Veille scientifique sur la collaboration recherche-pratique (mai 2023)

En collaboration avec le Consortium régional de recherche en éducation, l’équipe poursuit la publication d’une veille informationnelle sur la collaboration entre la recherche et la pratique en éducation. La responsabilité de cette veille est assurée par Émilie St-Pierre, agente de liaison.

Albanesi, C., Prati, G., Guarino, A., & Cicognani, E. (2023). School Citizenship Education Through YPAR: What Works? A Mixed-Methods Study in Italy. Journal of Adolescent Research, 38(1), 143–177.

Albright, T. (2023). Youth participatory action research: schooling, learning, and entangled lines of flight. Educational Action Research, 1–17.

ALP, G., & BULUNUZ, N. (2023). Effect of Web-Based Collaborative Learning Method with Scratch on Critical Thinking Skills of 5th Grade Students. Participatory Educational Research, 10(2), 82–104.

Amezcua-Aguilar, T., & Espadas-Alcázar, M. Á. (2023). Epistemological Breaks for Social Work Training and Practice: Participatory Research Through Photovoice in Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods. Journal of Human Development & Capabilities, 24(1), 49–69.

Blain, S. (2023). Une recherche-développement dans le contexte pandémique : création de livres animés pour favoriser le développement de la compréhension en lecture chez les apprentis lecteurs francophones en milieu minoritaire. Language and Literacy / Langue et littératie, 25(1), 78–104.

Bergmark, U. (2023). Teachers’ professional learning when building a research-based education: context-specific, collaborative and teacher-driven professional development. Professional Development in Education, 49(2), 210–224.

Dahal, N. (2023). Is Doing Research for People or on People? A Book Review of Emancipatory and Participatory Research for Emerging Educational Researchers: Theory and Case Studies of Research in Disabled Communities. Qualitative Report, 28(1), 69–74.

Hewett, K. (2023). The Primary Literacy Research Collaborative Briefing: Experiences of Literacy in Lockdown — What can we learn? English 4–11, 77, 12–14.

Kozak, D. L., & Schnellert, L. M. (2023). Parents with Teachers Re-Authoring the Home-School Interface: A Critical Participatory Action Research Study. Canadian Journal of Action Research, 23(1), 68–92.

Levy, I. P., Edirmanasinghe, N., Ieva, K., & Hilliard, C. (2023). Youth Participatory Action Research as School Counseling Praxis: A Scoping Review. Professional School Counseling, 27(1a), 1–11.

Manouchehri, B., & Burns, E. A. (2023). A “Participatory School” in Iran: A Bottom-Up Learning Approach in a Top-Down Education System. Education and Urban Society, 55(3), 263–288.

Ordem, E. (2023). Participatory action research in a listening-speaking class in second language teaching: towards a critical syllabus. Educational Action Research, 31(1), 4–20.

Salazar, C., Barahona, C., Romero Viruel, A., Velasco Zuñiga, J. D., Palma, B., Meza, K. J., & Moreno, R. (2023). Research Collectives With, For, and By Undocumented Scholars: Creating Counterspaces for Revelation, Validation, Resistance, Empowerment, and Liberation in Higher Education. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 22(2), 161–174.

Shieh, E. (2023). How teachers see policy: school context, teacher inquiry, and policy visibility. Journal of Education Policy, 38(1), 166–188.

Smeplass, E., Cecilia Rapp, A., Sperling, K., & Akse, J. (2023). Potentials of Collaborative Educational Welfare Research – Theorizing Voice Plurality and Social Empowerment. Interchange (0826-4805), 54(1), 1–18.

Snyder, C., Oppenlander, J., Foley, N., & Goldberg, L. (2023). The Placement Dilemma: Leveraging Technology to Improve the Student Teacher Placement Process Through Participatory Action Research. Contemporary Issues in Technology & Teacher Education, 23(1), 11.

Tanhan, A., Boyle, C., Taş, B., Söğüt, Y., Cashwell, C. C., Genc, E., & Karatepe, H. T. (2023). Using online photovoice and community-based participatory research to understand facilitators and barriers to online distance education during COVID-19. Distance Education, 44(1), 40–65.

Toulia, A., Strogilos, V., & Avramidis, E. (2023). Peer tutoring as a means to inclusion: a collaborative action research project. Educational Action Research, 31(2), 213–229.

Ukowitz, M. (2023). Who defines innovation in education? Participatory action research and organisational learning. Educational Action Research, 31(2), 366–383.

Vanderlip Taylor, K. (2023). Developing a visual art community of practice: a participatory action research study of a museum-based partnership for art teachers in Los Angeles. Professional Development in Education, 49(1), 168–183. https://doi

van de Venter, R., Skelton, E., Matthew, J., Woznitza, N., Tarroni, G., Hirani, S. P., Kumar, A., Malik, R., & Malamateniou, C. (2023). Artificial intelligence education for radiographers, an evaluation of a UK postgraduate educational intervention using participatory action research: a pilot study. Insights into Imaging, 14(1), 1–13.

West, N. M. (2023). Defining the Contours of a Participatory Action Research Counterspace Developed by, for, and about Black Women in Higher Education. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (QSE), 1–24.

Wood, L., & Kahts-Kramer, S. (2023). “But How Will You Ensure the Objectivity of the Researcher?” Guidelines to Address Possible Misconceptions about the Ethical Imperatives of Community-Based Research. Research Ethics, 19(1), 1–17.