La liste ci-dessous recense les écrits et les collaborations à de la documentation scientifique ou académique par des membres de la communauté universitaire de l’UQAC au cours du mois d’avril 2022.
Votre ouvrage a été publié au cours du dernier mois, mais ne se retrouve pas dans la liste? Partagez-le avec nous par courriel à
- Larouche, C., Savard, D., Héon, L., Beauchesne, R., Collard-Fortin, U., Larouche, C., & Byrne, A. (2021, 31 mai-1 juin). Planification stratégique des universités canadiennes : 1er regard comparatif interrégional. Communication présentée au Société canadienne pour l’étude de l’enseignement supérieur, Edmonton, NB.
- Larouche, C., Savard, D., Beauchesne, R., Collard-Fortin, U., & Lavoie, L. (2021, 29-30 avril). Réussites et difficultés des directions d’établissement: entre planification stratégique et pratiques mobilisantes. Communication présentée au 8e Colloque international en éducation : enjeux actuels et futurs de la formation et de la profession enseignante, Montréal, QC.
- Allaire-Duquette, G., Chastenay, P., Bouffard, T., Bélanger, S. A., Hernandez, O., Mahhou, M. A., Giroux, P., … Desjarlais, E. (2022). Gender differences in self-efficacy for programming narrowed after a 2-h science museum workshop. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. Repéré à
Informatique et mathématiques
- Chapron, K., Thullier, F., Lapointe, P., Maître, J., Bouchard, K., & Gaboury, S. (2022). LIPSHOK: LIARA portable smart home kit. Sensors, 22(8). Repéré à
- Latif, G., Bouchard, K., Maitre, J., Back, A., & Bédard, L. P. (2022). Deep-learning-based automatic mineral grain segmentation and recognition. Minerals, 12(4). Repéré à
Sciences appliquées
- Abdelaziz, M. H., Samuel, A. M., Doty, H. W., Songmene, V., & Samuel, F. H. (2022). Mechanical performance and precipitation behavior in Al-Si-Cu-Mg cast alloys: effect of prolonged thermal exposure. Materials (Basel, Switzerland), 15(8). Repéré à
- Ahmed, H. Y., Zeghid, M., Bouallegue, B., Chehri, A., & Abd El‐Mottaleb, S. A. (2022). Reduction of complexity design of SAC OCDMA systems by utilizing Diagonal Permutation Shift (DPS) Codes with Single Photodiode (SPD) detection technique. Electronics (Switzerland), 11(8). Repéré à
- Amara, B., Kocaefe, D., Kocaefe, Y., Bhattacharyay, D., Côté, J., & Gilbert, A. (2022). Partial replacement of petroleum coke with modified biocoke during production of anodes used in the aluminum industry: Effect of additive type. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 12(7). Repéré à
- Angerer, T., Thorne, W., Hagemann, S. G., Tribus, M., Evans, N. J., & Savard, D. (2022). Iron oxide chemistry supports a multistage hydrothermal genesis of BIF-hosted hematite ore in the Mt. Tom Price and Mt. Whaleback deposits. Ore Geology Reviews, 144. Repéré à
- Bahoura, M., Ezzaidi, H., & Méthot, J. F. (2022). Filter group delays equalization for 2D discrete wavelet transform applications. Expert Systems with Applications, 200. Repéré à
- Barnes, S.-J., & Mansur, E. T. (2022). Distribution of Te, As, Bi, Sb, and Se in mid-ocean ridge basalt and komatiites and in picrites and basalts from large igneous provinces; implications for the formation of magmatic Ni-Cu-platinum group element deposits. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, Pre-Issue Publication. Repéré à
- Bouhassoune, I., Chaibi, H., Chehri, A., & Saadane, R. (2021). UHF RFID spiral-loaded dipole tag antenna conception for healthcare applications. Procedia Computer Science, 192, 2531-2539. doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2021.09.022
- Boumaiza, L., Walter, J., Chesnaux, R., Lambert, M., Jha, M. K., Wanke, H., … Stumpp, C. (2022). Groundwater recharge over the past 100 years: Regional spatiotemporal assessment and climate change impact over the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region, Canada. Hydrological Processes, 36(3). Repéré à
- Boumaiza, L., Walter, J., Chesnaux, R., Stotler, R. L., Wen, T., Johannesson, K. H., … Huneau, F. (2022). Chloride-salinity as indicator of the chemical composition of groundwater: empirical predictive model based on aquifers in Southern Quebec, Canada. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Repéré à
- Brassard, J.-D., Posteraro, D., Sobhani, S., Ruggi, M., & Momen, G. (2021). A multi-tool analysis to assess the effectiveness of passive ice protection materials to assist rotorcraft manual de-icing. Applied Sciences, 11(24). Repéré à
- Caraballo, E., Dare, S., & Beaudoin, G. (2022). Variation of trace elements in chalcopyrite from worldwide Ni-Cu sulfide and Reef-type PGE deposits: implications for mineral exploration. Mineralium Deposita. Repéré à
- Chehri, A. (2021). MAC protocols for industrial delay-sensitive applications in industry 4.0: Exploring challenges, protocols, and requirements. Procedia Computer Science, 192, 4542-4551. doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2021.09.232
- Chehri, A., Zimmermann, A., Schmidt, R., & Masuda, Y. (2021). Theory and practice of implementing a successful enterprise IoT strategy in the industry 4.0 Era. Procedia Computer Science, 192, 4609-4618. doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2021.09.239
- Elasheri, A., Elgallad, E. M., Parson, N., & Chen, X. G. (2022). Effect of si level on the evolution of Zr-bearing dispersoids and the related hot deformation and recrystallization behaviors in Al–Si–Mg 6xxx alloys. Advanced Engineering Materials. Repéré à
- Jbene, M., Tigani, S., Saadane, R., & Chehri, A. (2021). Deep neural network and boosting based hybrid quality ranking for e-commerce product search. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 5(3), 35. Repéré à
- Jeon, G., Abdellah, C., Cuomo, S., Din, S., & Jabbar, S. (2021). Special issue on real-time behavioral monitoring in IoT applications using big data analytics. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 33(4). Repéré à
- Jeon, G., Ahmad, A., Chehri, A., & Albertini, M. K. (2021). Guest editorial: Special issue on design architecture and applications of smart embedded devices in internet of things. Journal of Systems Architecture, 115. Repéré à
- Koffi, T., Kassi, K. S., Kone, G., N’Cho, J. S., Edoé, M., Bosson, J., Fofana, I., … Zoueu, J. Using structured laser illumination planar imaging (SLIPI) as a new technique to monitor the degradation of biodegradable oils in electrical power transformers. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution. Repéré à
- Liu, K., Elgallad, E., Li, C., & Chen, X.-G. (2021). Effects of Zr and Sc additions on precipitation of α-Al(FeMn)Si dispersoids under various heat treatments in Al–Mg–Si AA6082 alloys. International Journal of Materials Research, 112(9), 706-716. doi: doi:10.1515/ijmr-2021-8283
- Mohamed, A. M. A., Ibrahim, M. F., Samuel, E., Samuel, A. M., Samuel, F. H., & Doty, H. W. (2022). Assessment of the effect of Mg addition on the solidification behavior, tensile and impact properties of Al–Si–Cu cast alloys. International Journal of Metalcasting. Repéré à
- Mohammed, S., Abdellah, C., Rachid, S., Yassine, E. H., Abdessamad, E. R., & Mohammed, W. (2021). Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces supported wireless communications. Procedia Computer Science, 192, 2491-2501. doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2021.09.018
- Moutik, O., Tigani, S., Saadane, R., & Chehri, A. (2021). Hybrid deep learning vision-based models for human object interaction detection by knowledge distillation. Procedia Computer Science, 192, 5093-5103. doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2021.09.287
- Rabbani, S., Bakhshandeh, E., Jafari, R., & Momen, G. (2022). Superhydrophobic and icephobic polyurethane coatings: Fundamentals, progress, challenges and opportunities. Progress in Organic Coatings, 165. Repéré à
- Rao, K. S., Paramkusam, A. V., Darimireddy, N. K., & Chehri, A. (2021). Block matching algorithms for the estimation of motion in image sequences: Analysis. Procedia Computer Science, 192, 2980-2989. doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2021.09.070
- Samad, A., Tagawa, G. B. S., Khamesi, R. R., Morency, F., & Volat, C. (2022). Frossling number assessment for airfoil under fully turbulent flow conditions. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 36(2), 389-398. doi: 10.2514/1.T6389
- Sekkat, H., Tigani, S., Saadane, R., & Chehri, A. (2021). Vision-based robotic arm control algorithm using deep reinforcement learning for autonomous objects grasping. Applied Sciences, 11(17). Repéré à
- Sghaier, A., Zeghid, M., Massoud, C., Ahmed, H. Y., Chehri, A., & Machhout, M. (2022). Fast constant-time modular inversion over Fp resistant to simple power analysis attacks for IoT applications. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 22(7). Repéré à
- Slalmi, A., Chaibi, H., Saadane, R., Chehri, A., Jeon, G., & Kharraz Aroussi, H. (2021). Energy-efficient and self-organizing Internet of Things networks for soil monitoring in smart farming. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 92. Repéré à
- Villeneuve, E., Charpentier, C., Brassard, J.-D., Momen, G., & Lacroix, A. (2022). Aircraft anti-icing fluids endurance under natural and artificial snow: A comparative study. International Review of Aerospace Engineering (IREASE), 15(1), 1-11.
- Chehri, A. (2021). Contention based medium access control protocol for point-to-multipoint backhaul networks in the 3.65 GHz band. Dans 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting, APS/URSI 2021 – Proceedings (pp. 1017-1018). Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Chehri, H., Chehri, A., & Saadane, R. (2021, 2021//). Traffic signs detection and recognition system in snowy environment using deep learning. Communication présentée au Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Volume 4, Cham.
- Saber, M., Chehri, A., Rharras, A. E., Saadane, R., & Wahbi, M. (2021, 2021//). A cognitive radio spectrum sensing implementation based on deep learning and real signals. Communication présentée au Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Volume 4, Cham.
Sciences fondamentales
- Imbeau, E., Vincent, W. F., Wauthy, M., Cusson, M., & Rautio, M. (2021). Hidden Stores of Organic Matter in Northern Lake Ice: Selective Retention of Terrestrial Particles, Phytoplankton and Labile Carbon. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 126(8). Repéré à
- Jacob, C., Bernatchez, P., Dupras, J., & Cusson, M. (2021). Not just an engineering problem: The role of knowledge and understanding of ecosystem services for adaptive management of coastal erosion. Ecosystem Services, 51. Repéré à
- Madore, A.-M., Bossé, Y., Margaritte-Jeannin, P., Vucic, E., Lam, W. L., Bouzigon, E., … Laprise, C. (2022). Analysis of GWAS-nominated loci for lung cancer and COPD revealed a new asthma locus. BMC pulmonary medicine, 22(1). Repéré à
- Viana, L. R., Dessureault, P. L., Marty, C., Loubet, P., Levasseur, A., Boucher, J. F., & Paré, M. C. (2022). Would transitioning from conventional to organic oat grains production reduce environmental impacts? A LCA case study in North-East Canada. Journal of Cleaner Production, 349. Repéré à
- Yu, B., Rossi, S., Liang, H., Guo, X., Ma, Q., Zhang, S., … Huang, J.-G. (2022). Effects of nitrogen addition and increased precipitation on xylem growth of Quercus acutissima Caruth. in central China. Tree physiology, 42(4), 754-770. doi: 10.1093/treephys/tpab152
Sciences humaines et sociales
- Boily, E., Tremblay, M., Bergeron-Leclerc, C., Maltais, D., Cherblanc, J., Pouliot, E., … Vaillancourt-Morel, M.-P. (2022). Les conséquences de la pandémie sur la santé globale des professeures et des professeurs universitaires. Chicoutim, QC: Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.
- Brault, M.-C., & Beaulieu, G. (2021). “Outil thérapeutique”, “Advil scolaire” ou “doping”? ambivalence des professionnels de la santé face aux usages et à la prescription des médicaments spécifiques au TDAH. Socio-anthropologie, 43, 39-52.
- Cherblanc, J., Verdon, C., Simard, C., & Grenier, J. (2021). Deuil et pandémie : des rituels bouleversés. Profil, 33(2), 8-10.
- Durbin, J., Aubry, T., Barrett, B., Bergeron-Leclerc, C., Briand, C., Goscha, R., … Latimer, E. (2022). Implementing the strengths model of case management: Assessing practice three years after initial implementation. Community Mental Health Journal. Repéré à
- Maltais, D., Cherblanc, J., Cadell, S., Bergeron-Leclerc, C., Pouliot, E., Fortin, G., … Roy, M. (2022). Factors associated with complicated grief following a railway tragedy. Illness Crisis and Loss. Repéré à
- Pouliot, E., Maltais, D., Lansard, A. L., Fortin, G., Dubois, P., & Petit, G. (2021). Conséquences psychosociales de l’exposition à une catastrophe technologique à l’adolescence: l’exemple de la tragédie ferroviaire de Lac-Mégantic. Neuropsychiatrie de l’enfance et de l’adolescence. Repéré à
- Tremblay, S. (2021). Communautés territoriales, développement du pouvoir d’agir et innovation sociale: une contribution à la réflexion des intervenants sociaux. Intervention, 153(93).
Sciences de la santé
- Bernier, J., Lavoie, M., & Poitras, M.-È. (2021). What are the Needs of People Living in Remote Areas About the Essential Components of a Cardiac Rehabilitation Program? Quels sont les besoins des personnes vivant en régions éloignées au regard des composantes essentielles d’un programme de réadaptation cardiaque? Science of Nursing and Health Practices / Science infirmière et pratiques en santé, 4(2), 47-66.
- da Silva, C. S. M., Costa, G. A. N., Aguiar, A. F., Camargo, M. Z., Fernandes, K. B. P., Oliveira, M. R., & da Silva, R. A. (2022). Effect of the use of a cream with leucine and lactic acid associated with electrostimulation in contouring and facial tonus: A randomized clinical controlled trial. Cosmetics, 9(2). Repéré à
- Luigjes-Huizer, Y. L., Tauber, N. M., Humphris, G., Kasparian, N. A., Lam, W. W. T., Lebel, S., Simard, S., … van der Lee, M. L. (2022). What is the prevalence of fear of cancer recurrence in cancer survivors and patients? A systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis. Psycho-Oncology. Repéré à
- Poitras, M.-È., Couturier, Y., Bouchard, N., Pépin, M., Bernier, J., McGraw, M., … Lavoie, M. (2021). Chronic disease patients’ experience with telehealth interventions and self-care strategies during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Annals of Family Medicine.
- Schneider, C., Zangrandi, A., Sollmann, N., Bonfert, M. V., & Beaulieu, L.-D. (2022). Checklist on the quality of the Repetitive Peripheral Magnetic Stimulation (rPMS) methods in research: An international delphi study. Frontiers in neurology, 13. Repéré à