Peter Schmidmayer, M.Sc.

Peter Schmidmayer, M.Sc.profil-peter
Marine Ecology
310, Allée des Ursulines, Bureau O-268
Rimouski (Québec)  G5L 2Z9
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Research (French)

Saint-Lawrence Maritime Estuary is composed of different types of marine coast, principal one are rocky and sedimentary shores. In the intertidal areas, we can find different types of habitat forming species, in this study the one we are looking at are macroalgae (Fucus sp.), mussels and zostera. These species will allow to benthic communities of individuals, without which they could not, install themselves in the area. Furthermore, these ecosystems are vulnerable to the effects of environmental stress which are mainly desiccation, free air exposure and waves whipping. Our project focuses on the characterization of the structure and on the functioning of communities present on the different habitats in relation with the effects of environmental stress using a comparable methodology.


P. Schmidmayer, M. Cusson, P. Archambault and C. McKindsey ” Structure et fonctionnement des communautés benthiques intertidales dans l’Estuaire du Saint-Laurent”, poster presentation in french at the 2016 Québec Ocean Annual General Meeting and at the 2016 Quebec Center for Biodiversity Science.

Université du Québec à Chicoutimi