La liste ci-dessous recense les écrits et les collaborations à de la documentation scientifique ou académique par des membres de la communauté universitaire de l’UQAC au cours du mois de juin 2023.
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Arts, lettres et langage
- Gauthier, V. (2023). Jouer ou mourir – étude de Queue de poisson (1885) de Rachilde. La Revue des lettres modernes, 6, 173-186. doi:10.48611/isbn.978-2-406-14958-3
Informatique et mathématiques
- Ameyed, D., Jaafar, F., Ben Chaabene, R., & Cheriet, M. (2023). Federated learning and blockchain: An opportunity for artificial intelligence with data regulation. In AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning: a Security Perspective (pp. 157-166).
- Ameyed, D., Jaafar, F., Petrillo, F., & Cheriet, M. (2023). Quality and security frameworks for iot-architecture models evaluation. SN Computer Science, 4(4). Repéré à
- Moshawrab, M., Adda, M., Bouzouane, A., Ibrahim, H., & Raad, A. (2023). Reviewing federated learning aggregation algorithms; strategies, contributions, limitations and future perspectives. Electronics (Switzerland), 12(10). Repéré à
Sciences appliquées
- Wisse, M. H., Koulibaly, A. S., Saeidi, A., & Quirion, M. (2023). Small-scale physical model for studying the effect of rock mass parameters in the hydraulic erosion process of unlined spillways. In Ahmad, S. & Murray, R. (Eds.), World environmental and water resources congress 2023: Adaptive planning and design in an age of risk and uncertainty – selected papers from world environmental and water resources congress 2023 (pp. 89-98). Reston, Virginie: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
- Elgallad, E. M., Chen, Z., & Chen, X. G. (2023). On the room- and elevated-temperature tensile properties of hot-rolled 6082 alloys containing thermally stable dispersoids. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. Repéré à
- Heydarian, S., Momen, G., & Jafari, R. (2023). Icephobicity and electrical assessment of slippery coating impregnated with a stabilized hydroxyl-terminated lubricant for high voltage insulation application. Journal of Materials Science, 58(22), 9264-9281. doi:10.1007/s10853-023-08600-6
- Jayasree, T., Rozga, P., Fofana, I., Mohan Rao, U., Brettschneider, S., Picher, P., & Rodriguez Celis, E. M. (2023). Prebreakdown and breakdown behaviour of low pour point dielectric liquids under negative lightning impulse voltage. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. Repéré à
- Lévesque, Y., Walter, J., Chesnaux, R., Dugas, S., & Noel, D. (2023). Electrical resistivity of saturated and unsaturated sediments in northeastern Canada. Environmental Earth Sciences, 82(12). Repéré à
- Nanfak, A., Eke, S., Meghnefi, F., Fofana, I., Ngaleu, G. M., & Kom, C. H. (2023). Hybrid DGA method for power transformer faults diagnosis based on evolutionary k-means clustering and dissolved gas subsets analysis. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. Repéré à
- Savard, D., Dare, S., Bédard, L. P., & Barnes, S.-J. (2023). A new mapping protocol for laser ablation (with fast-funnel) coupled to a time-of-flight mass spectrometer (LA-FF-ICP-ToF-MS) for the rapid, simultaneous quantification of multiple minerals. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 47(2), 243-265. doi:10.1111/ggr.12482
- Sobhani, S., Munger, F., & Momen, G. (2023). Reinforced PDMS elastomer nanocomposites: effectiveness of in-situ nano-silica content on flashover voltage and treeing phenomena. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 1-1. Repéré à
- Suassuna de Andrade Ferreira, R., Picher, P., Meghnefi, F., Fofana, I., Ezzaidi, H., Volat, C., & Behjat, V. (2023). Reproducing transformers’ frequency response from Finite Element Method (FEM) simulation and parameters optimization. Energies, 16(11), 4364. doi: 10.3390/en16114364
- Urmi, Z. A., Saeidi, A., Chavali, R. V. P., & Yerro, A. (2023). Failure mechanism, existing constitutive models and numerical modeling of landslides in sensitive clay: a review. Geoenvironmental Disasters, 10(1). Repéré à
Sciences de l’éducation
- Baron, M.-P., Sasseville, N., Vachon, C., Boily, É., Côté, C., & Juneau, S. (2023, 11-12 mai). Vivre l’interprofessionnalité en formation initiale à l’orthopédagogie: enjeux éthiques et développement professionnel. Paper presented at the État de l’avancement des connaissances et des pratiques innovantes issues de la recherche en orthopédagogie, Montréal, QC.
- Gadais, T., Favier-Ambrosini, B., & Rioux, M. A. (2022). Proposal of milestones to map and understand the uses of sport for development and peace. In International perspectives on sport for sustainable development (pp. 43-67).
Sciences économiques et administratives
- Sun, S., & Ertz, M. (2022). Environmental impact of free-floating bike sharing: from life cycle perspective. In Handbook of solid waste management: sustainability through circular economy (pp. 2255-2280).
- Desjardins, F., & Lavallière, M. (2023). Evaluation of a road safety awareness campaign deployed along the roadside in Saguenay (Québec, Canada). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(11). Repéré à
- Ertz, M., & Gasteau, F. (2023). Role of smart technologies for implementing industry 4.0 environment in product lifetime extension towards circular economy: A qualitative research. Heliyon, 9(6). Repéré à
Sciences fondamentales
- Bahda, M., Ricard, J., Girard, S. L., Maziade, M., Isabelle, M., & Bureau, A. (2023). Multivariate extension of penalized regression on summary statistics to construct polygenic risk scores for correlated traits. Human Genetics and Genomics Advances, 4(3). Repéré à
- Benomari, F. Z., Sarazin, M., Chaib, D., Pichette, A., Boumghar, H., Boumghar, Y., & Djabou, N. (2023). Chemical variability and chemotype concept of essential oils from algerian wild plants. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 28(11). Repéré à
- Coussau, L., Robert, D., & Sirois, P. (2023). Spatiotemporal variability in otolith elemental fingerprint and the potential to determine deepwater redfish (Sebastes mentella) origins and migrations in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada. Fisheries Research, 265. Repéré à
- Faubert, P., Ribeiro, P. R., Bouchard, S., Marty, C., Fradette, O., & Villeneuve, C. Funding research using climate change mitigation : the case of the Carbone boréal research infrastructure. PLOS Climate, 2(6). Repéré à
- Ilich, A. R., Misiuk, B., Lecours, V., & Murawski, S. A. (2023). MultiscaleDTM: An open-source R package for multiscale geomorphometric analysis. Transactions in GIS, 27(4), 1164-1204. doi:10.1111/tgis.13067
- Morissette, O., Trueman, C. N., Sturrock, A. M., Geffen, A. J., & Shirai, K. (2023). Limited evidence for species-specific sensitivity of temperature-dependent fractionation of oxygen stable isotope in biominerals: A meta-analysis. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Repéré à
- Saulino, L., Rita, A., Stinca, A., Liuzzi, G., Silvestro, R., Rossi, S., & Saracino, A. (2023). Wildfire promotes the invasion of Robinia pseudoacacia in the unmanaged Mediterranean Castanea sativa coppice forests. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 6. Repéré à
- Zhang, Y., Hong, S., Liu, Q., Huntingford, C., Peñuelas, J., Rossi, S., . . . Piao, S. (2023). Autumn canopy senescence has slowed down with global warming since the 1980s in the Northern Hemisphere. Communications Earth and Environment, 4(1). Repéré à
Sciences humaines et sociales
- Coursin, R. (2023). Jacques-Pierre Brissot. Sociologie historique d’une entrée en révolution. Rennes, France: Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
- Deschênes, G. (2023, 24 mai). La réalité terrestre du loisir(s) comme reflets expérientiels à l’éternel loisir. Paper presented at the Congrès canadien sur la recherche en matière de loisir, Université d’Ottawa (Ontario, Canada).
- Deschênes, G. (2023, 24 mai). Le besoin de développer une politique sociale du loisir(s)/recreation d’un point de vue personnaliste : un bref regard du contexte canadien. Paper presented at the Congrès canadien sur la recherche en matière de loisir, Université d’Ottawa (Ontario, Canada).
- Deschênes, G. (2023, 24 mai). Le bien-être spirituel comme un moyen de rétablissement en santé mentale. Paper presented at the Congrès canadien sur la recherche en matière de loisir, Université d’Ottawa (Ontario, Canada).
- Flynn, C., Marchand, I., Cribb, M., Couturier, P., Petrucci, G., Godin, J., . . . Cousineau, M.-M. (2023). When social responses for violence against women are insufficient to prevent homelessness – A perspective from Quebec (Canada). Women’s Studies International Forum, 99. Repéré à
- Gagné, A. S., Blackburn, M. È., & Dion, J. (2023). Negative comments about adolescents’ body weight: What are they and what is their connection with body image? Revue Europeenne de Psychologie Appliquee, 73(5). Repéré à
- Pouliot, E., Maltais, D., Gervais, C., Tardif-Grenier, K., Simard, A.-S., Gauthier, P., . . . Hamel, A. (2023). Adolescents exposed to cumulative natural disasters: A comparison between their realities in rural and urban areas. Prehospital & Disaster Medicine, 38. Repéré à
Sciences de la santé
- Bouchard, M.-C., Jalbert, G., Bourassa, D., Bernier, N., & Côté, K. (2023). Production, envoi et retransmission de sextos chez les adolescents : Prévalence et facteurs associés. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 55(3), 228-239. doi:10.1037/cbs0000321
- Davey, E. E., Légaré, C., Planco, L., Shaughnessy, S., Lennon, C. D., Roussel, M.-P., . . . Berglund, J. A. (2023). Individual transcriptomic response to strength training for myotonic dystrophy type 1 patients. JCI insight. Repéré à
- De La Sablonnière-Griffin, M., Collin-Vézina, D., Esposito, T., & Dion, J. (2023). Recurrent child protection post-investigation services for First Nations children in the province of Quebec. Child abuse & neglect. Repéré à
- Desjardins, F., & Lavallière, M. (2023). Evaluation of a road safety awareness campaign deployed along the roadside in Saguenay (Québec, Canada). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(11). Repéré à
- Dion, J., Attard, V., Guyon, R., De La Sablonnière-Griffin, M., Perreault, É., & Hébert, M. (2023). Implementing a sexual violence prevention program in two Canadian Indigenous communities: Challenges and lessons learned. Child abuse & neglect. Repéré à
- Dion, J., Hébert, M., Sadikaj, G., Girouard, A., Godbout, N., Martin-Storey, A., . . . Bergeron, S. (2023). Dating violence trajectories in adolescence: How do they relate to sexual outcomes in canada? Archives of Sexual Behavior. Repéré à
- Gagné, A. S., Blackburn, M. È., & Dion, J. (2023). Negative comments about adolescents’ body weight: What are they and what is their connection with body image? Revue Europeenne de Psychologie Appliquee, 73(5). Repéré à
- Lavallière, M., & Savoie, C. (2023). Fausse route ! Avons-nous pris la mauvaise direction dans l’évaluation de nos conducteurs vieillissants au Québec ? Canadian journal on aging = La revue canadienne du vieillissement, 1-2. Repéré à
- Peyrel, P., Mauriège, P., Frenette, J., Laflamme, N., Greffard, K., Dufresne, S. S., . . . Joanisse, D. R. (2023). Impact of statin withdrawal on perceived and objective muscle function. PLoS ONE, 18(6). Repéré à
- Sturm, G., & Zoldan, Y. (2023). Reconfiguring Health: The Importance of Recognizing Embodied Subjectivity and Social Dynamics in Health. The American journal of bioethics : AJOB, 23(7), 112-114. doi:10.1080/15265161.2023.2218063
- Yapi, S. M., Poitras, M.-E., Donnelly, C., Ashcroft, R., Greiver, M., Couturier, Y., . . . Sourial, N. (2023). Identify and classify interprofessional primary care performance indicators: a scoping review protocol. BMJ open, 13(5). Repéré à