Archives par mot-clé : veille informationnelle

Veille scientifique sur la collaboration recherche-pratique (septembre 2023)

En collaboration avec le Consortium régional de recherche en éducation, l’équipe poursuit la publication d’une veille informationnelle sur la collaboration entre la recherche et la pratique en éducation. La responsabilité de cette veille est assurée par Émilie St-Pierre, agente de liaison.

Aas, M., & Vennebo, K. F. (2023). Building leadership capacity in school leadership groups: an action research project.   Educational Action Research31(2), 348–365.
Avdukic, A., Khaleel, F., Abdullah, A., & Brawe, A. H. (2023). Religion as a barrier to the use of student loans for higher education: A community‐based participatory study with Somalis living in England.   British Educational Research Journal,   49(2), 370–404.
Baxter, G., & Toe, D. (2023). “Parents don’t need to come to school to be engaged:” teachers use of social media for family engagement.   Educational Action Research,   31(2), 306–328.
Brandau, N., & Alirezabeigi, S. (2023). Critical and participatory design in-between the tensions of daily schooling: working towards sustainable and reflective digital school development. Learning, Media & Technology,   48(2), 337–349.
Brann, K. L., Naser, S. C., & Clough, M. (2023). Organizational Consultation to Promote Equitable School Behavioral Data Practices Using the Participatory Culture-Specific Intervention Model.   Journal of Educational & Psychological Consultation,  33(3), 231–253.
Chikkatur, A., & Vall, S. (2023). Rethinking “Damage-Centered” Research and Individual Solutions: Cultural Humility as a Framework to Increase Student Diversity in Undergraduate STEM Departments.   International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning,   17(1), 1–11.
Davis, A., Tuckey, M., Gwilt, I., & Wallace, N. (2023). Understanding Co‐Design Practice as a Process of “Welldoing.”   International Journal of Art & Design Education,   42(2), 278–293.
de Castro, M. G., Palazuelos, A., Corona, A., Sánchez, Á., Alises, G., Sancho, M., Cauja, P., & Sanz, V. (2023). “Please send me the link for tomorrow, María” human‐rights based participatory research with people with learning disabilities via Zoom.   British Journal of Learning Disabilities51(2), 260–268.
de Jager, S. (2023). Exploring Student Teachers’ Experiences of Vulnerability in Higher Education Spaces.   South African Journal of Higher Education,   37(2), 60–76.
Domínguez, A. D. (2023). ¡Venceremos!: Challenging School Barriers with Latinx Youth Participatory Action Research.   Journal of Latinos & Education,   22(3), 1208–1222.
Fleming, H., Paton, A., & Rowley, J. (2023). Exploring young people’s experiences of the Tree Of Life narrative intervention through participatory research.   Educational Psychology in Practice39(2), 135–153.
Franquesa, S. M., Jorge Sales, L., & Silva, S. R. E. (2023). Participatory action research for primate conservation: A critical analysis of a nonformal education program in Southern Mexico. American Journal of Primatology,   85(5), 1–13.
Gripton, C. (2023). Developing mathematical patterning in ECE classrooms: participatory research with teachers of 3–5-year-olds.   European Early Childhood Education Research Journal,   31(3), 326–342.
Kieferle, S., & Markic, S. (2023). Development and Implementation of Innovative Concepts for Language-Sensitive Student Laboratories.   Chemistry Education Research and Practice,   24(2), 740–753.
López-Quiñones, A., Martinez-Lopez, M., Moreno Sandoval, C. D., Carroll-Miranda, J., Lindala, A. E., Chatman, M. C., Fleming, J., Shockley, E. T., Cadeau, D., & Flores-Reyes, E. (2023). Ancestral Computing for Sustainability: Centering Indigenous Epistemologies in Researching Computer Science Education.   TechTrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning67(3), 435–445.
MacMath, S., Salingré, B., & Sivia, A. (2023). Moving from EDID Words to Policy Action: A Case Study of a Teacher Education Program’s Admissions Policy Reform.   Canadian Journal of Education,   46(2), 359–385.
Malone, M. (2023). Re-Imagining the Research Article: Social-Semiotic Signposts and the Potential for Radical Co-presence in the Scholarly Literature.   International Journal of Social Inquiry,   16(1), 1–16.
Molekoa, M. T., Ubisi, L., Sefotho, M., & Ferreira, R. (2023). Full-Service Schoolteachers’ Views of Career Construction for Learners with Visual Impairment.   International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance,   23(2), 421–440.
*Moreau, A. & Tremblay, K. (2023). Grille d’observation des premières compétences en littératie d’élèves en situation de handicap : recherche-développement et première étape de validation. Revue hybride de l’éducation, 7(1), 31–62.
Osibodu, O., Byun, S., Hand, V., & LópezLeiva, C. (2023). A Participatory Turn in Mathematics Education Research: Possibilities and Tensions.   Journal for Research in Mathematics Education,   54(3), 225–232.
Palmer, K., Yu, G. S., & Aprill, A. (2023). Co-Constructing Sustainable Collaborations in Early Childhood Settings Through the Arts.   International Journal of Education & the Arts,   24(6), 1–23.
Parent, S., Clermont, C., Radziszewski, S., Vertommen, T., & Dion, J. (2023). Child Maltreatment and Links with Experiences of Interpersonal Violence in Sport in a Sample of Canadian Adolescents.   Social Sciences (2076-0760),   12(6), 336.
Phan, M. L., & Renshaw, T. L. (2023). Guidelines for Implementing and Adapting Evidence-Based Interventions With Marginalized Youth in Schools.   American Journal of Orthopsychiatry93(3), 256–268.
Salazar, C., Barahona, C., Romero Viruel, A., Velasco Zuñiga, J. D., Palma, B., Meza, K. J., & Moreno, R. (2023). Research Collectives With, For, and By Undocumented Scholars: Creating Counterspaces for Revelation, Validation, Resistance, Empowerment, and Liberation in Higher Education.   Journal of Hispanic Higher Education,   22(2), 161–174.
Szoko, N., Dwarakanath, N., Miller, E., Chugani, C. D., & Culyba, A. J. (2023). Psychological empowerment and future orientation among adolescents in a youth participatory action research program.   Journal of Community Psychology,   51(5), 1851–1859.
*Tremblay, K., Philion, R., Moreau, A., Ruel, J., Morales, E., Feliziani, M. & Garneau-Gaudreault, L.-A. (2023). Bilan des contributions et retombées perçues de l’implantation d’une communauté de pratique auprès d’une équipe-école. Revue hybride de l’éducation, 7(1), 184–217.
Tsevreni, I., Tigka, A., & Christidou, V. (2023). Exploring children’s participation in the framework of early childhood environmental education.   Children’s Geographies,   21(3), 394–409.
Ukowitz, M. (2023). Who defines innovation in education? Participatory action research and organisational learning.   Educational Action Research,   31(2), 366–383.
Upreti, Y. R., Devkota, B., Bastien, S., & Luitel, B. C. (2023). Developing a school-based nutrition education programme to transform the nutritional behaviours of basic-level schoolchildren: a case from participatory action research in Nepal.   Educational Action Research, 1–20.

Veille scientifique sur la « collaboration recherche-pratique » (été 2022)

En collaboration avec le Consortium régional de recherche en éducation, l’équipe poursuit la publication d’une veille informationnelle sur la collaboration entre la recherche et la pratique en éducation. La responsabilité de cette veille est assurée par Émilie St-Pierre, agente de liaison.

Abidli, Y., Dubois, V. & Mahieu, C. (2022). Enjeux et épreuves d’une recherche collaborative à visée transformatrice et émancipatrice : l’exemple d’une thèse « embarquée » en santé mentale. Recherches qualitatives, 41(1), 221–243.

Allard, C., Horoks, J. & Pilet, J. (2022). Principes de travail collaboratif entre chercheur·e·s et enseignant·e·s : le cas du LéA RMG. Éducation & didactique, 16, 49-66.

Asloum, N., Veyrac, H., Murillo, A. & Blanc, J. (2022). La conception de vidéoformation pour les proviseurs adjoints dans une approche collaborative inscrite dans un LéA. Éducation & didactique, 16, 103-117.

Barry, S., Boivin, M., St-Pierre, C. & Houle-Minier, E. (2022). Je me prépare aux examens du Ministère en mathématiques : es-tu prêt à passer le test. JFD éditions.

Bélanger, L., Bourque, D. & Lemelin, L. (2022). Une recherche-action pour développer le pouvoir d’agir de communautés au regard du soutien à domicile : quels sont les obstacles et les implications ? Recherches qualitatives, 41(1), 35–58.

Bélanger Sabourin, C. & Morrissette, J. (2022). Réduire les rapports inégalitaires en recherche collaborative par une démarche conscientisante : illustration d’une disposition méthodologique. Recherches qualitatives, 41(1), 156–177.

Blanchouin, A., Grapin, N., Mounier, É. & Sayac, N. (2022). Les pratiques d’évaluation en mathématiques à l’école primaire : deux dispositifs de recherche formation. Éducation & didactique, 16, 67-86.

Bouchetal, T., Crocé-Spinelli, H., Guignard, M. & Gather Thurler, M. (2022). Vers des processus coopératifs émancipatoires au sein des établissements scolaires. Analyse d’une recherche-action centrée sur le développement de compétences d’autoévaluation. Recherches qualitatives, 41(1), 335–357.

Comité de rédaction d’Éducation & Didactique, (2022). Un laboratoire pour les recherches collaboratives en éducation : le réseau des LéA (Lieux d’éducation Associés à l’IFÉ) revient sur une décennie d’expérimentations. Éducation & didactique, 16, 31-31.

Cruz-López, L., Digón-Regueiro, P., & Méndez-García, R. M. (2022). Social cartography as a participatory process for mapping experiences of Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship: an account of the design. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 45(2), 212–224.

Dumais, C. & Soucy, E. (2022). Le développement du langage oral à l’éducation préscolaire 4 ans et 5 ans par l’entremise des actes de parole : résultats d’une recherche collaborative. Éducation et francophonie, 50(1).

Fauré, L., Gardiès, C. & Marcel, J. (2022). Chapitre XX. Innovation, recherche et participation. Assumer la tradition et affirmer l’identité de l’enseignement agricole. Dans : Philippe Maubant éd., L’invention des idées: Le défi réussi de l’enseignement agricole français (pp. 333-354). Nîmes: Champ social.

Gaulin, D., Gagnon-Dion, M.-H., Plourde-Léveillé, L. & Fraser, S. (2022). La recherche-action participative comme soutien à l’autodétermination au Nunavik : regards sur les processus, implications et défis. Intervention, (155), 97–111.

Gilbert, W. (2022). Traversing rough terrain: methodological challenges of participatory action research among teacher activists. Educational Action Research, 30(2), 209–222.

Godfrey-Faussett, T. (2022). Participatory Research and the Ethics of Anonymisation. Education Sciences, 12(4), 260.

Hajar, A., Sagintayeva, A., & Izekenova, Z. (2022). Child participatory research methods: exploring grade 6 pupils’ experiences of private tutoring in Kazakhstan. Cambridge Journal of Education, 52(3), 369–389.

Koukounaras Liagkis, M. (2022). The Socio-Pedagogical Dynamics of Religious Knowledge in Religious Education: A Participatory Action-Research in Greek Secondary Schools on Understanding Diversity. Religions, 13(5), 395.

Mahadew, A., & Hlalele, D. (2022). Challenging Gender Certainties in Early Childhood Care and Education: A Participatory Action Learning and Action Research Study. Educational Research for Social Change, 11(1), 10–26.

Marciano, J. E., & Beymer, A. (2022). Collaborative data analysis: examining youths’ literacy practices in YPAR. English Teaching: Practice & Critique (Emerald Group Publishing Limited), 21(2), 209–224.

Meilleur, R. (2022). Partenariat, expertise du chercheur et visée émancipatoire : regard réflexif et analytique sur le récit d’une expérience de recherche collaborative. Recherches qualitatives, 41(1), 178–199.

Ozer, E. J., Sprague Martinez, L., Abraczinskas, M., Villa, B., & Prata, N. (2022). Toward Integration of Life Course Intervention and Youth Participatory Action Research. Pediatrics, 149, S1–S11.

Pulido, L., & Thériault, P. (2022). Manuscript and/or Cursive: The Contribution of Research Conducted Since 2012 on Handwriting Instruction. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention, 1-17.

Sosnowski, J., Dean, B., Mendoza, P., & Mayorga, O. (2022). Shifting Subjectivities and Shifting Teaching: Participatory Action Research in Prison. Annals of Anthropological Practice, 46(1), 52–63.

Sosnowski, J., Tokunaga, T., & Evans, S. A. (2022). Participatory Action Research in Education: Benefits and Tensions Across Contexts. Annals of Anthropological Practice, 46(1), 19–25.

Tang Yan, C., Johnson, K., Kwesele, C., Araujo Brinkerhoff, C., & Sprague Martinez, L. (2022). Critical Reflections From Doctoral Students Engaging in Local and Transnational Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Approaches to Health Promotion. Journal of Social Work Education, 58(2), 245–258.

Tokunaga, T., Machado Da Silva, I., & Fu, M. (2022). Participatory Action Research with Immigrant Youth in Tokyo: Possibilities and Challenges of Ibasho Creation Project. Annals of Anthropological Practice, 46(1), 40–51.

Vaughn, L. M., Jacquez, F., Deters, A., & Boards, A. (2022). Group-Level Assessment (GLA) as a Methodological Tool to Facilitate Science Education. Research in Science Education, 52(2), 539–551.

“We Need People to be Woken Up and See This!” Teens Learning Through Critical Analysis. (2022). Annals of Anthropological Practice, 46(1), 26–39.

Wright, P., Carvalho, T., & Fejzo, A. (2022). Visible mathematics pedagogy: A model for transforming classroom practice. Educational Action Research, 30(2), 168–191.

Veille scientifique sur la collaboration « recherche-pratique » (avril 2022)

En collaboration avec le Consortium régional de recherche en éducation, l’équipe poursuit la publication d’une veille informationnelle sur la collaboration entre la recherche et la pratique en éducation. La responsabilité de cette veille est assurée par Émilie St-Pierre, agente de liaison.

Articles scientifiques

Allaire, S. (2022). Coélaborer des connaissances au baccalauréat : analyse d’une pratique à partir d’un cadre de référence des compétences du 21e siècle. Revue hybride de l’éducation, 5(2), 170–189.

Audet, G., Borri-Anadon, C., Gosselin-Gagné, J. & Koubeissy, R. (2022). De « donner la parole » aux praticiens à « tenir parole » comme chercheures : enjeux et défis de l’utilisation de récits de pratique. Enjeux et société, 9(1), 11–32.

Bjørke, L., Standal, Ø. F., & Mordal Moen, K. (2022). ‘What we have done now is more student-centred’: an investigation of physical education teachers’ reflections over a one-year participatory action research project. Educational Action Research, 1–18.

Brown, N. (2022). Scope and continuum of participatory research. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 45(2), 200–211.

Bulterman-Bos, J. (2022). Barriers to creating a science of the art of teaching via Participative Action Research; learning from the tribulations of Lesson Study in different epistemic cultures. Educational Action Research, 30(1), 22–38.

Call-Cummings, M., Ní Sheanáin, Ú., & Buttimer, C. (2022). School-based YPAR: negotiating productive tensions of participation and possibility. Educational Action Research, 30(1), 76–91.

Collard-Fortin, U., Gagné, A., Coulombe, S., Cody, N., Rajotte, T. & Doucet, M. (2022). Plateforme numérique d’accompagnement professionnel en enseignement : défis liés à son élaboration, à sa mise en œuvre et aux stratégies collaboratives déployées. Revue hybride de l’éducation, 5(2), 106–126.

Cumbo, B., & Selwyn, N. (2022). Using participatory design approaches in educational research. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 45(1), 60–72.

Edirmanasinghe, N. A., Levy, I. P., Ieva, K., & Tarver, S. Z. (2022). Youth-led participatory action research in school counseling as a vehicle for antiracist SEL. Theory Into Practice, 61(2), 199–211.

Gokiert, R. J., Poth, C. N., Kingsley, B., El Hassar, B., & Mejia, T. (2022). Responding to the Evaluation Capacity Needs of the Early Childhood Field: Insights from a Mixed Methods Community-based Participatory Design. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, 36, 287–315.

Latulipe, N., Raby, C., O’Connell, L. & St-Onge, G. (2022). Développement de compétences dites du 21e siècle chez les enfants à l’éducation préscolaire grâce à la programmation et à la robotique : une recherche-action. Revue hybride de l’éducation, 5(2), 190–209.

Marciano, J. E., & Vellanki, V. (2022). Generating New Narratives: Examining Youths’ Multiliteracies Practices in Youth Participatory Action Research. Research in the Teaching of English, 56(3), 245–274.

Miedijensky, S., & Sasson, I. (2022). Participatory action research as a way to innovate mathematics and science teaching, teachers’ professional development perceptions and performances. Educational Action Research, 30(1), 39–60.

Morris, J. E., & Paris, L. F. (2022). Rethinking arts-based research methods in education: enhanced participant engagement processes to increase research credibility and knowledge translation. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 45(1), 99–112.

Vaughn, L. M., Jacquez, F., Deters, A., & Boards, A. (2022). Group-Level Assessment (GLA) as a Methodological Tool to Facilitate Science Education. Research in Science Education, 52(2), 539–551.

Wright, P., Fejzo, A., & Carvalho, T. (2022). Challenging inequity in mathematics education by making pedagogy more visible to learners. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science & Technology, 53(2), 444–466.

Thèse de doctorat

Tardif, S. (2021). La résilience scolaire de bacheliers vivant avec un trouble développemental du langage (Doctoral dissertation, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi).

Veille scientifique sur la collaboration « recherche-pratique » (janvier 2022)

En collaboration avec le Consortium régional de recherche en éducation, l’équipe poursuit la publication d’une veille informationnelle sur la collaboration entre la recherche et la pratique en éducation. La responsabilité de cette veille est assurée par Émilie St-Pierre, étudiante au doctorat et agente de liaison.

Asirifi, M. A., Ogilvie, L., Barton, S., Bilash, O., Stobart, K., Aniteye, P., … & Aziato, L. (2022). Reflections on change theory and community-based participatory action research: Congruent, similar or different?. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice12(3).

Berkley-Patton, J., Thompson, C. B., Ervie, K. G., Huffman, M., & Johnson, N. R. (2022). Using a Community-Based Collaborative Care Model as a Platform for Successful Interprofessional Education. In Research Anthology on Service Learning and Community Engagement Teaching Practices (pp. 354-373). IGI Global.

Blosser, A. H., & Blosser, J. (2021). “How Can I Uproot the System?”: Justice-Oriented Outcomes From Community-Based Research in Schools. Journal of Community Engagement & Scholarship14(1), 1–10.

Brown, B. (2021). Research-Practice Partnerships in Education: Benefits for Researchers and Practitioners. Alberta Journal of Educational Research67(4), 421–441.

Burbank, M. D., Goldsmith, M. M., Eldredge, K. P., & Spikner, J. (2021). Partnerships, Action, and Collaboration, Together (PACT): A Community-Based Partnership Where Innovation, Collaboration, and Impact Reshape Stakeholders’ Vision. Journal of Community Engagement & Scholarship14(1), 1–13.

Clausen, K. W. (2021). Collaborative Action Research: An Inevitable Outcome? Canadian Journal of Action Research22(1), 1–3.

Coffey, H., & Barnes, M. (2021). Chapter 8: Wobbling With Culturally Proactive Teaching: Facilitating Social Justice Through Youth Participatory Action Research With Middle School Students. Teachers College Record123(13), 1–22.

Dierckx, C., Hendricks, L., Coemans, S., & Hannes, K. (2021). The third sphere: Reconceptualising allyship in community-based participatory research praxis. Qualitative Research in Psychology18(4), 473–497.

Di Stefano, M., Almazán, V. A., Yepes, A. W., & Britton, E. R. (2021). “Tu lucha es mi lucha”: Teaching Spanish through an equity and social justice lens. Foreign Language Annals54(3), 753–775.

Doublet, M. H. (2022). CEP des actifs occupés: un dispositif de professionnalisation fondé sur des démarches de recherche-action collaboratives. TransFormations-Recherche en Education et Formation des Adultes, (23), 77-90.

Gittins, P. (2021). Developing context-specific peace education initiatives with local communities: lessons from Bolivia. Compare: A Journal of Comparative & International Education51(7), 1003–1021.

Gonell, E., Smith, L. C., Garnett, B., & Clements, E. (2021). Practicing youth participatory action research for school equity: A pedagogical model. Action Research19(4), 632–655.

Hellerich, K. D. (2021). (Re)Vitalizing Instruction via Participatory Action Research. English Journal111(2), 49–55.

Husted, M., & Tofteng, D. (2021). Why time is a core challenge for participatory action research. Educational Action Research29(4), 553–568.

Kaluzeviciute, G., Jessiman, T., Burn, A., Ford, T., Geijer, S. E., Kidger, J., Limmer, M., Ramsay, S. E., & Spencer, L. (2021). Participatory Action Research on School Culture and Student Mental Health: A Study Protocol. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 1–13.

Karasik, R. J., & Hafner, E. S. (2021). Community Partners’ Satisfaction with Community-Based Learning Collaborations. Journal of Community Engagement & Scholarship14(1), 1–16.

Kaye, C., Dorjotov, N., Batmunkh, L., & Badrakh, J. (2021). Strategies for democratic reform in education: developing an action research community in Mongolia. Educational Action Research29(4), 656–673.

Kitching, A. E., & Carstens, R. T. (2022). Community-Based Research to Enhance Holistic Well-being in School Contexts. In Community-based Research with Vulnerable Populations (pp. 105-119). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Lac, V. T., Antunes, A. C., Daniel, J., & Mackey, J. (2022). What is the Role of Adult Facilitators in Critical Participatory Action Research? Employing Affective Labor While Navigating the Politics and the Perils Alongside Minoritized Youth Researchers. Educational Policy36(1), 142–168.

Lane, A., Gavins, A., Watson, A., Domitrovich, C. E., Oruh, C. M., Morris, C., Boogaard, C., Sherwood, C., Sharp, D. N., Charlot-Swilley, D., Coates, E. E., Mathis, E., Avent, G., Robertson, H., Le, H.-N., Williams, J. C., Hawkins, J., Patterson, J., Ouyang, J. X., & Hartz, K. A. (2022). Advancing Antiracism in Community-Based Research Practices in Early Childhood and Family Mental Health. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry61(1), 15–22.

Lau, E., & Body, A. (2021). Community alliances and participatory action research as a mechanism for re-politicising social action for students in higher education. Educational Action Research29(5), 738–754.

Malka, M., & Moshe-Grodofsky, M. (2021). Social-work students’ perspectives on their learning process following the implementation of community based participatory research in a community practice course. Social Work Education, 1–20.

Msimanga, M., & Hlalele, D. (2021). Critical Emancipatory Research Paradigm: Undoing Hierarchies in the Research Process. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies16(2), 167–179.

Nadeem, M., & Blumenstein, M. (2021). Embedding online activities during lecture time: Roll call or enhancement of student participation? Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice18(8), 1–23

Oates, C., & Bignell, C. (2022). School and university in partnership: a shared enquiry into teachers’ collaborative practices. Professional Development in Education48(1), 105–119.

Robbins, R., Tibbits, M., Gilbert, M., Desmarais, M. M., Fisher, C., Bower, A., … & Kaminski, J. (2022). Promoting Spiritual Wellness on a College Campus through Community Based Participatory Research.

Sales, A., Moliner, O., & Traver, J. (2021). Participatory Action Research: a case study on the school democratisation process. Research Papers in Education36(6), 704–725.

“Slowly by Slowly”: Youth Participatory Action Research in Contexts of Displacement. (2021). Teachers College Record123(11), 1–29.

Storm, S., & Jones, K. (2021). Queering critical literacies: disidentifications and queer futurity in an afterschool storytelling and roleplaying game. English Teaching: Practice & Critique (Emerald Group Publishing Limited)20(4), 534–548.

Ta, G. C., Halim, S. A., Azman, N., Komoo, I., & Mokhtar, M. (2021). Evaluating research performance of research institutes within Malaysian universities: an alternative assessment framework. Tertiary Education & Management27(4), 331–349.

Webster-Deakin, T. (2021). Exploring the fluidity of relationships and methodology as an “insider” action researcher. Educational Action Research29(5), 722–737.

Wood, L. (2022). Community-Based Research with Marginalized Populations for Transformative Adult Education. In Community-based Research with Vulnerable Populations (pp. 245-265). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Wood, L., & Zuber-Skerritt, O. (2022). Community-based research in higher education: Research partnerships for the common good. In Community-based Research with Vulnerable Populations (pp. 3-30). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Veille scientifique sur la collaboration « recherche-pratique » (octobre 2021)

En collaboration avec le Consortium régional de recherche en éducation, l’équipe poursuit la publication d’une veille informationnelle sur la collaboration entre la recherche et la pratique en éducation. La responsabilité de cette veille est assurée par Émilie St-Pierre, étudiante au doctorat et agente de liaison.

Ardiç, M. A. (2021). Opinions and Attitudes of Secondary School Mathematics Teachers towards Technology. Participatory Educational Research, 8(3), 136–155.

Bayram, H. (2021). Views of Social Studies Teachers on Scientific Research Methodology. Participatory Educational Research, 8(4), 64–83.

Bjørke, L., Standal, Ø. F., & Mordal Moen, K. (2021). “While we may lead a horse to water we cannot make him drink”: three physical education teachers’ professional growth through and beyond a prolonged participatory action research project. Sport, Education & Society, 26(8), 889–902.

Cruz-López, L., Digón-Regueiro, P., & Méndez-García, R. M. (2021). Social cartography as a participatory process for mapping experiences of Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship: an account of the design. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 1–13. https://doi-

Dollinger, M., D’Angelo, B., Naylor, R., Harvey, A., & Mahat, M. (2021). Participatory design for community-based research: a study on regional student higher education pathways. The Australian Educational Researcher, 48(4), 739-755.

Fine, M., Finesurrey, S., Rodriguez, A., Almonte, J., Contreras, A., Lam, A., Cruz, A., Ramírez, A. P., Mendoza, B., Savinon, S., Campbell, N., Hiraldo, J., Santos, L., Bruno, S., Victoria, A., Columna, N., Pabon, N., Laporte, M., Paulino, S., & Boissier, N. (2021). « People Are Demanding Justice » : Pandemics, Protests, and Remote Learning Through the Eyes of Immigrant Youth of Color. Journal of Adolescent Research, 36(5), 437–466. https://doi-

Frye, J. J. (2021). Capacitating civic engagement with deliberative democracy initiatives. Communication Education, 70(4), 437–440.

Kayaalp, F., Meral, E., & Namlı, Z. B. (2022). An Analysis of the Effect of Writing-to-Learn Activities Regarding Students’Academic Achievement and Self-Regulation Skills in Writing. Participatory Educational Research, 9(1), 324–348.

Keller, J. G., Miller, C., LasDulce, C., & Wohrle, R. G. (2021). Using a Community-Based Participatory Research Model toEncourage Parental Involvement in Their Children’s Schools. Children & Schools, 43(3), 149–158. https://doi-

McFeetors, P. J., Marynowski, R., & Candler, A. (2021). Generative Unit Assessment: Authenticity in Mathematics Classroom Assessment Practices. Education Sciences, 11(7), 366. https://doi-

Moldoveanu, M., Dubé, F., Giguère, M.-H. & Grenier, N. (2021). Les retombées de la participation d’enseignantes du primaire à un projet de recherche-action au sujet de la mise en œuvre de pratiques différenciées d’enseignement de l’écriture sur leur développement professionnel. Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l’éducation, 44(2), 405–433.

Moliner, O., Lozano, J., Aguado, T., & Amiama, J. (2021). Building inclusive and democratic schools in Spain: strategies for mobilising knowledge on inclusive education through participatory action research. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 1–18.

Montiel, I., Mayoral, A. M., Navarro-Pedreño, J., & Maiques, S. (2021). Transforming Learning Spaces on a Budget: Action Research and Service-Learning for Co-Creating Sustainable Spaces. Education Sciences, 11(8), 418. https://doi-

Munoz, G., Inowlocki, P., Rousseau, M. & Bouquerel, M. (2021). Une approche collaborative pour accompagner des enseignants du réseau Polytech dans la reconception de leur cours en vue de son hybridation. Revue internationale des technologies en pédagogie universitaire / International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 18(1), 62–74.

Ngwenya, N., Makoelle, T. M., & van der Merwe, M. (2021). Participatory Action Research as Change Strategy: A Case of Developing Inclusive Teaching and Learning Practices in an Adult Education Centre in Gauteng East District of South Africa. Interchange (0826-4805), 52(3), 393–414.

Öncü, S., & Bichelmeyer, B. A. (2021). Instructional Practices Affecting Learner Engagement in Blended Learning Environments. Participatory Educational Research, 8(3), 210–226.

Salazar, C. (2021). We are friends ? Navigating relationships with undocumented college students as co-researchers in participatory action research. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (QSE), 34(8), 715–732.

Vesely, C. K. et al. « A place where my children could learn to read, write, and play » : The search for early care and education among undocumented Central American immigrant mothers. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, [s. l.], v. 56, p. 306–319, 2021. DOI 10.1016/j.ecresq.2021.03.016. Disponível em: https://search-ebscohost- . Acesso em: 4 out. 2021.

Wilhelm, A. K., Schwedhelm, M., Bigelow, M., Bates, N., Hang, M., Ortega, L., Pergament, S., & Allen, M. L. (2021). Evaluation of a school-based participatory intervention to improve school environments using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. BMC Public Health, 21(1), 1–14. https://doi-

Wos, K., Kamecka-Antczak, C., & Szafrański, M. (2021). In search of solutions regarding the sex education of people withintellectual disabilities in Poland – participatory action research. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 36(4), 517–530.

Yurtyapan, E., & Kandemir, N. (2021). The Effectiveness of Teaching with Worksheets Enriched with Concept Cartoons in Science Teaching Laboratory Applications. Participatory Educational Research, 8(3), 62–87.

Veille scientifique sur la collaboration « recherche-pratique » (juillet 2021)

En collaboration avec le Consortium régional de recherche en éducation, l’équipe poursuit la publication d’une veille informationnelle sur la collaboration entre la recherche et la pratique en éducation.

La responsabilité de cette veille est assurée par Émilie St-Pierre, étudiante au doctorat et agente de liaison.

Articles scientifiques

Abu, N. K. (2021). The Reflections of Differentiated Science Education For Gifted Students on Prospective Classroom Teachers. Participatory Educational Research, 8(2), 280–305.

Altay, M., & Yüksel, D. (2021). Job Prospects of Different EMI Engineering Programmes’ Graduates. ParticipatoryEducational Research, 8(2), 460–475.

Altavilla, J. (2021). The right time for research-practice partnerships. Phi Delta Kappan, 102(8), 69.

Atabey, D. (2021). The Predictive Role of Professional Concern and Quality of University Life on Attitudes toward Teaching Profession. Participatory Educational Research, 8(2), 373–390.

Aurousseau, E., Couture, C., Pulido, L., Jacob, É., Lavoie, C., Duquette, C., Bizot, D., Pacmogda, P. & Blouin, L. (2021). Unmodèle inspirant pour soutenir la réussite d’élèves autochtones en milieu urbain : le projet Petapan. Éducation et francophonie, 49(1), 71–94.

Avci, B. (2021). Research methodology in critical mathematics education. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 44(2), 135–150.

Ay Emanet, E., & Kezer, F. (2021). The Effects of Student-Centered Teaching Methods Used in Mathematics Courses on Mathematics Achievement, Attitude, and Anxiety: A Meta-Analysis Study. Participatory Educational Research, 8(2), 240– 259.

Bovet, É., Thomas, M., Güsewell, A., Bangerter, G., Stantzos, A. & Bornand, C. (2021). Dans les coulisses d’une recherche- action : genèse et enjeux d’une recherche sur les apports de l’écoute musicale en psychiatrie. Recherches qualitatives, 40(1), 82–104.

Brière, F. & Espinassy, L. (2021). De l’analyse de l’activité aux analyses didactiques : une recherche participative : mise enœuvre de l’évaluation par compétences en cycle3 en réseau d’éducation prioritaire. Phronesis, 10(1), 18–36.

Burn, K., Conway, R., Edwards, A., & Harries, E. (2021). The role of school‐based research champions in a school– university partnership. British Educational Research Journal, 47(3), 616–633. https://doi-

Çiftçi, H. D., Ceylan, R., & Çolak, F. G. (2021). The Relationship between Preschool Children’s Social Competence Skills and Their Ability to Communicate with Their Mothers. Participatory Educational Research, 8(2), 435–459.

Dalkiç, A., & Kaya, Z. (2021). Predictive Effect of Adolescents’ Body Cathexis on General Self-Efficacy and the Use of Instagram. Participatory Educational Research, 8(2), 476–492.

Davis, C., & Parmenter, L. (2021). Student-staff partnerships at work: epistemic confidence, research-engaged teaching and vocational learning in the transition to higher education. Educational Action Research, 29(2), 292–309. https://doi-

Deliveli, K. (2021). Application of Sentence-Based Sound Teaching Method for First Reading and Writing in Education. Participatory Educational Research, 8(2), 330–356.

Emanet, E. A., & Kezer, F. (2021). The effects of student-centered teaching methods used in mathematics courses on mathematics achievement, attitude, and anxiety: a meta-analysis study. Participatory Educational Research, 8(2), 240– 259.

Erdoğmuş, C., Çoban, E., Korkmaz, Ö., & Özden, M. Y. (2021). Technological Formation Scale for Teachers (TFS):Development and Validation. Participatory Educational Research, 8(2), 260–279. https://doi-

Eriksen, H., Rautio, A., Johnson, R., Koepke, C., & Rink, E. (2021). Ethical considerations for community-based participatory research with Sami communities in North Finland. AMBIO – A Journal of the Human Environment, 50(6), 1222–1236.

Eltem, Ö., & Berber, A. (2021). The Use of Educational Games within the Structure and Properties of Matter Unit in Science Class. Participatory Educational Research, 8(2), 200–219.

Gagné, A., Cody, N., Coulombe, S., Doucet, M. & Nadeau-Tremblay, S. (2021). Favoriser les liens cours-stages : défis etsavoirs émergeant de discussions entre stagiaires et acteurs des milieux scolaire et universitaire dans le cadre d’un dispositif de coformation intermodulaire en enseignement. Revue hybride de l’éducation, 4(5), 165–186. https://doi-

Hamilton, M., O, D. A., Leavy, A., Hourigan, M., Carroll, C., & Corry, E. (2021). A case study exploring primary teachers’experiences of a STEM education school-university partnership. Teachers & Teaching, 1–15. https://doi-

Hanin, V., Lajoie, C., Bednarz, N., Saboya, M. & Bacon, L. (2021). Vers une meilleure compréhension du métier de conseiller pédagogique en mathématiques au primaire : une approche par le genre et les styles. Phronesis, 10(1), 52–71.

Hendrix-Soto, A. (2021). Reading School: Critical Literacies of the Youth Equity Agents. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 64(6), 633–643.

Johnson, M. T., Gallagher, V., & Appleton, R. (2021). Teaching Participatory Action Research: Fostering Impact. Journal of Political Science Education, 17(2), 191–212.

Kabak, K. (2021). The Effect of Students’ Developing Their Own Digital Games on Their Academic Achievement andAttitudes towards for English Lessons. Participatory Educational Research, 8(2), 74–93.

Kang, Y.-S., Chen, L.-Y., Miaou, S.-G., & Chang, Y.-J. (2021). A Community-Based Participatory Approach to Developing Game Technology to Provide Greater Accessibility for Children with Intellectual Disabilities. Systemic Practice & Action Research, 34(2), 127–139.

Karabıyık, C., Baturay, M. H., & Özdemir, M. (2021). Intention as a Mediator between Attitudes, Subjective Norms, andCyberloafing among Preservice Teachers of English. Participatory Educational Research, 8(2), 57–73. https://doi-

Karakış, Ö. (2021). Relationship Between Professional Engagement, Career Development Aspirations and Motivation Towards The Teaching Profession of Prospective Teachers. Participatory Educational Research, 8(2), 308–329.

Keddie, A. (2021). The difficulties of “action” in Youth Participatory Action Research: schoolifying YPAR in two elite settings. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 42(3), 381–393. https://doi-

Kiliç, M. E., Kiliç, M. Y., & Akan, D. (2021). Motivation in the Classroom. Participatory Educational Research, 8(2), 31–56.

Külekçi Akyavuz, E., & Asici, E. (2021). The Effect of Volunteer Management Mentoring Program on Mentors’Entrepreneurship Tendency and Leadership Self-Efficacy. Participatory Educational Research, 8(2), 1–16.

Lithoxoidou, A., Seira, E., Vrantsi, A., & Dimitriadou, C. (2021). Promoting Resiliency, Peer Mediation and Citizenship in Schools: The Outcomes of a Three-Fold Research Intervention. Participatory Educational Research, 8(2), 109–128.

Massó-Guijarro, B. (2021). Social Education through Cinema: Conversations about a Pedagogical Experience with Pre- service Educators. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies, 16(1), 121–134. https://doi-

Ozben, A., & Kilicoglu, E. (2021). The Development Process of Classroom Teacher Candidates for Teaching Mathematics: Self-Efficacy, Anxiety and Professional Belief. Participatory Educational Research, 8(2), 129–146. https://doi-

Öademir, A. Ş., Karaşan, S., & Şahal, M. (2021). An examination of the relationship between secondary school students’abstract thinking skills, self-efficacy perceptions and attitudes towards mathematics. Participatory Educational Research, 8(2), 391–406.

Ozer, O., & Akçayoğlu, D. İ. (2021). Examining the Roles of Self-Efficacy Beliefs, Self-Regulated Learning and Foreign Language Anxiety in the Academic Achievement of Tertiary EFL Learners. Participatory Educational Research, 8(2), 357–372.

Poveda, D., Morgade, M., Cruz, I., Piñeiro, N., & Gallego, R. (2021). Ethnographic “Experimental Collaborations” asPractitioner Methodology. Qualitative Report, 26(5), 1476–1496. 3715/2021.4452

Pürbudak, A., & Usta, E. (2021). Collaborative Group Activities in the Context of Learning Styles on Web 2.0 Environments: An Experimental Study. Participatory Educational Research, 8(2), 407–420.

Reville, P., & Sacks, L. (2021). Collaborative Action for Equity and Opportunity: A Practical Guide for School and Community Leaders. Harvard Education Press.

Rix, J., Garcia-Carrizosa, H., Hayhoe, S., Seale, J., & Sheehy, K. (2021). Emergent analysis and dissemination within participatory research. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 44(3), 287–302. https://doi-

Roy, A., Portelance, L., Dufresne, M. & Simard, A. (2021). L’apport d’une communauté de pratique au développementprofessionnel de superviseurs de stage en enseignement. Phronesis, 10(1), 93–108. https://doi-

Sütçü, N. D. (2021). A Study on the Comparison of Geometrical-Mechanical Intelligence Games Activities That Are Conducted with Concrete Materials and in Computer Environment. Participatory Educational Research, 8(2), 220–239.

Teixeira, S., Augsberger, A., Richards, S. K., & Sprague Martinez, L. (2021). Participatory Research Approaches with Youth: Ethics, Engagement, and Meaningful Action. American Journal of Community Psychology, 1. https://doi-

Tekalmaz, G., & Kezer, F. (2021). Development of a Web-Based Environment for Test and Item Statistics. Participatory Educational Research, 8(2), 147–162.

Tóth, Z., & Bedzsula, B. (2021). Treating Students as Partners – Is It so Simple? An Empirical Investigation of Student Partnership in a Business Education Context. Vezetéstudomány / Budapest Management Review, 52(5), 38–51.

Uğur-Erdoğmuş, F. (2021). How Do Elementary Childhood Education Teachers Perceive Robotic Education in Kindergarten? A Qualitative Study. Participatory Educational Research, 8(2), 421–434. https://doi-

Wessely, S., Starke, D., Weyers, S., & Joisten, C. (2021). Closing the gap between practice and science in school- and community-based participatory physical literacy promotion: study protocol of the StuPs project. BMC Public Health, 21(1), 1–6.

Widodo, S. A., Prihatiningsih, A., & Taufiq, I. (2021). Single Subject Research: Use of Interactive Video in Children with Developmental Disabilities with Dyscalculia to Introduce Natural Numbers. Participatory Educational Research, 8(2), 94– 108.

Witkowski, K., Matiz Reyes, A., & Padilla, M. (2021). Teaching diversity in public participation through participatory research: A case study of the PhotoVoice methodology. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 27(2), 218–237. https://doi-

Wright, P. (2021). Transforming mathematics classroom practice through participatory action research. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 24(2), 155–177.

Yilmaz, A. (2021). The Effect of Technology Integration in Education on Prospective Teachers’ Critical and Creative Thinking, Multidimensional 21st Century Skills and Academic Achievements. Participatory Educational Research, 8(2), 163–199.

Veille scientifique sur la collaboration « recherche-pratique » (avril 2021)

En collaboration avec le Consortium régional de recherche en éducation, l’équipe poursuit la publication d’une veille informationnelle sur la collaboration entre la recherche et la pratique en éducation. La responsabilité de cette veille est assurée par Émilie St-Pierre, étudiante au doctorat et agente de liaison.

Articles scientifiques

Aaslund, H., & Woll, K. M. (2021). Resident participation as learning and action – a participatory action learning project in social work education. Social Work Education, 40(1), 124–139. https://doi-

Alletru, A., & Salaün, M. (2021). Plus facile à dire qu’à faire? La prise en compte du contexte dans l’observation des pratiques enseignantes: l’exemple de l’enseignement des «Langues et culturepolynésiennes» à Tahiti. Revue Phronesis, 10(1), 1-17.

Avci, B. (2021). Research methodology in critical mathematics education. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 44(2), 135–150. https://doi-

Bergeron, L. (2021). Le temps scolaire et sa place dans la dynamique décisionnelle d’enseignantes pourprendre en compte la diversité des besoins des élèves. Éducation et socialisation. Les Cahiers du CERFEE, (59).

Ballonoff Suleiman, A., Ballard, P. J., Hoyt, L. T., & Ozer, E. J. (2021). Applying a Developmental Lens to Youth-Led Participatory Action Research: A Critical Examination and Integration of Existing Evidence. Youth & Society, 53(1), 26–53.

Boonk, L. M., Ritzen, H., Gijselaers, H. J. M., & Brand-Gruwel, S. (2021). Stimulating parental involvement in vocational education and training (VET): A case study based on learning histories of teachers, principals, students, and their parents. Teaching & Teacher Education, 100, N.PAG. https://doi-

Brière, F. (2021). De l’analyse de l’activité aux analyses didactiques: une recherche participative Mise enoeuvre de l’évaluation par compétences en cycle 3 en réseau d’éducation prioritaire. Revue Phronesis, 10(1), 18–36.

Brooks, K., Kandel-Cisco, B., & Bhathena, C. (2021). Transforming educator identities and roles in family engagement through critical participatory action research. Theory Into Practice, 60(1), 62–71.

Colognesi, S., Maes, O., & Van Nieuwenhoven, C. (2021). Une recherche collaborative visant à questionner un dispositif de coévaluation des stages en formation à l’enseignement. Mesure et évaluation en éducation, (43), XX.

Conlisk Gallegos, L. (2021). Somos la dignidad rebelde: On Mexican Indigenous praxis of resistancepedagogy, no longer misappropriated under US “innovative” methods. Journal of Latinos & Education, 20(1), 32–47.

Faulkner, S. L., Watson, W. K., Pollino, M. A., & Shetterly, J. R. (2021). “Treat me like a person, rather than another number”: university student perceptions of inclusive classroom practices. Communication Education, 70(1), 92–111.

Fauville, G., Queiroz, A. C. M., Hambrick, L., Brown, B. A., & Bailenson, J. N. (2021). Participatory research on using virtual reality to teach ocean acidification: a study in the marine education community. Environmental Education Research, 27(2), 254–278. https://doi-

Gilbert, C. (2021). Walking the popular education spiral – an account and analysis of participatory action research with teacher activists. Educational Action Research, 1–21. https://doi-

Greer, A. E., Martinez-Carrasco, A., Goldsman, D., & Knausenberger, A.-U. (2021). Walking Toward a Brighter Future: A Participatory Research Process to Advocate for Improved Walk-to-School Corridors.  Health Promotion Practice, 22(2), 248–256. https://doi-

Holt, Y., & Asagbra, E. (2021). Implementing Dialogic Reading Intervention Through Community-Based Participatory Research: A Tutorial. Language, Speech & Hearing Services in Schools, 52(1), 4–15.

Juan, M. (2021). Les recherches participatives à l’épreuve du politique. Sociologie du travail, 63(1).

Kang, Y.-S., Chen, L.-Y., Miaou, S.-G., & Chang, Y.-J. (2021). A Community-Based Participatory Approach to Developing Game Technology to Provide Greater Accessibility for Children with Intellectual Disabilities. Systemic Practice & Action Research, 34(2), 127–139. https://doi-

Lateh, A., Waedramae, M., Weahama, W., Suvanchatree, S., Yeesaman, N., Buathip, S., & Khuhamuc, S. (2021). Developing Action Research Model for Thai Tertiary Classrooms. International Journal of Instruction, 14(1), 567–586.

Lescouarch, L. (2021). Classes coopératives multi-âges: une approche alternative des différenciations pédagogiques. Éducation et socialisation. Les Cahiers du CERFEE, (59).

Monney, N., Duquette, C., Couture, C., & Boulay, H. (2021). Réfléchir autour des considérations didactiques de l’univers social pour favoriser des pratiques évaluatives plus inclusives : quoi, pourquoi et comment? Revista Educativa-Revista de Educação, 23(1), 8606.

Ordem, E. (2021). Participatory action research in a listening-speaking class in second language teaching: towards a critical syllabus. Educational Action Research, 1–17. https://doi-

Seale, J., Garcia Carrizosa, H., Rix, J., Sheehy, K., & Hayhoe, S. (2021). A participatory approach to the evaluation of participatory museum research projects. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 44(1), 20–40.

Wessely, S., Starke, D., Weyers, S., & Joisten, C. (2021). Closing the gap between practice and science in school- and community-based participatory physical literacy promotion: study protocol of the StuPs project. BMC Public Health, 21(1), 1–6. 10666-3

Willer, E. K., Krebs, E., Castaneda, N., & Samaras, A. (2021). Mad to the bone: learning outcomes of critical grief pedagogy. Communication Education, 70(1), 27–48. https://doi-

Wright, P. (2021). Transforming mathematics classroom practice through participatory action research. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 24(2), 155–177. https://doi-


Tracy, N. R., Sieber, T., Phillips, A., Leondar-Wright, B., Alatorre, L. M., Ali, B. M., … & Underriner, J. (2020). Collaborating for Change: A Participatory Action Research Casebook. Rutgers University Press.

Thèses de doctorat

Lhoste, E. (2021). Structurer les recherches participatives: éléments de diagnostic. [Thèse de doctorat, Université Gustave Eiffel]. Archives-ouvertes.

Veille scientifique sur la collaboration « recherche-pratique » (janvier 2021)

En collaboration avec le Consortium régional de recherche en éducation, l’équipe amorce ce mois-ci la publication d’une veille informationnelle sur la collaboration entre la recherche et la pratique en éducation. La responsabilité de cette veille est assurée par Émilie St-Pierre, étudiante au doctorat et agente de liaison.

Articles scientifiques

Avgitidou, S. (2020). Facilitating teachers as proposals. Educational Action Research28(2), 175-191.

Borrett, E. (2020). Using Visual and Participatory Research Methods to Describe Processes of Educational Resilience in Returners to Education (Doctoral dissertation, University of East London).

Brizee, A. (2020). What Happens When We Fail? Building Resilient Community-Based Research. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication50(4), 339-375.

David-Chavez, D. M., Valdez, S., Estevez, J. B., Meléndez Martínez, C., Garcia Jr, A. A., Josephs, K., & Troncoso, A. (2020). Community-based (rooted) research for regeneration: understanding benefits, barriers, and resources for Indigenous education and research. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples16(3), 220-232.

El Hilali, G. J., Nadeau, M., & Fisher, C. (2020). L’effet des dictées métacognitives-interactives sur la compétence à orthographier les homophones grammaticaux en rédaction. Repères. Recherches en didactique du français langue maternelle, (60), 45-63.

Giguère, M. H., Nadeau, M., Fisher, C., Arseneau, R., & Quevillon Lacasse, C. (2020). L’accompagnement professionnel pour développer des dispositifs didactiques innovants en syntaxe et en ponctuation: regards de conseillères pédagogiques. Recherches en didactique des langues et des cultures. Les cahiers de l’Acedle17(17-2).

Goff, W. (2020). Gatekeeper Engagement and the Importance of Phronesis-Praxis in School-Based Research. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies55(2), 321-335.

Hilli, C. (2020). Distance teaching in small rural primary schools: a participatory action research project.  Educational Action Research28(1), 38-52. 26695

Luguetti, C., & Oliver, K. L. (2020). ‘I became a teacher that respects the kids’ voices’: challenges and facilitators pre-service teachers faced in learning an activist approach. Sport, Education and Society. 25(4), 423-435.

Malebese, M. E. L., & Tlali, M. F. (2020). Teaching of English first additional language in rural learning environments: a case for problem-based learning. International Journal of Inclusive Education24(14), 1540-1551.

Martínez, J. P. C., Catasús, M. G., & Fontanillas, T. R. (2020). Impact of using learning analytics in asynchronous online discussions in higher education. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education17(1), 1-18.

O’Brien, N., & Dadswell, A. (2020). Reflections on a participatory research project exploring bullying and school self-exclusion: power dynamics, practicalities and partnership working. Pastoral Care in Education38(3), 208-229.

Paredes-Chi, A., & Viga-de Alva, M. D. (2020). Participatory action research (PAR) and environmental education (EE): A Mexican experience with teachers from a primary rural school. Environmental Education Research, 26(11), 1578-1593.

Penuel, W. R., Riedy, R., Barber, M. S., Peurach, D. J., LeBouef, W. A., & Clark, T. (2020). Principles of Collaborative Education Research With Stakeholders: Toward Requirements for a New Research and Development Infrastructure. Review of Educational Research90(5), 627-674.

Samimi, C., & Sliva, S. (2020). It’s Symbiotic: Exploring the Facilitators and Outcomes of a Successful Community-University Research Partnership. Journal of Social Service Research46(5), 613-622.

Stokes, T. (2020). Using participatory methods with young children; reflections on emergent ‘ethically important moments’ in school-based research. Irish Educational Studies, 39(3), 375-387.

Trott, C. D., Sample McMeeking, L. B., & Weinberg, A. E. (2020). Participatory action research experiences for undergraduates: forging critical connections through community engagement. Studies in Higher Education45(11), 2260-2273.

Zocher, J. L., & Hougham, R. J. (2020). Implementing Ecopedagogy as an Experiential Approach to Decolonizing Science Education. Journal of Experiential Education, 43(3), 232-247.

Numéros de revues

Kormaz, Ö. (2020, août). Participatory educational research (PER). 7(2).

Kormaz, Ö. (2020, décembre). Participatory educational research (PER). 7(3).

Revue hybride de l’éducation. (2020, novembre). La recherche participative au service de l’évaluation. 4(4).

Chapitre de livre

Nadeau, M., Arseneau, R., Fisher, C. & Quevillon Lacasse, C. (2020). Les dictées métacognitives interactives : un dispositif didactique prometteur pour le développement de la compétence orthographique en milieu minoritaire. In J. Thibeault et C. Fleuret (dir.), Didactique du français en contextes minoritaires, Les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa.