphometry. International Conference on Geomorphometry, Boulder, CO, États-Unis, 13-17 août 2018.
  43. Lecours V, Misiuk B, Edinger EN & Devillers R:Evaluating oceanographic drivers of deep-sea corals at multiple thematic scales. 17th International Symposium GeoHab, Santa Barbara, CA, États-Unis, 7-11 mai 2018.
  44. Lecours V, Kim K, Frederick PC & Pine III WE: A hierarchical approach to quantifying fine-scale habitat availability. 17th International Symposium GeoHab, Santa Barbara, CA, États-Unis, 7-11 mai 2018.
  45. Lecours V & LeClerc E: Opportunities and dangers of using maps as means of communication. Symposium on Improving Communication and Collaboration in Fisheries, 38th Annual Meeting of the Florida Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Haines City, FL, États-Unis, 11-13 avril 2018.
  46. Lecours V: How to lie with maps. 2018 Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences Graduate Students Symposium, Gainesville, FL, États-Unis, 16 février 2018.
  47. Lecours V: Mapping the seafloor, with end users in mind. 2017 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Nouvelle-Orléans, LA, États-Unis, 11-15 décembre 2017.
  48. Lecours V: An interdisciplinary perspective on data collection and analysis for complex marine environments. Biocomplexity Engineering Seminar Series – Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, États-Unis, 14 novembre 2017.
  49. Lecours V, & Devillers R: Impacts of mapmaking decisions on marine habitat maps and their implications for fisheries management. 7th International Symposium on GIS & Spatial Analyses in Fishery & Aquatic Sciences, Hokkaido, Japon, 21-26 août 2017.
  50. Lecours V: Towards a more critical use of spatial data in fisheries management147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, FL, États-Unis, 20-24 août 2017.
  51. Lecours V, & Devillers R: Bringing acoustic remote sensing into the mainstream. International Earth Observation Summit, Montréal, QC, Canada, 19-23 juin 2017.
  52. Lecours V, Devillers R, Brown CJ, Lucieer VL & Edinger EN: Can we trust our habitat maps? Assessing map sensitivity for decision-making. 16th International Symposium GeoHab, Halifax, NS, Canada, 1-5 mai 2017.
  53. Lecours V: On the prescriptive use of habitat maps in marine sciences and conservation. Warning: results may vary!  SFRC – Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Seminar Series, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, États-Unis, 24 février 2017.
  54. Lecours V, Devillers R, Brown CJ, Lucieer VL & Edinger EN: Assessing marine habitat maps sensitivity to variable selection and data quality. 4th International Marine Conservation Congress, St. John’s, NL, Canada, 30 juillet au 3 août 2016.
  55. Lecours V, Devillers R, Brown CJ, Simms AE, Lucieer VL & Edinger EN: Too many cooks spoil the broth: assessing which combinations of terrain attributes best serve habitat mapping. 15th International Symposium GeoHab, Winchester, Royaume-Uni, 2-6 mai 2016.
  56. Lecours V, Dolan MFJ, Micallef A & Lucieer VL: Geomorphometry in habitat mapping: lessons learned from the past 10 years of applications. 15th International Symposium GeoHab, Winchester, Royaume-Uni, 2-6 mai 2016.
  57. Lecours V: Towards a better integration of spatial concepts in the marine habitat mapping workflow. Research Seminar, LE Lab, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 28 mars 2016.
  58. Lecours V: Improving geographic literacy in the natural sciences: a marine habitat mapping perspective. 18th Annual Aldrich Multidisciplinary Research Conference, St. John’s, NL, Canada, 18-20 mars 2016.
  59. Lecours V: Geography matters! How geographic context and methods can improve marine habitat mapping. BlueBox Seminar Series, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL, Canada, 18 mars 2016.
  60. Lecours V, Lucieer VL, Dolan MFJ & Micallef A: An ocean of possibilities: applications and challenges of marine geomorphometry. 4th International Conference for Geomorphometry, Poznań, Polande, 22-26 juin 2015.
  61. Lecours V, Simms AE, Devillers R, Lucieer VL & Edinger EN: Finding the best combinations of terrain attributes and GIS software for meaningful terrain analysis. 4th International Conference for Geomorphometry, Poznań, Polande, 22-26 juin 2015.
  62. Lecours V, Lucieer VL, Micallef A, Dolan MFJ, Brown CJ, Edinger EN & Devillers R: Where land meets sea: towards a complete coverage for terrain analysis of coastal environments. 36th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, St. John’s, NL, Canada, 8-11 juin 2015.
  63. Lecours V, Devillers R & Edinger EN: Challenges in surveying the deep sea using acoustic remote sensing and remotely operated vehicles. Geomatics Atlantic 2014, St. John’s, NL, Canada, 3-5 novembre 2014.
  64. Lecours V: Using geospatial technologies to explore the deep-sea at multiple scales. ESRI Canada User Conferences, across Canada, Fall 2014.
  65. Lecours V: Are oceans still the Earth’s last frontier? Using remote sensing to explore the unknown. 16th Annual Aldrich Interdisciplinary Research Conference, St. John’s, NL, Canada, 21-23 mars 2014.
  66. Lecours V, Devillers R & Edinger EN: Surrogacy in the deep sea: linking biogeography with terrain morphology, surficial geology and oceanography. Atlantic Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers 25th Annual Meeting, Moncton, NB, Canada, 18-20 octobre 2013.
  67. Lecours V, Tzekakis D, Devillers R, Brown CJ & Edinger EN: Using underwater acoustic remote sensing to investigate spatial and temporal scales in habitat mapping. Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, St. John’s, NL, Canada, 11-15 août 2013.
  68. Lecours V, Devillers R, Edinger EN, Brown CJ & Lucieer VL: Exploring the role spatial scale plays in marine habitat mapping using multiscale geomorphometric analyses. 12th International Symposium GeoHab, Rome, Italie, 6-10 mai 2013.
  69. Lecours V, Edinger EN & Devillers R: Understanding modern cold-water corals in Canada using multi-scale bathymetric data analysis. Geological Association of Canada and Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, St. John’s, NL, Canada, 27-29 mai 2012.

Professeur à l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi