La liste ci-dessous recense les écrits et les collaborations à de la documentation scientifique ou académique dans le domaine des sciences appliquées par des membres de la communauté universitaire de l’UQAC au cours du mois de décembre 2019.
Votre ouvrage a été publié au cours du dernier mois, mais ne se retrouve pas dans la liste? Partagez-le avec nous par courriel à
- Barakat, H., Zedan, Y., Samuel, A. M., Doty, H. W., Valtierra, S., & Samuel, F. H. (2019). Effect of metallurgical parameters on the drilling and tapping characteristics of aluminum cast alloys. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 105(1-4), 1357-1370. doi: 10.1007/s00170-019-04322-9
- Chehri, A., & Mouftah, H. T. (2020). Internet of Things ‐ integrated IR‐UWB technology for healthcare applications. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 32(2), e5454. doi: 10.1002/cpe.5454
- Hamed, M., Zedan, Y., Samuel, A. M., Doty, H. W., & Samuel, F. H. (2019). Milling parameters of Al-Cu and Al-Si cast alloys. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 104(9-12), 3731–3743. doi: 10.1007/s00170-019-04075-5
- Heidarzadeh, S., Saeidi, A., & Rouleau, A. (2019). Use of Probabilistic Numerical Modeling to Evaluate the Effect of Geomechanical Parameter Variability on the Probability of Open-Stope Failure: A Case Study of the Niobec Mine, Quebec (Canada). Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. doi: 10.1007/s00603-019-01985-4
- Jeon, G., Abdellah, C., Cuomo, S., Din, S., & Jabbar, S. (2019). Special issue on real-time behavioral monitoring in IoT applications using big data analytics. Concurrency Computation. Repéré à
- La Roche-Carrier, N., Dituba Ngoma, G., Kocaefe, Y., & Erchiqui, F. (2019). Reliability analysis of underground rock bolters using the renewal process, the non-homogeneous Poisson process and the Bayesian approach. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management. Repéré à
- Mahmoud, M. G., Samuel, A. M., Doty, H. W., & Samuel, F. H. (2019). Role of Heat Treatment on the Tensile Properties and Fractography of Al–1.2Si–2.4Cu and Al–8.0Si–2.4Cu Cast Alloys Modified with Ce, La and Sr Addition. International Journal of Metalcasting. Repéré à
- Villemure, F. A., Fiset, M., Bastien, J., Mitchell, D., & Fournier, B. (2019). Behavior of epoxy bonded bars in concrete affected by alkali-silica reaction. ACI Materials Journal, 116(6), 179-191. doi: 10.14359/51719069
- Wisen, J., Chesnaux, R., Wendling, G., & Werring, J. (2019). Water footprint of hydraulic fracturing in Northeastern British Columbia, Canada. Environmental Earth Sciences, 78(24). doi: 10.1007/s12665-019-8740-z
- Chehri, H., Chehri, A., & Hakem, N. (2019, 22-25 September ). Empirical Radio Channel Characterization at 5.9 GHz for Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication. Communication présentée au 90th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC 2019 Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort and SpaHonolulu, United States.
- Chehri, H., Chehri, A., & Hakem, N. (2019, 4-6 September ). In underground vehicular radio channel characterization. Communication présentée au 23rd International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, KES 2019, Budapest, Hungary.
- Fleury, A., Ranjan, R., Shah, L., St-Georges, L., Rahem, A., & Walbridge, S. (2019, June 12 – 15). Fatigue design of friction stir welded joints in aluminium bridge decks. Communication présentée au CSCE Annual Conference, Laval, Québec.
- Ouahmani, T. E., Chehri, A., & Hakem, N. (2019, 4-6 September). Bio-inspired routing protocol in VANET networks- a case study. Communication présentée au 23rd International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, KES 2019, Budapest, Hungary.